A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Super Snapshot 5 performance optimization.
- NTSC timing adjustments. Thanks jpcompton, gillham, and adrianglz64.
This release should address stability issues on some NTSC machines. This is not a perfect solution and there may still be issues with some C64C machines (#135).
Please let me know if this release is less stable than v1.42 on your NTSC C64
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Support 128k Super Snapshot ROM. Thanks jpcompton and gillham
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
The AVGCART is a FPGA based multicart for 8bit Atari computers, extensible with SIO and/or ECI/PBI cables.
- supports CAR (cartridge dump) files up to 1MB and most bankswitching types
- supports XEX (executable) files
- supports ATR (floppy image) files (read/write) – support is limited without an optional SIO or ECI/PBI cable due to Atari cartridge port constraints (e.g. SW that uses RAM under OS does not work)
- supports ATX (protected floppy image) files (read-only, SIO cable required)
- supports CAS (cassette) files (SIO cable required)
- supports AVF (video) files
- supports PDM (audio) files
- fast file search, file shortcuts, randomizer and tons of other features
- when used with optional ECI/PBI cable, it can expand ATARI memory to up to 576kB, it can also provide extra 48kB RAM to stock 16kB 600XL machines (some limitations apply)
- firmware upgradeable via SD card (no additional hw needed)
- SIDE2 emulation (compatible with U1MB and SpartaDOS X)
- ability to stack emulated cart with emulated SpartaDOS X cart, together with SIDE2 emulated HDD
- unlike some other products, most of the functionality is running inside the cart and not on the host machine’s CPU which makes it faster and more versatile (it can do stuff in parallel with host machine without having to gain 6502 control and doesn’t require soldering extra internal upgrades like Ultimate 1MB for some basic functionality like ATR emulation or memory expansion)
- compatible with 600XL, 800XL/XE, 65XE, 130XE, XEGS (cartridge shell is too wide for 1200XL, bare pcb will fit, it is also too tall for 800, can be used with cartridge door opened and door switch triggered)
Changelog (v0027):
- When used on 16kB 600XL with EXTMEM enabled, it tries to expand it to 64kB base RAM (if enough cart ram is free)
- Changed key autorepeat delay/rate
- Some fixes related to EXTMEM
- EXTMEM tweak (not all SRAM chips are made equal)
source: atariage.com

A new firmware update for the ARM2SiD/ARMSID has been released by Nobomi.
ARM2SID firmware 3.14:
- Please don’t forget to download also a new configuration program.
- Fixed a bug in tone pitch when generating noise (reported for example in Crazy Comets and Paperboy in FW 3.11 and 3.12).
- Fix in SFX emulation (some tracks were missing percussion).
- Unified SFX emulation sample rate for all settings (with correct FM frequency reference set) to approx. 49.7kHz as on original card.
- Optimization for speed, not only for running the emulation itself, but also the bus response.
- Application start-up is also faster, instead of hundreds of milliseconds, the ARM2SID is fully functional in less than 15 milliseconds from power connection !
- CS signals from both sockets are handled as independent accesses (important for use in synthesizers).
- Added the possibility to “fix” the so-called ADSR bug, i.e. a bug in the envelope generator, which is inherent to the original chips and is reproduced in ARMSID too. This is not needed in the C64 for compatibility reasons, but if you use ARMSID in synthesizers, you might be interested in this feature.
- It is possible via configuration to disable the automatic extension of the left channel sound to the right channel if it is not playing for a long time (again, important for use in synthesizers).
- There is also an option via configuration to have only the data from the left channel play fixed to both SID channels (the emulation settings for each channel remain).
- Slightly modified quality (Q) of filter circuits for even more faithful reproduction of MOS8580.
ARMSID firmware 2.14:
- Please don’t forget to download also a new configuration program.
- Bug fix – lower noise waveform tone pitch (reported e.g. in games Crazy Comets and Paperboy when using FW 2.11 to 2.13).
source: nobomi.cz/8bit/arm2sid nobomi.cz/8bit/armsid

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.20 – 30/7/2022
- Combo buttons to go up of one directory.
