Firmware upgrade for the UK1541 a real time drive emulator with cycle-exact 6502 instructions execution and VIA’s emulation just by tiny MCU, LCP1114, Cortex M0, 48Mhz (0,84 DMIPS/Mhz) developed by Krzysztof Switajski aka Kisiel/ICON.
- Core6502 update with major improvements for VIA emulation.
source: wiki.projekt64.filety.pl

Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
+ many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.1.25.1a -> v3.1.32.1a cumulative changelog:
- Menu subsystem refactored.
- Smaller code size with more features.
- Menu OLED and sound parameters (Video Inverse, contrast, step sound) are now taking effect immediately.
- Code optimizations.
- CPC DSK : Write cache flush timeout set to 2 seconds.
- Once again more code size optimizations!
- More code size optimizations.
- STM32 startup / init functions refactored (WIP).
- Flash memory code size reduced.
- Inversed Floppy Ribbon detection at power-up : “rib” (7 segments display) or “Floppy ribbon reversed !” (LCD/OLed display) message printed at power-up if the floppy ribbon is not connected properly.
- Fix a regression introduced into the v3.1.28.1a : Fix normal and indexed mode possible browsing issues (unexpected wrap to index 0). Please update !
- OLED screen : Standby/screen saver mode – The screen is now dimmed to a minimal level. The standby delay can be changed into the setting menu.
- OLED screen : New Menu entry – “Video” Polarity mode (Normal/Inverse).
- Files Browser : All Files/Folders with the hidden attribut set are not shown anymore… (Hide Windows/MAC system folders).
- Push buttons Auto-repeat : Better/Smoother rate changes. Rate changes delays adjusted.
- Thomson *.FD file support : Faster Loading (sectors interleave factor fixed).
- Fix the “clear settings”/reset factory function.
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.1.32.1a (1007)
source: hxc2001.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 by Gideon is released.
Differences with previous official release V1.06:
- SID has been improved quite a bit:
- The internal SID is now consistently referenced as “UltiSID”, to avoid confusion with other SID products.
- Various bugs, like the phase of the filters, and the routing of Voice 3 when the VOICE3OFF bit was set have been corrected.
- A number of SID filter curves have now been implemented and can now be chosen from the configuration menu.
- The resonance can be changed to two different settings.
- Combined waveforms can now be selected between 6581 and 8580.
- Internal bus charge in the SID is now emulated.
- The 6502 core has been improved. All ‘stable’ illegal instructions are now fully operational:
- SLO $07 $17 $03 $13 $0F $1F $1B
- RLA $27 $37 $23 $33 $2F $3F $3B
- SRE $47 $57 $43 $53 $4F $5F $5B
- RRA $67 $77 $63 $73 $6F $7F $7B
- SAX $87 $97 $83 $8F
- LAX $A7 $B7 $A3 $B3 $AF
- DCP $C7 $D7 $C3 $D3 $CF $DF $DB
- ISC $E7 $F7 $E3 $F3 $EF $FF $FB
- ANC $0B
- ANC $2B
- ALR $4B
- ARR $6B (including decimal mode!)
- LAX $AB is stable with constant 00.
- U64 settings are now restored when the machine resets. This resets the SID settings after using Auto Config + internal SID player.
source: ultimate64.com

What is DiagROM?
DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.
And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.
You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.
- New memory-detection routine that hopefully finds more memory.
- A600/1200/4000 IDE detection.
- Some bugfixes. (look at releasedata for more info)
- Powerup extras:
- press left mousebutton at power on, Screen will be disabled and IF there is fastmem present, fastmem will be used instead of chipmem. Serial console is only option.
- if you press right mousebutton at poweron. Computer will use the beginning of detected ramblock instead of end.
- (you can combine both buttons at boot)
- fire on joystick at power on:
- Serialport output is disabled. this to make the machine to start with broken Paula. DiagROM also tries to detect broken paula at start and will disable serial if detected. (this detection is far from 100%)
Download: DiagoROM v1.1 Stable (928)
source: diagrom.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.1.4 – Changes:
- Corrects a recent firmware issue that prevented joysticks like the Logitech F710 from being detected.
Please be aware there is currently a 256 item limit (files and/or folders) to assist improved USB memory stick performance.
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.1.4 (1981)
source: thec64.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.1.2 – Changes:
- Fixes an issue where some USB directory layouts result in an empty file list.
- Amended USB behaviour to help resolve issues users experienced with some USB memory sticks when using the File Loader.
Please be aware there is currently a 256 item limit (files and/or folders) to assist improved USB memory stick performance.
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.1.2 (1065)
source: thec64.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.1.0 – Changes:
- New File Loader functionality. Please see File Loader for full details.
- Further improvements to response times.
- Fixing one small issue with the German Virtual Keyboard.
- Adding the missing help function in ‘Avenger’ to a joystick button.
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.1.0 (1379)
source: thec64.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / Ultimate 1541 II / Ultimate 1541 II+ by Gideon and some enhancements by Markus is released.
Changelog of Ultimate-64 / 1541 Ultimate 2+ by Gideon
- NEW: Audio Mixer
- 1541 Ultimate II+ only:
- 1541 Ultimate II and II+ only:
- Can now be used in Ultimate 64
- Ultimate 64 only:
- SpeedDOS Parallel Cable (needs e.g. DolpinDOS roms)
- Interface type: Ultimate Menu picture overlay (HDMI-only)
- USB keyboard support. Like earlier firmware, press scroll/lock to enter/exit the Ultimate menu.
- Replacement of Charrom and BASIC.
- Display *.64 files as a directory via FTP:
- Every chosen FTP username enables this feature (*.d64 are shown as directory AND as *.d64 files)
- The username “d64″ deactivates the listing of *.d64 files (*.d64 are only shown as directory)
- The username “d642″ disables this feature completely, (*.d64 are only shown as files)
.. and there are many improvements not present in the changelog.
Note for the Ultimate 64:
You will need a kernel, basic and character rom after the upgrade. These roms are not included in the update. These roms are distributed with vice-emu, but you can also find them on zimmermans.net.
For instance, you could use these roms: 901225-01.bin (char), 901226.bin (basic) and 901227-03.bin (kernal). Roms with the .rom extension should also work.
Changelog of Ultimate-64 / 1541 Ultimate 2 / 1541 Ultimate 2+ by Markus
Changes in this release (compared to 3.3):
- You can now flash more alternative kernals and floppy roms (1541 Ultimate II+: 2, Ultimate 64: 3).
- Kernals and floppy roms can be loaded without flashing
- Pressing the following keys while turning on the Ultimate 64 will change the video mode to
- D => DVI
- H => HDMI
- R => RGB
- C => Composite/S-Video
- Fix writing to kernal via TCP Port 64 on Ultimate 64
- Fix Fast Reset on “Original” Kernal on Ultimate 64
source: ultimate64.com github.com/markusC64

