A new version of the firmware for the Atari UnoCart 2600 Cartridge by DirtyHairy is released.
- Fix Survival Island and probably other supercharger games.
source: github.com/DirtyHairy/UnoCart-2600

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Improve disk emulation to support saving high scores in Lode Runner. Thanks DWStaley.
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Drive emulation: Allow files on the SD card to be opened as SEQ. Thanks Chagizzz.
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Simple text file reader. Thanks Sebby75, and Magician
- It is now possible to open small text files from the launcher.
The following controls can be used in the reader:
or Joy: Page up/down
or Fire left: Go to first page
or Fire: Exit text file reader
The reader supports text files up to ~64kB. Larger files will be truncated
- Support generic cartridge ROM/BIN files. Thanks Magician
- Display error message if there are problems communicating with the cartridge. Thanks Lamerhouse
Note that only generic C64/C128 cartridges are supported as ROM/BIN files. Other cartridge types must be loaded as a CRT file.
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 (U64/U64E) / U2 / U2+ / U2+L by Gideon is released.
This release has again some significant changes for the firmware upgrade. Please read the manual before installing 3.10i.
If you would take some time to check the commit history of the repository at GitHub, you may find over 500 commits since the last released version, 3.10a. This is a lotttt more than it usually takes to release a next firmware version. The version is still 3.10, so there are not many functional changes. Yet, files have been touched, updated, or just made compatible with the new Ultimate-II+L hardware. It was more difficult than expected to get the Lattice FPGA to work correctly and keep compatibility with the existing hardware platforms.
On top of the new introduction of the Ultimate-II+L, there is still a need to support the “good old” 1541 Ultimate-II (or simply: U2). There have always been issues with the Microblaze processor and the compiler from Xilinx. Every version of the Xilinx compiler had different bugs that caused the Microblaze based firmware to be broken in one way or another.
Since the U2+L runs well on the Risc-V, it was decided to upgrade the CPU inside of the U2 and ditch the Microblaze forever. Unfortunately, the CPU that was chosen to run inside of the U2+L did not fit in the same space as the Microblaze clone, so I decided to write my own Risc-V compatible CPU. This is the CPU that will be used from now on in the 1541 Ultimate-II.
General Fixes:
- [Important] Fixed ExFAT filesystems with 128kB clusters (Fixes failing D64 mounts from some ExFAT thumbdrives)
- [Facebook Discussion] EasyFlash save function now saves all chip chunks to support incomplete CRT files
- [Issue-271] GEORAM at boot (MarkusC64)
- [Issue-279] Support for 2 MHz operation for any cartridge, including EasyFlash
- [Issue-246] Fixed: Virtual Printer crashes when file cannot be created.
- [Issue-234] Deleting last item in directory makes selection invisible
- [Issue-236] Confirmation modal asking a question only gives ‘OK’ instead of ‘Yes/No’.
- [Issue-R17] Added mapping of ESC key to RUN/STOP.
- [Facebook Request] Added: Leave menu on mount (can be selected per drive)
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed starting Kingsoft Business Basic cartridge
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Allow Maverick (and others?) to write wrong sector headers on MFM tracks.
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Unable to select GeoRAM. Is now a mode of the RAM Expansion Unit.
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed color palette not loaded at boot (U64 only).
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed USB sticks not recognized
- [Messenger Report]: Improvements to palette file read. Rejects faulty files. Fixes hang-up
- [Messenger Report]: Fixes ‘Create DNP’ when run from Telnet. Turned out to be a stack overflow.
- [Email Discussion]: Adds EEPROM segment to GMOD2 when it is missing in the CRT file
U64 core fixes:
- Multicolor graphics side border bug (core version V1.41 => V1.42)
Modem fixes:
- ACIA NMI pulse extension to extend over bad line. This allows the 6502 to see it always.
- Performance optimization ACIA / Modem
- Allow spaces after ATDT command.
- Minor fixes in the modem emulation layer from Scott Hutter (xlar54)
Cartridge Support:
- [Issue-314] Added support for Blackbox V9.
- Additional C128 cartridge variant that allows banking and offers some RAM (U2/U2+/U2+L only).
- Firmware target added: Ultimate-II+L; the Lattice version!
- System Information page (F4) now shows elaborate version info.
- GEOS support functions from MarkusC64
source: ultimate64.com github.com facebook

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 (U64/U64E) / U2 / U2+ / U2+L by Gideon is released.
