A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released
Changelog (v0024):
- added ability to select (TAB) CAR files
- selected files (ATR, CAS, CAR) don’t have to be in the same directory anymore, selection is cleared only after returning to the selector
- ENTER on ATR/CAS/CAR file will replace the selection so SPACE was added to run with selected files, ignoring current file under cursor
- search now allows navigation during searching and editing search string
- CTRL-L disables item shortcuts and allows starting search by typing instead of ‘/’
- ESC stops search, exiting search requires 2x ESC (to prevent accidental exit when search stops at the same time user tries to stop it)
- disable cart was changed to SHIFT-ESC
- short filenames should finally (hopefully) have proper case
- filenames longer than screen width should be (finally) properly sorted
- type 57 (2kB) fixed
- right cart button will disable cart for carts <= 16kB (to make some CS turbo carts work)
New keys:
- SPACE – run selected files (ignores item under cursor)
- CTRL-L – toggle key shortcuts
Changed keys:
- ESC -> SHIFT-ESC (disable cart and reboot)
Changelog (v0023):
- [ECI] Auto-enable cart menu after reset (CTRL-SHIFT-E to enable, CTRL-E to disable)
- [ECI] Patched OS for ATR emulation is forced as ROM, not just loaded into RAM under ROM, increases compatibility
- [ECI+SIO] When emulating ATR, HSIO patched OS with inverted OPTION (BASIC off) is forced
Changelog (v0022):
- [ECI] EXTMEM support up to 512kB (CTRL-SHIFT-M to enable, CTRL-M to disable)
source: atariage.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini/Max & TheVIC20 provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.6.1 – Changes and additions:
- [All models] Adds Commodore 1351 mouse support to the C64
- [All models] Adds support for up to four joysticks
- [All models] Adds support for THEMOUSE
- [All models] Adds support for THEGAMEPAD
- [All models] Adds a new game Space Lords, a multi-player game that utilises the new mouse and multi-joystick support
Changes from previous versions:
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64 European] Fixes inconsistently displayed Blue Star carousel cover image
- v1.5.2 – [All models] Allows the primary C64 joystick port to be switched in-game
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64 Mini] Adds C64 only Classic mode
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64 Mini] Adds disk swapping for multiple disk games
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64 Mini] Adds soft and hard reset hot-keys to Classic mode
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64 Mini] Adds freeze button support to Classic mode
- v1.5.2 – [All models] Adds Commodore REU support with 512K, 2MB or 16MB as filename flags or CJM parameters
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64 Mini] Hessian (C64) and PET Snake (C64)
- v1.5.2 – [THEC64] Hessian (C64), PET Snake (C64), City Crusher (VIC20) and Mine Sweep (VIC20)
- v1.5.2 – [THEVIC20] Hessian (C64), PET Snake (C64), City Crusher (VIC20) and Mine Sweep (VIC20)
source: retrogames.biz

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.17 – 31/12/2021
- Change visualization status of the LED for Socket #1 and Socket #2 available on the Olimex Development Board and the SID Player PCB.
- A configuration file (config.ini) for some important settings of the SID Player. The file will be loaded during the boot and must be present in the ROOT of the filesystem of the USB key.If the file is not found, the player will configure itself with the default values. Thanks to Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab) for his lite INI file parser.
Below is an excerpt from the “config.ini” file.
# Select the Sid model for the Tune played by the SID Player on the Socket #1 or Socket #2.
# Specify the socket which you want to play the sid tunes (example for SID_8580_SOCKET write
# the number 2 if you want it to be played with the SID 8580 installed on socket #2)
# This configuration makes the use very dynamic for everyone. – default: socket #1,#1,#2,#2
# Use Armsid with Auto Switching (0:Disabled – 1:Socket #1 – 2:Socket #2) – default: 0
# Note: When you use the auto detection and switching of the SID model with the ARMSID this can be
# used only in one of the two sockets, the other socket is completely ignored and can remain empty.
# Brightness of the OLED. (0 … 255) – default: 127
# Brightness of the OLED in IDLE mode. (0 … 255) – default: 10
# Enable the serial DEBUG. (1 Enable | 0 Disabled) – default: 0