The new feature working when you are in FILE BROWSING display mode and by holding down the button MODE and at the same time press the button of the ENCODER you can go up of one directory.
This mode is very useful if you have a list of many files or directory and would like to easily go up of one directory, currently you should scroll at the beginning or at the end of the list and then click on the double dot to go back, really boring.
- Modified the way for the horizontal scroll of the sid filenames list.
I was not very convinced by the system that i have made for scroll the filenames horizontally, so i changed the mode, in my opinion much nicer.
By holding down the MODE key when you are in FILE BROWSING display mode you can move the entire screen with the filenames list left and right using the same encoder that is used to scroll the filenames list up and down.
Moreover the horizontal screen position is maintained also after the switching of the display mode or if you go up of one or more directory.

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Support Pagefox cartridge. Thanks Axel-Schweiss and Cpt.Hardy
- Device number can be set to 8-15. Thanks Gabeki17
- Improve disk emulation to support Rack’em. Thanks CommFor
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Improve search text editor and allow joystick input. Thanks mwedmark.
- Improve disk emulation with support for block read/write and custom vectors. Thanks CommFor.
- It is now possible to enter a search string using the joystick. Press fire and up to start the editor and edit the text with the following joystick controls:
- Up/down: Select a character
- Left/right: Change cursor position
- Fire and left: Delete
- Fire and down: Clear search
- Fire and right: Space
- Fire and Up: Insert
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.19 – 22/5/2022
- Added the horizontal scroll of the sid filenames list.
- The maximum allowed length of the sid file including extension is 48 characters, the small oled can display a maximum of 20 characters, so this feature is useful with very long file names. The function is activated with the MODE key when you are in browsing files mode, once the 48 characters are reached, the scroll resets and repositions the display of the file from the beginning until the next pressing of the MODE key.
- Added a new parameter to the configuration file (config.ini).
- Choose the default SID Socket on bootup. This configuration is not mandatory.
Below is an excerpt from the “config.ini” file.
# Choose the default SID Socket on bootup (1:Socket #1 – 2:Socket #2) – default: 1
- Wrong emulation for the NOP opcode. %-)
- I noticed this problem with a SID made by Hermit of Samar Productions, SIDRIP Alliance, Singular that uses a SID Player written by him. SID Tune: MSK Cover-XF End (https://csdb.dk/release/?id=214247) This SID Player uses several illegal opcodes and i immediately thought of an emulation problem of these illegal opcodes, instead it was the NOP opcode that had problems. I point out that i listen at random 7XX favorite songs at least 1 hour a day and i never noticed any problems. :-D Anyway, Fixed.
- Max entries per directory.

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Fix timing problems on some C64s (since v1.38). Thanks chris
Disk emulation is now active by default when launching PRGs. If this is not desired or if the PRG requires EF3 USB support then the old load option is still available in the file options menu (shift+return or long press fire).
A lot of changes has been made to optimize the C64/KFF communication. Please let me know if you detect any broken functionality in this release
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Improve disk write support.
- Optimize SD card access.
- Small performance optimizations.
Disk emulation is now active by default when launching PRGs. If this is not desired or if the PRG requires EF3 USB support then the old load option is still available in the file options menu (shift+return or long press fire).
A lot of changes has been made to optimize the C64/KFF communication. Please let me know if you detect any broken functionality in this release
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Optimize VIC-II read access for ultimax cartridges (issue #94)
- Disk emulation support large PRGs
- Improve disk emulation loading speed
- Load and mount is now default for PRGs
Disk emulation is now active by default when launching PRGs. If this is not desired or if the PRG requires EF3 USB support then the old load option is still available in the file options menu (shift+return or long press fire).
A lot of changes has been made to optimize the C64/KFF communication. Please let me know if you detect any broken functionality in this release
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Support VICE v2.0 CRT file format (C64 and C128)
- Support WarpSpeed 128
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Mega Blaster 2 by Aidan Lawrence is released.
The Mega Blaster 2 by Aidan Lawrence is a hardware Sega Genesis/Mega Drive video game music (VGM) player that utilizes the real sound chips.