This release has again some significant changes for the firmware upgrade. Please read the manual before installing 3.10i.
If you would take some time to check the commit history of the repository at GitHub, you may find over 500 commits since the last released version, 3.10a. This is a lotttt more than it usually takes to release a next firmware version. The version is still 3.10, so there are not many functional changes. Yet, files have been touched, updated, or just made compatible with the new Ultimate-II+L hardware. It was more difficult than expected to get the Lattice FPGA to work correctly and keep compatibility with the existing hardware platforms.
On top of the new introduction of the Ultimate-II+L, there is still a need to support the “good old” 1541 Ultimate-II (or simply: U2). There have always been issues with the Microblaze processor and the compiler from Xilinx. Every version of the Xilinx compiler had different bugs that caused the Microblaze based firmware to be broken in one way or another.
Since the U2+L runs well on the Risc-V, it was decided to upgrade the CPU inside of the U2 and ditch the Microblaze forever. Unfortunately, the CPU that was chosen to run inside of the U2+L did not fit in the same space as the Microblaze clone, so I decided to write my own Risc-V compatible CPU. This is the CPU that will be used from now on in the 1541 Ultimate-II.
General Fixes:
- [Important] Fixed ExFAT filesystems with 128kB clusters (Fixes failing D64 mounts from some ExFAT thumbdrives)
- [Facebook Discussion] EasyFlash save function now saves all chip chunks to support incomplete CRT files
- [Issue-271] GEORAM at boot (MarkusC64)
- [Issue-279] Support for 2 MHz operation for any cartridge, including EasyFlash
- [Issue-246] Fixed: Virtual Printer crashes when file cannot be created.
- [Issue-234] Deleting last item in directory makes selection invisible
- [Issue-236] Confirmation modal asking a question only gives ‘OK’ instead of ‘Yes/No’.
- [Issue-R17] Added mapping of ESC key to RUN/STOP.
- [Facebook Request] Added: Leave menu on mount (can be selected per drive)
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed starting Kingsoft Business Basic cartridge
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Allow Maverick (and others?) to write wrong sector headers on MFM tracks.
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Unable to select GeoRAM. Is now a mode of the RAM Expansion Unit.
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed color palette not loaded at boot (U64 only).
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed USB sticks not recognized
- [Messenger Report]: Improvements to palette file read. Rejects faulty files. Fixes hang-up
- [Messenger Report]: Fixes ‘Create DNP’ when run from Telnet. Turned out to be a stack overflow.
- [Email Discussion]: Adds EEPROM segment to GMOD2 when it is missing in the CRT file
U64 core fixes:
- Multicolor graphics side border bug (core version V1.41 => V1.42)
Modem fixes:
- ACIA NMI pulse extension to extend over bad line. This allows the 6502 to see it always.
- Performance optimization ACIA / Modem
- Allow spaces after ATDT command.
- Minor fixes in the modem emulation layer from Scott Hutter (xlar54)
Cartridge Support:
- [Issue-314] Added support for Blackbox V9.
- Additional C128 cartridge variant that allows banking and offers some RAM (U2/U2+/U2+L only).
- Firmware target added: Ultimate-II+L; the Lattice version!
- System Information page (F4) now shows elaborate version info.
- GEOS support functions from MarkusC64
* Temporarily revoked due to one report of bricked unit.
source: ultimate64.com github.com facebook

What is DiagROM?
DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.
And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.
You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.
- Well decided to release 1.3 far too many people are still using 1.2.1 so this is now the releaseversion.
- Read the text “FuturePlans.txt” for more info.
- three might be updates. as V1.3 please check the date. but it will be bugfixes only.
- Now default also produces a CD32 image to be burned on 27C800 Proms.
- Fixed issue with ghostfastmem found on AA3000+ boards (detectes fastmem that isn’t there)
- Fixed Addresserrorissue while playing testmodule on 68000 machines.
- Fixed issue with Autoconfig printing forever (actually 65535 times) if there was no cards detected.
- On RGB test. added white bars at every colorchange to make it more easy to count out what color is shown.
- RTC test: added a adjustfunction telling how many frames between everytime RTC changes (second) to help adjusting RTC.
- Added function to constantly monitor one memaddress. This is for dev of new hardware and not to diagnose issues.
- Fixed addresserror crash on audiotest using 68000/010 CPU
- Changed memorytestroutines to the new updated.