A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 2.13:
- Further optimization of code speed and size. Also bus operations are faster, finally “paddles” are successfully read on NTSC machines even with the oldest HW versions of ARMSID (with components on top) !
- ARMSID start is also faster. Instead of hundreds of milliseconds, ARMSID is fully functional in less than 15 milliseconds after power-up !
- Added the possibility to “fix” the so-called ADSR bug, i.e. a bug in the envelope generator, which is inherent to the original chips and is reproduced in ARMSID too. This is not needed in the C64 for compatibility reasons, but if you use ARMSID in synthesizers, you might be interested in this feature.
- Slightly modified quality (Q) of filter circuits for even more faithful reproduction of MOS8580.
Download: ARMSiD v2.13 (560)
source: nobomi.cz

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.16 – 29/11/2021
- Illegal/undocumented opcodes to the CPU Emulator:
- LAE (LAS/LAR) Combinations of STA/TXS and LDA/TSX.
- ANE (XAA) Combination of an immediate and an implied command.
- All 6502/6510 instructions have been implemented.
- Increased the maximum number of files per directory from 512 max to 800 max.
- Improved delay routine for read/write eeprom via I2c bitbang, it should now be compatible with all levels of the XC32 compiler code optimization.
- Replaced and splitted the Splash Screen Logo during the boot. Thanks to Federico di dato for the Retrobit LAB logo.
- The BRK opcode, opcode that will probably will never used in our case.
- Missing +2 Machine Cycle Times for the opcodes: BPL,BMI,BVC,BVS,BCC,BCS,BNE,BEQ due to some previous performance improvment of the 6502/6510 emulator code, i was probably drunk, indeed, i’m sure. %-)
- The clock “|CIA|” was displayed mistakenly when you choose to play a file in DMP format but this is wrong because the DMP file format doesn’t support the information of clock used (VBI/CIA) in the file header.
- The previous and next button did not work if there are only two files (SID or DMP) available to play in the folder.
- Incorrect Machine Cycle Times for the NOP opcode, four times instead of two. %-)
- Sometimes the version number displayed during boot would pop outside from the right side of the oled screen.
- Wrong Machine Cycle Times for the SLO, SRE(LSE), DCP, RLA, ISC(ISB) Illegal/undocumented opcodes with Indexed-indirect addressing of X,Y-Registers.

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
Sorry for the delay, but it just escaped me to post it here.
Features added:
- [All] USB (usb2snes) support by RedGuy
- [All] save state support (via USB/savestate2snes) by RedGuy
- [All] stand-alone save state features by FURiOUS
- [All] some compatibility improvements and optimizations for stand-alone save states by ikari_01
- Add support for YAML list items for multiple savestate_fixes entries per game
- Add support for simple bitwise operations on savestate_fixes patches
- Add support for verbatim code execution on savestate_fixes patches – notably fixes Star Ocean (decompressed) save states (however the save state hook still needs CPU time optimization to prevent music glitches in Star Ocean.)
- Add IRQ support on top of NMI for the save state hook – this enables save states on Out Of This World and possibly other games that only use IRQ. Also fixes controller input capture on a number of games so the game-specific input hacks could be eliminated.
- Moved save state code outside of the USB hook area to make room for USB hook execution.
- [All] SGB support by Redacted173.
- [All] favorite games list by freelancer42
- [All] Fixed data caching bug in MSU1 data extension which could cause wrong data to be streamed
- [All] Savestates: do not try to capture data that is already in cartridge space anyway (e.g. SRAM). Fixes text distortion in Near’s Bahamut Lagoon translation when loading a state.
- [All] Fixed YAML config parser to support comment signs after list start items
- [All] Fixed SNES open-bus contamination (fixes sprite flickering in Near’s Bahamut Lagoon translation, certain speed runs that rely on open bus behaviour)
- [All] (hopefully) fixed rapid data line toggling sometimes resulting in address line glitches, causing random crashes in extreme cases, and occasional garbled graphics on SMRPG among others
- [All] Fixed data integrity problems when loading BSX games
source: sd2snes.de