Changelog from version v0.1 to 1.28:
- 1.28: This firmware update fixes two things:
- The PSG frequency register now updates when only the low-byte is written to. This is uncommon on VGM files for “real” genesis games, but occasionally occurs on some homebrew tracks, causing the PSG to sound out-of-tune or flat out incorrect. Thank you to @natarii for solving that issue and graciously sharing your solution.
- FM channel muting has been fixed. Previous versions were targeting incorrect key-on registers.
- 1.27: Added a new sync-tone feature.
- For users looking to sync-up individual channel audio streams in their external recording software, this update adds a “Sync-tone” feature that may give you a helping hand.
- When the sync-tone feature is enabled, every unmuted FM and PSG channel will emit three tones on and off, 250ms between each key on/off. Then, 250ms later, the track will start. The YM2612/3438 use FM Channel 6 for PCM samples sent to the DAC, therefore, you can sync the PCM track using Channel 6.
- This update is handy for syncing up oscilloscope videos. You can mute all but one sound chip channel at a time, record your ‘scope video, then do the same for each channel. The sync-tone will help you find the starting point of each stream, even if a particular channel is muted at the start of a soundtrack.
- Pro tip: The PSG’s 3rd square-wave channel and noise channel will interact with one another if they are both un-muted at the same time. If both channels are active when the sync-tone is played, the PSG may sound detuned or inconsistent. It’s recommended to only have either the 3rd square wave channel OR the noise channel un-muted at a time.
- 1.26: Fixed DAC stream playback.
- 1.25: Fixes shuffle RNG.
- Music player used to select the same sequence of songs every time. This patch correctly calls the built-in true random number generator (TRNG) on the microcontroller to generate new random sequences of songs on every boot.
- 1.24: New Feature: Individual channel muting for both FM and PSG courtesy of @renedare
- You can toggle each FM and PSG channel individually by going to the new “Channel Control” menu by scrolling down the Main Menu.
- There, you can toggle each individual channel “ON” and “OFF.”
- If you’ve ever wanted to deconstruct a Genesis soundtrack into it’s constitute instruments, this update is for you!
- This feature is experimental, but works quite well already.
- DAC streams and PCM samples are played out of FM Channel 6.
- 1.23: OPTIONAL
- This firmware allows for SI5351(A) variant clock generators to be used. This new firmware will detect if your unit is using a SI5351 or SI5351A clock generator and will configure it automatically. These devices are functionally identical but have different I2C addresses. There’s no difference in performance between these two parts.
- This change was made to allow for component choice flexibility given the current electronics component shortage occurring as of mid-2021.
- 1.22: Fixed the following bugs:
- Folders with a large number of files incorrectly reported their index, causing strange out-of-order issues while in the “IN_ORDER” playback mode.
- “SHUFFLE_ALL” and “SHUFFLE_DIR” playback modes had a couple of issues regarding file indexing as well, causing the player to overflow it’s random file history list and subsequently pick invalid file indexes when traversing through the random track history.
- Random track history has been extended to 20 tracks; up from 5.
- 1.21: Prevent writing to the OPN2 test registers (0×21 and 0x2C)
- Some broken VGM files will write to these registers and cause huge distortion issues. This is technically an illegal operation and by blocking these writes, a few common broken VGM packs now function correctly, such as:
- Rocket Knight Adventures
- Comix Zone (also has some minor messed up PCM stuff, but that’s in the domain of the VGM author, not my player)
- 1.2:This new patch fixes a bug that prevented sequential folders beginning with the same substring from being opened correctly. Thanks to Bill over at the SdFat project for the help!
- 1.1: The manifest system has been removed in favor of a dynamic system at the expense of a bit more compute time and RAM usage.
- The manifest system was fairly slow and unreliable, especially when the SD card was filled with lots of files.
- You will no longer have to wait at startup for the manifest to build or verify itself.
- I’ve also put in a check for useless meta folders like System Volume Information and .DS_Store
- If these are found on the root directory, the are removed on boot. If these meta files are found after entering a directory, they will be removed after selecting a track. These may still show up in your file menu temporarily, but should go away after a refresh and never appear again unless the SD card is re-written to.