- Fixed autoconfig so it would not end in a endless loop if no autoconfigcards was detected.
- Fixed autoconfig with outside checking from github to handle boards with an illegal configuration better.
- Simple Audio waveformtest now supports volumechanges and also HOPEFULLY oddbyte-bug in Sinuswaves are fixed
- Some minor undocumented bugfixes.
- Now the new memtestroutine actually seems to work “x” is just hardcoded testareas, but the manual option “7” now lets you
- select what area to test and the depth of check (how many longwords between all tests 1 being every byte checked) (higher=faster test)
- AGAIN Long pause.. ERASED the memtestroutine I was working on redid it TOTALLY!. available as “x” in memtest menu!
- New Memtestroutine now should handle when colliding with workareas.
- Manualtest routine now swapped to the new testroutine. you can now enter selected area to scan AND change blocksize.
- higher blocksize=more accurate addresstest check.
- also if you enter wrong order of area to scan it will be handled. 0 byte scanarea will cancel.
- New experimental memtestroutine in the works. right now only doing a test of HARDCODED 16MB fastmem on A4k/3k
- Should be much faster, ASWELL as it should handle address-error issues! TEST IT HARD PLEASE!
- Also contains bug in Zorro handling asking boards to be shut down, issued via Github! (thanx!!)
- Noticed that CSPPC did not work on DiagROM. This as it seems the board needs time to startup (HEY P5.. handle it with RST??)
- so doing some waiting and resetmagic if a CSPPC is detected. not it starts OFTEN! (not always, if not. do a reset and it will start)
- Fixed bug so if no chipmem available at boot, it doesnt try to do a addresserrortest of that area anyway.
- Fixed scrollbug leaving traces of lowest pixelrow.
- Added function in Autoconfig mode that lists a summary of detected boards.
- Added About text.
- Added support for handling 2 different workmem areas: Chipmem and Fastmem, showing info about it in systeminfo screen.
- Systeminfo screen if detecting a 060 will show PCR registerbits.
- If A3000/A4000 motherboard memory or CPU slot memory is found scanning of A1200 CPU Slot memory is disabled, This will hopefully stop
- machine to crash with a 3640 installed and maprom enabled.
- Found a interesting behaviour on Amiga 4000. If you have no chipmem, and write something to any chipmemaddress and then
- read anything from any chipmemadress (not even same as you wrote to) THAT value will be read! so on an A4000 with no chip.
- the memorydetectroutine would say that it finds a shadowram. also the UDS/LDS test said “ok” even it it impossible could be.
- so fixed that by doing a write to chipmem with $ffffffff so it will read that if you do not have any chipmem. making the tests more true.
- A1k Version have not been working for a while due to spaceissues. removed more or less all “not important” tests tomake it fit into the
- very limited 64k bootrom. so it should work again.
- Fixed bugs when using a 68000 CPU (010 aswell?) that crashed IRQ/CIA tests and also Extended chipmemtest. (Addresserror etc)
- Also fixed more information in crashscreen.
- During Startup, UDS/LDS test was done by writing $ff to diferent places, this could be wrong as no memory can also
- show up as $ff changed value to $aa to be more “random” if memory is not present.
- At startup, chipmem is filled with its memoryaddress, while doing this you see a checkered-pattern on screen.
- After that, it verifies that the address contains that data, while doing this you see a distorded colorpattern on screen.
- if fail, it will show what memaddress it fails at, memaddress as binary and also what it actually contained (should be its same address)
- So no more telling ram is ok when thee was shorted/missing addresslines. Now check actually checks ALL memory and not only beginning.
- Doing Addresserrorchecks on Chipmem AND workarea.. if left mousebutton pressed at poweron.
- fastmem is chosen ar priority ram, if no fastmem found, chipmem will be used but screen turned off.
- if addresserror found in chipmem, chipmem will be discarded. will be handled different later
- New initcode in start. at memfail bits read will be written as green is correct, red if failed.
- Also during error, a dividertext will be printed every 512k block
Download: DiagoROM v1.3 Stable (445)
source: diagrom.com

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes / FXPAK Pro Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
Sorry for the delay, but it just escaped me to post it here.
Features added:
- First firmware release to support FXPAK Pro Rev. D
- [All] USB (usb2snes) support by RedGuy.