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.15 – 26/9/2021
- Slightly improved the CIA timing, now the SID tune “https://hvsc.csdb.dk/MUSICIANS/P/Page_Jason/25_Hurts.sid” and probably some others they sounds fairly well without “clicking/noise/beeping” in some parts of the song. *
- Slightly improved the VBI timing, now the SID tune “https://hvsc.csdb.dk/MUSICIANS/S/Stinsen/Freeloader.sid” and probably some others they sounds fairly well without “clicking/noise/beeping” in some parts of the song. *
- When the (Auto/Random/Intro) MODE is used the brightness of the oled is restored on each change of music until the default timeout is reached.
* I’ll never stop saying we are far away from my personal feeling of absolute perfection but sound ok for 90% of peoples, luckily there aren’t many SID sound purists :-D
Many people still think that a SID played with a SID emulator on a Mobile Phone or PC sounds absolutely identical to the one played with the SID in the original hardware version :-|

Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
+ many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.4.16.4a -> v3.8.1.2a cumulative changelog:
- Build-in USB stick init / format function :
- The USB stick can now be formatted/initialized for the “Image-less mode” by the firmware.
- Remove the USB stick, press both buttons to enter the embedded menu and select the sub menu to activate the format mode :
- - 7 digits display “d” menu entry -> Should display “For”
- - OLED display “Format USB Key” menu entry.
- Then insert the USB stick you want to format.
- WARNING : Formatting will erase all data on the USB stick !
- The default built-in image is an HD 1.44MB Floppy disk, but you
- can select another built-in image on the firmware customization
- SFRKC30 / SFR1M44-U100LQD Gotek support enhanced :
- The new rotary port is now supported.
- New explicit U100LQD OLED configuration.
- (Specific binaries for this new Gotek are now provided in the “New_U100LQD_Gotek” folder)
- The detected hardware model can now be read in the embedded menu
- (Sub menu ‘F’ for the 7 digits Gotek and in the “FW/HW version” sub menu for the OLED Goteks).
- Hardware ID definitions :
- 000 : Original STM32F105 Gotek (64KB of RAM)
- 001 : 64 pins ARTERY AT32F415RCT7 on an old STM32 Gotek board (32KB of RAM)
- 002 : 48 pins ARTERY AT32F415CBT7 (New board) (32KB of RAM)
- 003 : 64 pins ARTERY AT32F415RCT7 (New SFRKC30 / SFR1M44-U100LQD Gotek : Native OLED and Rotary support) (32KB of RAM)
- Test firmware updated to support all STM32 and Artery Goteks.
- Some important fixes in the emulation from folder mode
- (Informations about this mode are available on this page : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-emulator-hxc-firmware/pages/emulation-from-folder.html)
- The emulation from folder mode was broken on ARTERY MCU based Goteks.
- Update recommended for all “emulation from folder mode” users !
- New SFRKC30 Gotek boards support added :
- This new Gotek revision has a new rotary port and will be shipped
- with a rotary switch and an OLED screen directly from the factory
- (No “mod” required anymore)
- Bootloader updated.
- Firmware updated.
- Firmware customization page updated.
- Normal/direct selection mode : File sorting optimized for low memory “Artery” Goteks.
- 1680KB Distribution Media Format (DMF) .IMG support adjusted / fixed.
- Firmware STM32 USB HxCFloppyEmulator v3.7.1.4a for all Artery AND STM Goteks ! ( -> In the “Artery_AT32_Gotek_HxC_Firmware” folder !)
- Update recommended for Artery Goteks users:
- “Normal mode” / Direct stick browsing mode :
- Fix regression with Artery Goteks ! (Crash due to a memory alignment issue)
- Custom firmware page updated
- Build tools updated.
- RAM Memory management enhanced : Detect the RAM size and change/adapt the cache buffers size according to the available memory.
- Compatible with all Goteks (Artery and STM MCU compatible).
- Now support all Artery versions (AT32F415RCT7, AT32F415CBT7…)
- Fixes : EPROM emulation support, Index signal.
- Rotary connections moved to PA13/PA14 (2 pins in the prog header) for the 48 pins MCU version.
