A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge (new fpga).
New features:
The ‘Ultimate Audio’ feature is a new feature for the 1541 Ultimate-II module. It implements multi- channel audio sample playback support from REU memory, and is an exciting addition to the possibilities this cartridge offers.
source: 1541ultimate.net
Turbo Chameleon 64 is an extremely user-friendly cartridge that can be used without opening the computer. It is just plugged to the expansion port of the C64.
The Turbo Chameleon 64 cartridge can also be operated as a stand-alone unit (since it’s basically an FPGA computer like the C-One or the Minimig in a C64 cartridge case), replacing the computer, the floppy drive and the heavy power supply.
When used as a stand-alone unit, a USB power adapter or active USB hub can be used as a power source.
- New VGA controller with new modes and VIC-II sync.
- Tripple buffering mode added for properly displaying IFLI pictures.
- Scale-2x video scaling algorithm added.
- Scanline emulation added.
- In cartridge mode real CIAs registers and interrupts are used (allows use of a modem).
- In cartridge mode real VIC-II registers and interrupts are used (allows use of a lightpen).
- Fixed I/O assignments for FPGA (lower power use).
- Lowlevel SD-card functions now use multiple block reads if possible, which increases linear reading speed by about 40 to 50% (most noticeable on large files, such as REU images)
- BUGFIX: fixed error handling and timeouts of the IEC routines, which makes all related operations more robust.
- BUGFIX: added missing timeouts to SD-card functions.
- Joystick port 1 now also works for navigating the menus.
- BUGFIX: on some C64s pressing shift would result in phantom keypresses (F1/F2) under some conditions.
- NEW: various new VGA modes and other options for the new VGA controller (see manual)
- Improved loading speed of file inside T64 images.
- Improved keyboard handling to make the browser a bit snappier.
- BUGFIX: the size of the character ROM saved by the ROM saver was incorrect.
- BUGFIX: .wav player stops at the end of the file and does not continue playing garbage.
- BUGFIX: files bigger than 2k are displayed correctly by the .txt viewer.
- BUGFIX: when copying files out of a t64 image the resulting file was missing the last two bytes and/or the last block was missing completely.
- BUGFIX: filecopy from/to a IEC device did incorrectly abort after 1 block.
- BUGFIX: filecopy filename character set conversion was broken.
- BUGFIX: AR/RR ROM was not correctly disabled when autostarting programs from the filebrowser with AR/RR enabled as default cartridge.
- NEW: added DOS wedge command (see manual)
- NEW: added load and save commands (see manual)
Download: Chameleon 64 beta firmware 8b (1678)
source: beta.icomp.de
Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices.
Firmware update (20120524):
- This version has only one improvement: fixed audio muting emulation.
Download: Nano/Micro SwinSID - Firmware update (20120524) (2153)
source: forum64.de

It was released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom) by Ikari. The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- Fix DMA initialization in the menu (could cause sprite corruption in some games)
Download: SD2Snes Firmware v0.1.4a (1189)
source: sd2snes.de
The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.
The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).
There are two differents emulators:
- A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
- A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.
Firmware SD HxCFloppyEmulator v1.7.1.2:
- Drive A <> Drive B constant polling issue corrected (Atari ST).
- Better SD Card error handling.
Firmware SD HxCFloppyEmulator v1.7.1.1:
- New embedded setting menu : To access this menu remove the SDCard and press the select button.
- By this menu you can:
- Change the floppy Interface mode.
- Change the bitrate.
- Change the track step mode.
- Enable/disable the drive B.
- Enable/disable the step sound.
- Set the user interface sound volume.
- Set the backlight timing.
- Set the standby timing.
- Check the software and bootloader version (integrity test included).
- Clear/reset the settings and reset the Emulator.
- Exit this menu…
- SD Card: Issue with some sd card corrected : Incompatibility with some SD chipset corrected.
- Write support: Timing for MFM / FM 250/300/500KBits/s write support readjusted. DataMark supported : 0xFB,0xF8 (deleted data mark), 0xFA,0xF9. HFE file format enhanced : Track 0 Side 0 & Track 0 Side 1 track write mode can be different from the others tracks.
- New track seek algorithm: Faster track seek/settle time -> Faster Loading time !
- Flip disk function: the disk image can now be flipped (reverse side 0side 1).
- Bad track number at power up corrected (E-mu Emulator I/II, SP1200, Linn/Forat 9000…)
- Experimental “Rev2″ HFE support : Correct some issue with some Amiga games/demos.
- Lots of internals code optimization…
source: hxc2001.free.fr

It was released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom) by Ikari. The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- SPC Player (contributed by necronomfive/blargg)
- System Information screen now shows CPU/PPU revision (contributed by necronomfive)
- Satellaview: basic data transmission packet support (makes some more games boot, thanks to LuigiBlood for assistance and sample data packets)
- Number of supported files increased to 50000 per card / 16380 per directory.
- Slight speedup of menu text rendering.
- Reduce load time of menu.
- Adjust Cx4 timing to be more faithful (Mega Man now defeats the boss in attract mode in Mega Man X2)
- adapt ROM mirroring size to file size if header information is invalid (fixes Super Noah’s Ark 3D, possibly others)
- MSU1 interface changes suggested by byuu:
- Data offset 0 and audio track 0 are automatically requested on reset. This causes the busy flags to become 0 shortly after reset/startup.
- $2000 bit 3 is now “audio error”, becomes valid after “audio busy” -> 0 set when an error occurred while preparing playback of the requested audio track write LED stays on when SRAM content changes constantly.
- Fixes:
- fix empty save files on FAT16 / incorrect free cluster count on FAT32.