- [All] save state support (via USB/savestate2snes) by acmlm, total, Myria, RedGuy, FURiOUS, ikari_01
- [All] stand-alone save state features by FURiOUS
- [All] some compatibility improvements and optimizations for stand-alone save states by ikari_01
- Add support for YAML list items for multiple savestate_fixes entries per game
- Add support for simple bitwise operations on savestate_fixes patches
- Add support for verbatim code execution on savestate_fixes patches – notably fixes Star Ocean (decompressed) save states (however the save state hook still needs CPU time optimization to prevent music glitches in Star Ocean.)
- Add IRQ support on top of NMI for the save state hook – this enables save states on Out Of This World and possibly other games that only use IRQ. Also fixes controller input capture on a number of games so the game-specific input hacks could be eliminated.
- Moved save state code outside of the USB hook area to make room for USB hook execution.
- [All] SGB support by Redacted173.
- [All] favorite games list by freelancer42
- [All] Fixed savestates crashing occasionally when loading (and sometimes saving)
- [All] Fixed Star Fox locking up during sortie sequence when in-game hooks are enabled.
- [All] Updated FURiOUS’s Savestates Readme to reflect changes pertaining to In-game hook.
- [All] Fixed data caching bug in MSU1 data extension which could cause wrong data to be streamed.
- [All] Savestates: do not try to capture data that is already in cartridge space anyway (e.g. SRAM). Fixes text distortion in Near’s Bahamut Lagoon translation when loading a state.
- [All] Fixed YAML config parser to support comment signs after list start items
- [All] Fixed SNES open-bus contamination (fixes sprite flickering in Near’s Bahamut Lagoon translation, certain speed runs that rely on open bus behaviour)
- [All] (hopefully) fixed rapid data line toggling sometimes resulting in address line glitches, causing random crashes in extreme cases, and occasional garbled graphics on SMRPG among others.
- [All] Fixed data integrity problems when loading BSX games.
Known issues:
- Due to integration of the savestate handler into the in-game hook, the SNES CPU cycle cost for the in-game hook has increased. This reintroduces some issues when in-game hook+savestates are enabled, such as a corrupted Equip menu in Final Fantasy III/VI. I am planning to do an overhaul of the savestate code which will address this issue as well.
- When in-game savestates are enabled and set to the default button combination, pushing the buttons to temporarily or permanently disable the in-game hook will result in a crash. This happens due to overlap with the savestate button combination.
- When in-game savestates are enabled and the “load state” button combination is pressed, the handler will try to load a state even if no state exists yet for the current game. This will lead to a crash and sometimes results in a still image being displayed from a previously played game’s savestate.
source: sd2snes.de

A new firmware update for the ARM2SiD has been released by Nobomi.
ARM2SID firmware 3.15:
- Please don’t forget to download also a new configuration program.
- Fixed a bug with noise generation in the highest octave (reported for example in Crossroads II and Jumpman).
- SID type detection with this algorithm returns the actual type setting from the ARMSID configuration.
- Among other tracks, this allows you to play the last part of Wonderland XIII, at least if the ARMSID is set to emulate MOS6581. Prodigy rulez !
- Fixed bad music timing in Turrican 2 – The Final Fight (audible in track 2).
- Added undocumented playback of the “no” waveform, making, for example, the Boing Boom Tschak whistle significantly less (about 20dB down).
- Modifications in the generation of combined waveforms (not only) for MOS8580 emulation, where they are more close to the original (as close as possible for chips that are themselves different from each other, also dependent on temperature, voltage and time).
Download: ARM2SiD v3.15 [PRG/D64/CONFIG] (343)
source: nobomi.cz

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.22 – 6/2/2023
- From this release the new versions will be developed and tested on the v2 prototype PCB and no longer on the Breadboard prototype.
- Software implementation of the new audio Switcher.
- Added a new value (0: Nothing) to the DEFAULT_SID_SOCKET in the configuration file (config.ini).
# Choose the default SID Socket on bootup (0: Nothing – 1:Socket #1 – 2:Socket #2) – default: 1
- Added control via MCU of the power-up led. It might come in handy for future implementations.
- Updated label on the oled display for the “sid switch” mode, now “sidSet” is written and not just “sid”
- Updated boot screen with the text “sorting files…” if the folder contains too many files (max 800).
- The encoder cannot be used for manual SID SWITCH mode in case the SID tune played is multitunes because the encoder is used to select the songs, so although the “sidset” option will be displayed on the display in this specific case the selection of the sid socket will not working.
- Logic for the switch of the Socket SID with which to play the song and the consequent LED.