- Firmware STM32 USB HxCFloppyEmulator v3.6.1.2a for Artery AT32F415RCT7 Goteks ( -> In the “Artery_AT32_Gotek_HxC_Firmware” folder !)
- Since March/April 2021 we can see some new Gotek variants on the market.
- Due to the electronic components shortage, these new Gotek revisions use different MCUs.
- The STMicroelectronics STM32F105 MCU was replaced by Artery MCUs : AT32F415RCT7, AT32F415CBT7,…
- These MCUs are “mostly” compatible with the previously used STM part but there is an important difference : The RAM size. While the STM32F105 offers 64KB of RAM, these Artery parts have only 32KB of RAM. These changes imply modifications in the firmware.
- A first HxC Firmware compatible with the AT32F415RCT7 MCU can be found in the Artery_AT32_Gotek_HxC_Firmware folder.
- The bootloader was updated this week to support all the 3 Gotek variants: STM32F105RB6, AT32F415RCT7,AT32F415CBT7.
- The bootloader now supports GPT/GUID formatted USB sticks.
- The server was updated this week to support all the 3 Gotek variants :
- The bootloader can installed on all these Gotek using the normal online procedure : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-emulator-hxc-firmware/pages/bootloader-installation.html
- Preparing the firmware for the next releases / features : Important code size optimizations. (First round !)
- OSD : The HSYNC polarity can be set on the custom firmware
- (VSYNC already supports both polarity)
- Finally introducting the Raspberry Pi Zero W Gotek companion :
- https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_drive_emulator/RPiZeroW_HxC2001_StickEmulator.zip
- (To be installed on the SD Card with rufus, dd, …)
- Use the USB device port to connect the Raspberry Pi Zero W to the Gotek.
- You can access the virtual stick through Wifi.
- The Raspberry is by default setup as an access point. (HxC2001_RPIZeroW SSID)
- The following services are currently enabled in the image :
- IP :
- Samba/Windows Share -> login : data, password : data
- ftp -> login : data, password : data
- ssh -> login : data, password : data / login : root, password : root
- http -> just a test page for the moment.
- IMG file images : Fix Technics SX-F100 organ format and file deletion support.
- HFE files : Blind write mode now used on all non-MFM/FM HFE files.
- Quickdisk .QD files write support : Some fixes and improvements.
- Code improvements.
- Roland machines out,img,ima files support : sector interleave and track skew adjusted to the S-550 values. (Fix S-550 issues).
- Internal parameters : Power-up clear/reset right button timeout set to 3 seconds.
- Electone EL-900 disk change issue fixed :
- Clear internal ready timer at image selection.
- Internal default ready timing changed from 200ms to 400ms.
- v3.5.1.1 regression fix : Broken USB stick folder Auto mount feature fixed.
- Major release : Image-less mode support! Mount USB stick’s FAT12 partitions !
- USB Stick : GUID Partition Table (GPT) support. The firmware now support medias with GPT, MBR or without any partition table. GPT is becoming the default partition table used by most operating systems.
- New custom firmware page option:
- GUID Partition Table (GPT) support option (enabled by default).
- Regression fix : Fix Amiga 1.76MB HD .ADF images support.
- Upside down orientation OLED screen option.
- “Normal mode” / Direct disk browsing mode : Fix possible erroneous “No file image found !” message issue. Update recommended.
- Amstrad CPC / ZX Spectrum EDSK & DSK:
- Fake Track ID protection support.
- Fake Side ID protection support.
- Bad CRC protection support.
- 6144 bytes sectors support fixed.
- (Fix the following copy protected ZX Spectrum games :
- Robocop 2,Turrican 2,Barbarian 2,New Zealand Story,
- Dan Dare 3,Operation Thurderbolt,Simpsons and probably others titles).
- Amstrad CPC / ZX Spectrum EDSK & DSK : Fix deleted data mark support.
- v3.4.16.2a regression fix : Fix file selector issue on fast Amiga machines (>= A1200).
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
The HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware Customization page: https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.8.1.2a (931)
source: hxc2001.com

