
Archive for the ‘Commodore Monitors’ Category

Commodore 1084S-D2 (Black CDTV Edition)

May 31st, 2020 No comments
Commodore 1084S-D2 (Black CDTV Edition)

First of all i have to thank Ralf Schmitz for this gift. (Grazie Ralf).

The Commodore 1084S-D2, which was originally developed for the Commodore CDTV is a very good colour monitor also for the Commodore 64.

With its many ports it can be used for connecting anything you want (S-Video / RGB / Composite)

The Commodore 1084S-D2 has a good, sharp picture with luscious colours and a also a nice Stereo Sound. All the important settings can be changed over regulators at the front or the back.

For testing i have used the U64 by Gideon with the RGB output.


Commodore Monitor Model 1801

March 3rd, 2020 1 comment
Commodore Monitor Model 1801

This monitor is the PAL predecessor to the Commodore 1802. It appears to be a contemporary of the CM-141 and the brown-casing 1802. They both have dual inputs (Composite video/audio, and chroma/luma/audio) with a switch in front to select between them.

The Monitor although in excellent condition don’t work correctly, the image displayed was in black and white.

The problem was the oxidation of a little trimmer (see photo / orange trimmer) and it was enough to turn it a bit and put it back in its original position.

Other small defects fixed:

  • Bad geometry – Calibration of the Deflection yoke.
  • Out of Focus – Calibration Trimmer Focus on Flyback.
  • V-HOLD fine adjustment on the Monitor PCB.
  • Glued a piece of plastic broken at the base of the monitor.


Download: Commodore Monitor Model 1801 Instruction Manual (844)


Commodore Monitor 1960 (Boxed)

October 19th, 2016 1 comment
Commodore Monitor 1960

The Commodore Monitor 1960 may have been made by Daewoo (Korea) or a Taiwan company, or may be an OEMed Panasonic Panasync. The tube is made by Hitachi/Panasonic.

There has been some debate over whether it is a true multisync or a trisync monitor. Reports have been provided that indicate it can handle Super72 screen modes at about 23 kHz, and the manual says it can sync up to 38 kHz. It may be a sort of hybrid, with a wide “window” in the 15.75 kHz to 31.5 kHz range.


Download: Commodore 1960 Service Manual (1407)


Donation of the sunday (Commodore 1085S and Amiga 500)

February 24th, 2013 No comments

Material donated:

  • Commodore Monitor 1085S (The 1085(S) is a cost-reduced version of the 1084, with lower resolution (.52 mm dot pitch) and no non-glare screen treatment.)
  • Commodore Amiga 500 + 512k Expansion.

Monitor Commodore 1084

November 19th, 2009 No comments
Monitor Commodore 1084


from C64-Wiki:

The Commodore 1084, which was originally developed for the Amiga, is a very good colour monitor for the Commodore 64. With its many ports it can be used for connecting to many home and personal computers and can also be connected to video recorders, picture record players and TV tuners.

The Commodore 1084 has a good, sharp picture with luscious colours. All the important settings can be changed over regulators art the front or the back. While the 1084 only plays mono, the modell Commodore 1084S can also play stereo. Due to its good price performance ratio the 1084 was (and still is) very popular.

Download: Commodore 1084 Service Manual (2158)