- Default SID Socket if nothing is specified in the config file (config.ini)
- Manual “sid switch” mode, the SID that was played with this mode would stop after 2 minutes and start over.

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
The AVGCART is a FPGA based multicart for 8bit Atari computers, extensible with SIO and/or ECI/PBI cables.
- supports CAR (cartridge dump) files up to 1MB and most bankswitching types
- supports XEX (executable) files
- supports ATR (floppy image) files (read/write) – support is limited without an optional SIO or ECI/PBI cable due to Atari cartridge port constraints (e.g. SW that uses RAM under OS does not work)
- supports ATX (protected floppy image) files (read-only, SIO cable required)
- supports CAS (cassette) files (SIO cable required)
- supports AVF (video) files
- supports PDM (audio) files
- fast file search, file shortcuts, randomizer and tons of other features
- when used with optional ECI/PBI cable, it can expand ATARI memory to up to 576kB, it can also provide extra 48kB RAM to stock 16kB 600XL machines (some limitations apply)
- firmware upgradeable via SD card (no additional hw needed)
- SIDE2 emulation (compatible with U1MB and SpartaDOS X)
- ability to stack emulated cart with emulated SpartaDOS X cart, together with SIDE2 emulated HDD
- unlike some other products, most of the functionality is running inside the cart and not on the host machine’s CPU which makes it faster and more versatile (it can do stuff in parallel with host machine without having to gain 6502 control and doesn’t require soldering extra internal upgrades like Ultimate 1MB for some basic functionality like ATR emulation or memory expansion)
- compatible with 600XL, 800XL/XE, 65XE, 130XE, XEGS (cartridge shell is too wide for 1200XL, bare pcb will fit, it is also too tall for 800, can be used with cartridge door opened and door switch triggered)
Changelog (v0028):
- Added type 75 (Atarimax 1MB “new”)
- “About” (“?”) extended to show some useful information about current state/config.
- Launching ROM files lets you choose cart type.
- Menu (“CAPS” key)
- Ability to choose bg/fg/border color.
- OS choice (PBI/ECI cable), use included rompack.rpk to flash OS slots.
- Most settings are now saved to a new config file so the old settings will be replaced with defaults.
- Some random bugs fixed, some random bugs added.
source: atariage.com

A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 2.15:
- Fixed a bug with noise generation in the highest octave (reported for example in Crossroads II and Jumpman).
- SID type detection with this algorithm returns the actual type setting from the ARMSID configuration.
- Among other tracks, this allows you to play the last part of Wonderland XIII, at least if the ARMSID is set to emulate MOS6581. Prodigy rulez !
- Fixed bad music timing in Turrican 2 – The Final Fight (audible in track 2).
- Added undocumented playback of the “no” waveform, making, for example, the Boing Boom Tschak whistle significantly less (about 20dB down).
- Modifications in the generation of combined waveforms (not only) for MOS8580 emulation, where they are more close to the original (as close as possible for chips that are themselves different from each other, also dependent on temperature, voltage and time).
Download: ARMSiD v2.15 [PRG/D64/CONFIG] (387)
source: nobomi.cz

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- General performance optimizations.
- Tool for adjusting timing. Thanks gillham.
This release address stability issues on some C64C machines and allows the timing to be adjusted (phi2 offset). See https://github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash/tree/master/firmware#diagnostic
Please let me know if this release is less stable than v1.43 on your C64
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
+ many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.8.1.2a -> v5.0.0.7a cumulative changelog:
- Another internal interrupts priorities fix : Fix possible read issues with some usb sticks brand/models with HD disk images. (v5.x.x.x regression fix)
- Fix internal interrupts priorities.
- Some optimizations. (OLED I2C Layer, head step irq).
- A new series of Goteks based on the new AT32F435 is now available (PCB “SFRKC30.AT4.35″). This MCU is more powerful than the previous AT32F415 MCU. The AT32F435 has 384KB of RAM ! (This was 32KB for the AT32F415 and 64KB for the STM32F105) The AT32F435 can run at 288MHz ! (This was 150MHz for the AT32F415 and 72MHz for the STM32F105) This hardware revision removes the 32KB memory size challenge introduced by the “SARS-CoV-2″ Goteks (based on the AT32F415). This is definitively more reliable because file system cache can be properly implemented to deal with the USB stick latency. I strongly recommend this new AT32F435 Goteks hardware revision. Regarding the HxC firmware the new v5 version is now compatible with this new core. It still compatible with the STM32 and AT32F415 Goteks.