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0021):
- XEX loader now doesn’t occupy $0800 page
- ATR/ATX emulation fixes (Bruce Lee, Ultima, Flight Sim II)
- Allow IDE emulation together with ATR emulation (SIO)
- Show COM/EXE files in browser
- Increased limit of virtual drives to 8 (SIO)
- Autorun key changed from ‘A’ to ‘N’ due to issues with PS/2 adapters
- Added saving facility (used by FloB)
- Stacking SpartaDOSX with another CAR (CTRL-SHIFT-RETURN)
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 (U64/U64E) / U2 / U2+ by Gideon is released.
This release has again some significant changes and improvements over 1.37 / 3.9. The following bullet list gives an overview of the features and fixes. Below the items, a short explanation is added.
This release has again some significant changes and improvements over 1.37 / 3.9. Please read the manual before installing 3.10a.
- [Issue-246] Fixed: Virtual Printer crashes when file cannot be created.
- [Issue-234] Deleting last item in directory makes selection invisible
- [Issue-236] Confirmation modal asking a question only gives ‘OK’ instead of ‘Yes/No’.
- [Issue-R17] Added mapping of ESC key to RUN/STOP.
- [Facebook Request] Added: Leave menu on mount (can be selected per drive)
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Allow Maverick (and others?) to write wrong sector headers on MFM tracks.
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Unable to select GeoRAM. Is now a mode of the RAM Expansion Unit.
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed color palette not loaded at boot (U64 only).
- [Facebook Bug Report]: Fixed USB sticks not recognized
- [Messenger Report]: Improvements to palette file read. Rejects faulty files. Fixes hang-up
- [Messenger Report]: Fixes ‘Create DNP’ when run from Telnet. Turned out to be a stack overflow.
- [Email Discussion]: Adds EEPROM segment to GMOD2 when it is missing in the CRT file
- Fixes that U2 updater killed the flash before asking to update, leaving a semi-bricked device.
- Fixes drive sounds.
- ACIA NMI pulse extension to extend over bad line. This allows the 6502 to see it always.
- Performance optimization ACIA / Modem
- Allow spaces after ATDT command.
Cartridge Support:
- Additional C128 cartridge variant that allows banking and offers some RAM (U2/U2+ only).
source: ultimate64.com github.com

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.14 – 22/8/2021
- Illegal/undocumented opcodes to the CPU Emulator:
- ISC (Combination of two operations with the same addressing mode: INC, followed by SBC)
- Display emulation clock:
- I used the same position of the OLED display where the sid Subtunes are displayed (if are present), otherwise if the song doesn’t support subtunes it will displayed in the same position the type of clock speed emulation: |CIA| or |VBI|.
- DMP files additional information:
- Display of additional information of the SID when a DMP files is played but there are no additional information to display in the header of the DMP files.
- CPU timing:
- Some months ago when i wanted to fix the timing of the 6510 CPU emulator i made an unforgivable huge mistake :-D
- Random Playing Mode:
- The load routine try to load a index of a file that don’t exist and everything freeze.
- File error handling:
- When an load error occurs and you are in the TUNEINFO mode the player don’t back to the FILE Browsing mode.

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.13 – 3/8/2021
- Illegal/undocumented opcodes to the CPU Emulator:
- RLA (Combination of two operations with the same addressing mode (Sub-instructions: ROL, AND))
- From an idea of Faber Pixel we have also added other information of the SID file on the small OLED screen (information available in the header of the file).
- With a frequency approximately of 7 seconds, the Load Range, Init Address and Play Address in hex addresses will be displayed on the screen alternating with the information of the SID Name, Author and Copyright.
- Range: $1000-$2275
- Init Address: $1000
- Play Address: $1003
Obviously the displayed address range is the real memory occupation.
- The visualization of the SID Model of the tune that is playing every 5 seconds alternated between the playback mode icon. (Thanks Gianluca Renzi)
- Missing the file error handling in the subSong subroutine.