- 1.0: Double-tap the RESET button and drag the firmware.uf2 file onto the “drive” that pops up on your computer to flash!
- 0.1: The very first firmware release! Here’s to the future!
Download: Mega Blaster 2 v1.28 (620)
source: github.com/AidanHockey5/MegaBlaster2 aidanlawrence.com

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.18 – 28/1/2022
- When you are in Manual mode of playing SID the timeout timer wrongly are also increased into a variable but this timer works only for the modes: auto/random/intro.
- Wrong STATIC variable for the debug via serial. the serial debug don’t works correctly in some part of the code. %-)
- Wrong variable for the Timeout check if the time is longer then 99 seconds. %-)
- Freed and remapped to another destination the MCU pins of PAUSE and FFWD buttons to use them with the CS for the SID #2 and R/W because we needed 2 MCU pins 5v tolerant and there aren’t many left :/
- Described some parts of the source code.
- Added new parameters to the configuration file (config.ini).
- Playback timeout in seconds of the .SID files for AUTO/RANDOM and INTRO modes.
- Configure the best baudrate for the debug via Serial.
- Disable or Enable the visualization of the VU-METER for the 3 sid voices.
Below is an excerpt from the “config.ini” file.
# Serial Debug Baudrate – default: 115200
# Set the Timeout in Seconds for the AUTO/RANDOM playing mode – default: 2 minutes
# Set the Timeout in Seconds for the INTRO playing mode – default: 15 seconds
# Write 0 if you want to disable the visualization of the vu-meter for the 3 x sid voices.
# Default: 1

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
Changelog from version v1.21 to 1.34:
- Fix broken mount D64 file option (since v1.33)
- Improve disk drive emulation to support Sidplay64. Thanks Actarus, Fabuseta, mwedmark, and Seni1ix
- Support basic SD2IEC commands.
- Optimized code to make it all fit in flash.
- In this version the following cartridge types will not require the firmware file on the SD card:
- Normal cartridge (8k, 16k, Ultimax)
- Fun Play, Power Play
- Super Games
- Ocean type 1
- Epyx Fastload
- C64 Game System, System 3
- Dinamic
- Zaxxon, Super Zaxxon
- Magic Desk, Domark, HES Australia
- EasyFlash
- Prophet64
- RGCD, Hucky
- Drean
- C128 Normal Cartridge (external function ROM)
- Combined PAL and NTSC firmware.
- T64 support (normal tape files only). Thanks Matthias.
- The firmware has been extended to support both PAL and NTSC and this requires the KungFuFlash_v1.30.upd file to be kept in the root directory of the SD card.
- Older firmware will not support this extended format so KungFuFlash_v1.30_upgrade.upd must be used first. This file is not needed after the upgrade process has been completed.
- Fix broken EasyFlash VIC-II/C128 mode. Thanks mrr19121970.
- Improve detection of C64 clock signal.
- Add simple diagnostic tool.
- The diagnostic tool is started by pressing the menu button for 2 seconds (until the LED turns off) and is intended to help debug stability problems on some C64 models.
- The tool can also be started in a USB only mode if Kung Fu Flash refuses to start at all. In this mode debug data is send via USB only and the C64 should start normally (boot to Basic). This mode is started by pressing both the special and menu button for 2 seconds, then releasing the menu button followed by the special button.
- For reference the phi2 clock frequency should be around 985248 Hz for PAL and around 1022727 Hz for NTSC.
- Add support for Drean cartridges. Thanks beatmaster13.
- Add support for C128 normal cartridge. Thanks phako.
- Fix unstable EF3 USB. Thanks dikdom.
- Add support for Super Games cartridge.
- Add support for Prophet64 cartridge.
- Fix broken Fun Play/Power Play cartridge support (since v1.16)
- Add support for RGCD and Hucky cartridges. Thanks Konstantin19.
- Load extensionless files as PRG.
- Add support for WarpSpeed by SvOlli. Thank you.
- Add support for Freeze Frame/Freeze Machine. Thanks gold11-carca.
- Fix bug reading UPD file using FAT16. Thanks cosmo6128.
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash
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