- Others changes:Artery AT32F415 Gotek now runs at 144MHz ! (the v3 & v4 run this core at 72MHz) Many changes and some fixes in the low level layers.
- The bootloader was updated too and finally gain the OLED screen support.
- The offline firmware installation (activation at hxc2001.com) now supports this new core.
- The online serial installation doesn’t support yet this core. But this will be done next week.
- Fix erroneous “No file image found !” message issue when a dirty CFG file is used on another USB stick.
- QFN32/SFRKC30.AT2 Gotek : Fix v4.2.10.10 regression : init crash due to a race condition.
- QFN32/SFRKC30.AT2 Gotek : Fix possible 7 segments screen issues. Fix possible bus gating issues.
- QFN32/SFRKC30.AT2 Gotek : Low level IO routines optimized : Faster floppy signals update.(Fix possible issues on accelerated Amiga and fast machines)
- By default don’t enable the swap file on MCU with more than 32KB of RAM. Embedded menu added to disable/enable the swap file.
- USB stick reset improved, Check USB stick block size and reject incompatible USB sticks (Fix hardfault crash). Fix possible hardfault crash if the USB stick is removed during the mount process. Bootloader : QFN32 Gotek – Fix possible unwanted update mode selection if the floppy bus is forced in low state at power up.
- Important bug fix in the write support : Fix possible Gotek crash when writing to a high density HFE image. Update strongly recommended to all v4.x.x.x firmwares users (v3.x.x.x firmwares not affected by this issue).
- Fix alternate rotary port support on Artery Gotek with 48 pins AT32.
- AT32 SFR1M44-DU26, SFR720-DU26 (SFRC2D.B Gotek PCB) support added !
- SFRKC30.AT2 PCB Gotek (QFN32 AT32 MCU) support added !
- SFRKC30AT3 PCB Gotek (TQFP48 AT32 MCU + New rotary port) support added !
- Init layer enhanced to support all Gotek variants in a better way.
- Low level layer enhanced to support all Gotek variants in a better way.
- More STM32 and AT32 MCU models supported !
- Amiga and Atari ST File selector updated to support the new v4.x.x.x firmwares series.
- Sound fixed on Artery Goteks.
- New “SWAPMEM.BIN” swap file system implemented to deal with the low RAM memory ARTERY Goteks : Better HFE format and long write operations support (Amiga, E-mu Emulator, Arburg…)
- Bug Fixes !
- Raw *.IMG PC Files : Fix the 40 tracks double sided images support.
- Build-in USB stick init / format function (custom firmware) : If the the 7 segments screen embedded menu is disabled, the format mode can be enabled by the user by just pressing both buttons with no USB stick connected.
- The eject/insert feature can now be disabled on the custom firmware page.
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
The HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware Customization page: https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware (673)
source: hxc2001.com

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.21 – 29/9/2022
- A new MODE has been added and can be used with the MODE key while you are in TUNEINFO screen.
This mode allows to change the SID model in realtime while the music is playing.
If a SID music is played with the SID 8580 positioned on SOCKET #1 by choosing the ‘sid’ mode you can with the encoder turning it to the Right or Left choose the SOCKET #2 where for example where is installed a SID 6581. The led placed under the Socket will show the sid you have chosen.
An apparently useless option which, however, can be used to experiment the differences in reproduction of the piece of music with two different SID models or choose the most appropriate sid model if the SID not specified the SID to be used.
So in summary we have these choice with the mode key while you are in TUNEINFO screen.
- Single Play
- Sequential Play
- Random Play
- Intro Play
- Sid Switch
- Missing the default value of the startSong in the SID Header if this value is missing. The SidPlayer sets 255 and try to play it.
I only found one SID with this strange configuration : Hammer Down by Sean Connoly. Fixed by setting it to the default value : 1.
- The player freezes while browsing file system folders with many *.sid files.
This happens when the driver scan the file system and immediately after is done the bubble sort routine that takes about 700ms for 512 entries and more for the max entries (800) in one single directory and during this time the sid player freezes.
To avoid hearing the annoying last note played repeatedly for this amount of time, i have forced the player to pause and remove it as soon as the contents of the new directory will be displayed.
Obviously if you had chosen to pause the song voluntarily with the appropriate button, it will not resume playing after the new directory is displayed.
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