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.12 – 18/07/2021
- Improved a little bit the file error handling.
- If you try to load a SID Stereo file a message “Stereo SID detected, but cannot play it!” will be displayed on the OLED screen.
- Modified the modality of visualization of the SID Model of the tune that is playing.
- Now the display of the SID Model is alternated between the playback mode icon approximately every 5 seconds.
- Message during the boot that warns a checking of the USB storage and the correct filesystem mounting of the USB pen drive.
- Added six duplicate and probably useless opCodes, we are speaking about the “NOP” (they are $1A, $3A, $5A, $7A, $DA and $FA)
- Added one opcode absolutely useless for our use, we are speaking about the “JAM”.
- Fixed some opCodes Addressing mode (Accumulator Addressing instead of Immediate Addressing)

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 (U64/U64E) / U2 / U2+ by Gideon is released.
This release has again some significant changes and improvements over 1.37 / 3.9. The following bullet list gives an overview of the features and fixes. Below the items, a short explanation is added.
This release has again some significant changes and improvements over 1.37 / 3.9. Please read the manual before installing 3.10.
Added features:
- Hardware emulation of 1571 and 1581 drives (U2+ / U64 only)
- MFM support on 1571, with enhanced G71 format to store MFM tracks.
- Added audio samples for insert / remove floppy disk.
- Added second drive sound to speaker output.
- Possiblity to use your own drive sound samples.
- Custom U64 palettes.
- SystemInfo Page, showing drive, cartridge and storage status.
- Flash Disk, to store drive roms, sounds, cartridges and such.
- Cartridges are now always CRT files. Selected by filename in the config.
- Cartridge compatibility check and reporting
- GMOD2 support, including EEPROM (U2+ / U64 only)
- Zaxxon Cartridge support.
- Implemented writing CVT files back to a disk image (enables copying CVT files across disks.)
Various UI Improvements:
- Select & Delete, using Shift-DEL
- Recursive delete from context menu.
- Long filename truncation (thanks to ‘naali’ / Antti Svenn)
- Scrollable string edit box.
- Adds save function for all cartridges, including EasyFlash and GMOD2.
- Full Clear function of configuration in Flash.
- Added ‘F3′ Help screen to config menu.
Technical Fixes:
- Fixed RGB mode (U64 only)
- Fixed block read command
- Fixed access of files with special chars in CBM disk images, accessed from IEC
- Fixed UCI issues with SidPlay and others
- Fixed colon issue in Ultimate Kernal ROM
- Fixed crash on invalid file chain CBM filesystems
- Fixed check order DIR / VOLUME; fixes some issues with exFAT directories
- Added M and V commands in modem emulation layer, V now supporting numeric responses. Thanks Scott Hutter
- Fixed the root cause of the VOLUME bit set in exFAT directories
- Fixed missing ‘probe’ for filesystems on multi-partition disks
- Fixed loading from wrong device ID when issuing the ‘run disk’ command
- Fixed many little bugs in the generation of CVT files (copying GEOS files from a disk image)
- Adopted changes to U64 Kernal to set default loading ID, as submitted by Leif Bloomquist
- Adopted USB modifier key handling, as submitted by Peter de Schrijver
- Corrected bug in extended partition table reading
- Relaxed C128 cartridge timing (for C128 carts)
- Extended UCI I/O bytes to support Hyperspeed Kernal properly
- Check for file copy onto itself
- Increased robustness against loading faulty disk images
- Fixed VIA latch mode in 1541/1571.
- [Issue 227] Fixes ‘get sensible name’ function for Ulticopy
- Fix for .d71 sector allocation – format should give 1328 blocks free, not 1347.
- Fixes possible crash when decoding a GCR track to binary
- [Issue 160]: SpeedDOS / DolphinDOS loading errors
source: ultimate64.com github.com

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.11 – 22/06/2021
- Decreased more than before the brightness of the display after 10 seconds if no activity is done on the buttons or encoder.
- Slighty improved the timing (CPU cycle) of the 6510 emulator but we are far from my perception of absolute perfection :-D
- Illegal/undocumented opcodes to the CPU Emulator:
- RRA (Combination of two operations with the same addressing mode (Sub-instructions: ADC, ROR))
- Automatic hardware SID switch between ZIF Socket #1 and ZIF Socket #2 (example if it is made only for 6581 or 8580).
- This features is included in the prototype pcb. The swap will be displayed by a led placed on the lower part of the ZIF Socket.
- Improved a little bit the file error handling.
- If you try to load a file not supported a message “Wrong file format” will be displayed on the screen.
- If you try to load a RSID file format a message “RSID detected, but cannot play it!” will be displayed on the screen.
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