Vampire GOLD2.10 Core Released for V600 v2 (.1) & V500 v2(+) and new Saga Driver v1.4.
Vampire GOLD2.10 Changelog:
- Added 4 different IDE speeds (V500)
- Fixed SBCD instruction
- Fixed ChipRAM detection
- Improved CIA timings (V600)
SAGA Driver v1.4 Changelog:
- Updated VControl to 1.6
- Updated VampireSN for Vampire V4
- Updated SDNet to 1.92
- Updated V2ExpEth to 1.92
Download: Vampire Core & Saga Driver (1381)
source: apollo-accelerators.com

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- SuperFX support by RedGuy! This is the duck’s guts. What an accomplishment. Big thanks to RedGuy!
- EXPERIMENTAL brightness patching for S-CPUN based consoles (1CHIP/Jr). The patching is comprised of two parts:
- 1CHIP transient fix – tries to alleviate some graphical issues with 1CHIP consoles where it reacts unfavorably to sudden changes to the brightness register. This fixes the shadow in Air Strike Patrol, warped scanlines in Rudra’s Treasure, and faded scanlines at the top of the screen on certain Capcom games when the console is equipped with a de-ghosting fix involving the replacement of the C11 capacitor.
- Brightness limit – can be used to limit brightness on consoles where the stock RGB levels are too high.
- NOTE: There are known problems with games that use DMA to set the brightness register. Notably Star Fox and some MSU1 video players. You should disable it if you intend to play those. For now I’m releasing it as is because I still think it can be useful (and I’ll be gone for two weeks and didn’t want to delay this release any further :-D)
- Added ExLoROM support (LoROM > 32Mbits)
- The In-game hook is now disabled by default.
- Touched up the menu a bit – dependent settings are printed in grey if the higher-level setting is disabled
- Changed the version numbering by eliminating the eternal leading zero. The last digit can now be used for small revisions or fixes.
Some minor fixes are still outstanding which I will address in a couple of weeks after I have returned from vacation.
source: sd2snes.de

Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
+ many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.1.22.1a -> v3.1.25.1a cumulative changelog:
- TI99/4A : V9T9/DSK Loader -> Better disk layout detection.
- OLED screen setting sanity check: Do not allow more than 21 characters per line.
- 2 Digits screen Gotek: Fix embedded config menu.
- HFE files: Fix MPC60 MkII formatted images write support regression. May also fix possible write issues on HFE files with some others machines/disk formats. Update recommended.
- 7 segments Gotek: New menu entry : 5 -> Auto select delay setting.
- Floppy Interface initialized before the screen. (Fix Emu Emulator second drive detection issue).
- Amiga ID support enabled by default (HD ADF support).
- Internal improvements.
- “Double steps per increment” rotary support added.
- New menu entries: Head settling time. (7 digits gotek meny entry number 6). Rotary type. (7 digits gotek menu entry number 7 – 0=Single Step, 1=Double Step, 3=Disable.).
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.1.25.1a (1094)
source: hxc2001.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.0.8 – Changes:
- Includes firmware optimisations and improvements to THEC64 input response times.
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.0.8 (1253)
source: thec64.com

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II+ – 1541 Ultimate II and the new C64 Motherboard Ultimate 64 is released.
Changes in this release (compared to 3.2a):
- Fast Reset for C64.
- Improved d64 filesystem.
- Poweroff function for the U64.
- FTP Bugfix.
- Bugfix in Paste function of the file browser.
How to update?
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II:
- Navigate to the unzipped file ‘3.2a_180411+_v1.audio.u2u‘ or ‘3.2a_180411+_v1.dualdrive.u2u‘ and select “Run Update”
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II+:
- Navigate to the ‘3.2a_180411._v1.u2p‘ file, and select “Run Update”.
- For the Ultimate 64:
- Navigate to the ‘3.2a_180411._v1.u64‘ file, and select “Run Update”.
Please note that the Ultimate 64 Firmware is build using a blob containing version 1.02 of the FPGA.
Download: 1541 Ultimate-II / Ultimate-II+ / U64 v3.2a v1 (1032)
source: facebook.com github.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.0.7 – Changes:
- Fixes an issue encountered on some two-player games when using two USB joysticks
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.0.7 (1298)
source: thec64.com

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.0.6 – Changes:
- Maps additional functions to joystick buttons for some games.
- Makes minor changes to descriptions for some games.
- Fixes an occasional scenario where an additional USB joystick is not detected until a restart.
- Fixes an intermittent audio click when opening the THEC64 Mini’s MENU in-game.
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.0.6 (886)
source: thec64.com
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