- correct directory sorting (force parent directory at top of list)
- fix text corruption when entering a directory with a scrollable name.
- fix files/dirs count in system information.
- make ‘sd2snes’ directory hiding case-insensitive.
- improve DAC I²S timing.
- fix occasional palette corruption in menu.
- fix SD clock glitch on ROM loading (occasional glitches/crashes)
- fix memory write timing on ROM loading (occasional glitches/crashes)
- fix SPI timing (ROMs not loading; System Information not working)
- properly synchronize SNES control signals (occasional glitches/crashes)
- fix floating IRQ output (occasional glitches/slowdowns)
Download: SD2Snes Firmware v0.1.4 (1210)
source: sd2snes.de
Turbo Chameleon 64 is an extremely user-friendly cartridge that can be used without opening the computer. It is just plugged to the expansion port of the C64.
The Turbo Chameleon 64 cartridge can also be operated as a stand-alone unit (since it’s basically an FPGA computer like the C-One or the Minimig in a C64 cartridge case), replacing the computer, the floppy drive and the heavy power supply.
When used as a stand-alone unit, a USB power adapter or active USB hub can be used as a power source.
- fixed REU, transfer length register is 1 after a transfer completes.
- fixed REU 512K wrap around.
- fixed cache controller preventing corruption when accessing 0x1FFFF0000 – 0x1FFFFFFFF
- faster SDRAM controller. More memory bandwidth for turbo.
- added slowdown modes to the Turbo settings. Offering CPU speeds of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.
- added native updater program (see manual) to update the fpga core without an usb connection.
- make menu item active when pressing a hotkey, so it is selected when going back to the respective menu.
- correctly mute/unmute second sid in menu freezer.
- clockport- and rr-net- items in options menu are correctly disabled if either is not available.
- if found, load and run update.prg from sd card (chameleon updater)
- if “boot from sd card” is enabled, load boot.prg from sd card (regular c64 boot program)
- improved navigation in one panel mode, cursor right enters subdir/image and cursor left goes one level up.
- improved quickfind, just type a filename quickly to jump to it.
- mount menu is skipped if there would only be one active item.
- when returning to the menu from the sid player by pressing left/menu button it will go directly to the filebrowser.
- added gfx viewer for various multi-color and hires formats.(see manual)
- added wav player (see manual)
- added filecopy (F5 in two panel mode, see manual)
- set $030c-$030e to 0 before starting prgs, increases compatibility with certain packers.
- .sid files which actually contain a basic program can now be run correctly.
- re-read destination panel after copying image.
Download: Chameleon Beta-7b release (1762)
source: beta.icomp.de
It was released a new firmware for the EasyFlash Cartridge 3 by Skoe. The upgrade instructions can be found here.
Version 1.0.0 – 06.06.2012
- USB and I/O2 RAM are also active in KERNAL mode
- Allows USB-related features in a special KERNAL currently being developed.
- KERNAL implementation uses a cleaner timing now.
- CPLD Version register added ($de08). It will be displayed in the next menu version, not release yet.
- Improved C128 support.
- 2 MHz mode works in EasyFlash mode (needed for PoP)
- Added a way to leave to C64 mode or to C128 mode.
- Will need a menu update, not release yet.
- Still NO external KERNAL on C128! Many optimizations to get all this crap into the CPLD.
Some of the features will need a software update which is not release yet. Do not try to start an external KERNAL on the C128, it will crash.
Download: EasyFlash 3 CPLD Firmware v1.0.0 (1500)
source: forum64.de
The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.
The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).
There are two differents emulators:
- A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
- A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.
Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.11.16:
- Akai S950 DD & Akai S950 HD interface mode support added (need firmware v1.6.4.4 or more)
- … full release notes here
Download: HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.11.16 (1049)
source: hxc2001.free.fr
Shadowolf has published a web page where you can download the beta version of SD2IEC firmware.
SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.
The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).
source: SD2Iec Firmware (Latest nightly build)
SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.
The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).
2012-02-26 – release 0.10.3
- Bugfix: Un-break I2C display communication.
source: sd2iec.de gitweb forum thread c64-wiki
The SIO2SD is a device that allows you to load games/applications into any 8-bit Atari XL/XE computers via SIO interface from SD/MMC cards.
Changelog (3.1rc1 -> 3.1rc2):
- Fixed bug in file handle (mainly XEX files)
- Fixed warmstart issue in xex-loader
Download: SIO2SD v3.1RC2 (1169)
source: sio2sd-dev.gucio.pl
This is an AVR MMC/SD boot loader compatible with HolgerBootloader2. Based on a heavily modified version of ChaN’s FatFs library.
SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.
The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).
2012-01-22 – release 0.3
- Further size optimizations.
- Enable FAT12 on uIEC3.
source: sd2iec.de gitweb forum thread c64-wiki
A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge.
NOTE: Version 2.4a and 2.4c are the same, except for the update program itself.
Version 2.4c includes the fixes that TLR made to the firmware, and adds the following features:
- Extra checks added in the update program: Verify after flashing the pages and checking checksum of loaded files.
Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware v2.4c (1537)
source: 1541ultimate.net
The SIO2SD is a device that allows you to load games/applications into any 8-bit Atari XL/XE computers via SIO interface from SD/MMC cards.
Changelog (3.0rc5 -> 3.1rc1):
- Virtual disks simplification.
- Fixed turbo routines – emulation of Top-Drive (aka TOMS) and XF551.
- More compatible SIO routines (return to timings from version 2.x – slower, but more reliable)
- Ordinary files and empty disks are emulated as SD disks if possible (size < 90k)
Download: SIO2SD v3.1 RC1 (1001)
source: sio2sd-dev.gucio.pl
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