
Archive for the ‘Commodore 64 family’ Category

Commodore C64 Power Supply for REU 1764 Repaired

May 12th, 2013 No comments

This power supply for the REU 1764 is arrived for repair destroyed, the internal transformer was completely extirpated from the pcb.

Commodore SX-64 JiffyDos installation and keyboard repair

February 18th, 2013 1 comment

Kernel JiffyDos Installation and Keyboard Repair for my friend Damiano ( To repair the keyboard you must clean the contacts very well on the pcb.

Working Commodore SX-64 in cluster ;-D

February 17th, 2013 No comments

Working Commodore SX-64 in cluster ;-D

New donations: Intellivision + Boxed Games / SX64 Manual / TV +4 …

February 17th, 2013 No comments

Today a friend has donated to me some nice things. Thanks Damiano (Manosoft).

Things that have been donated:

  • Commodore SX64 Manual.
  • TV +4 Pong Clone.
  • PCB Multi Kernel C64/C64C Switch.
  • PCB Universal PLA Adapter.
  • Atmel 27C512 PROM 70ns.
  • Some DIMM Memory (256mb and 512mb)
  • Mattel Intellivision.
  • Mattel Intellivision Boxed Games:
    • Football.
    • Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
    • Skiing.
    • Maze-A-Tron.
    • Sea Battle.
    • Tennis.
    • Basketball.

Working Commodore 64 for spare parts

November 12th, 2012 No comments

Commodore 64 in a good working state to use for spare parts.

Commodore SX-64 Keyboard for Spare Parts

August 23rd, 2012 1 comment

This is a Commodore SX-64 Keyboard which i will use as spare parts.

Commodore motherboards repairs in one hour and half

January 15th, 2012 3 comments

Commodore motherboards repairs in one hour and half I am very happy to have repaired for my friend four PCB Commodore in one and half hour.

The defects are:

  • Motherboard Commodore 64 ASSY 250466 with IEC bus broken. (replaced ic 7406 – U8)
  • Motherboard Commodore 64 ASSY 250407 with a Video Output problem with some programs, like FIBR File Manager. (replaced ic 6526 – U2)
  • Motherboard Commodore 64 ASSY 250425 with strange character at startup. (replaced ic 4264 – U12)
  • Motherboard Commodore Floppy 1541 ASSY 1540050 REV C with IEC bus broken. (replaced ic 7406 – UB1 and ic 7414 – UA1)

Two Commodore 64 added to my collection.

June 17th, 2011 No comments
Two Commodore 64 added to my collection.

Two Commodore 64 added to my collection. The external case was bit dirty, it took me a couple of hours for a good cleaning but now the two C64 are like new.

C64 / 1541 / C16 Datassette found in the trash

May 29th, 2011 2 comments

I have found a Commodore 64 / 1541 Floppy Drive and a C16 Datassette in the trash.

The Floppy Drive was very dirty but in good working state, while the Commodore 64 was faulty (black  screen with tiny raster effect). I have replaced the video chip (MOS 6569) and is back to run better than never.

Nano SwinSID Prototype: Unboxing and first Impressions

April 5th, 2011 2 comments
Nano SwinSID prototype (component side)

Nano SwinSID Prototype by x1541:

This project is based on the microcontroller ATMEGA88PU from Atmel and the emulation code is written by Swinkels.

The prototype of Nano SwindSID is a scaled down version of the Micro SwinSID, so far so good, and here’s my initial impression.

x1541, a user of the has made a very nice work, the pcb has the same size of the original SID chip (6581/8580), the components are arranged very well and the entire space of the pcb was used. I can just say to buy it when the Nano SwinSID kit will be available, your money will be spent well.

Nano SwinSID Features:

  • ISP Connector.
  • Same size as the original SID.
  • 6581/8580 Jumper.
  • Smd ATmega.


Commodore 64 IRQ Bicolor LED

March 4th, 2011 4 comments

This is a very old project published in a Dutch magazine to capture the state of the IRQ for Commodore 64 (vic-20) with a LED. After many years i have decided to make it.

On the photo you can see the project and the right connections on the cartridge port.


  • 1 x IC 74LS04.
  • 1 x Bicolor LED.
  • 2 x 330 ohm resistors.
  • Tiny wires.

How it work?

When the CPU generates an IRQ the green LED lights up, otherwise is red, if the irq is turned on and off quickly the led is orange.


Commodore 64 The Final Enhancement

December 16th, 2010 5 comments

Finally i had time to finish the enhancements of my Commodore 64, below a brief description of what you see in the photos.

Enhancements description:

  • 1541-III bulk version.
  • Reset Switch.
  • Multi Kernel with Atmel flash rom.
  • Multi Kernel Switch.
  • Eprom homebrew PLA.
  • Cartridge ON/OFF Switch.
  • DualSID with separate output (6581 / 8580)
  • 2 x Fan Cooling.
  • Fan Cooling Switch.
  • Bright Blu Power LED.
  • 1541 Ultimate REV1 with v2.0 Firmware.

Commodore 64 (WG 149763) & (UK B1611244)

December 8th, 2010 No comments
Commodore 64 (WG 149763) & (UK B1611244)


Today i picked up two Commodore 64, both are in poor condition and Broken.

The first one with the chip SID 6581 can play a garbled sound and the closing hooks broken, the other one with the chip PLA 906114, 7406, CIA 6526 dead. I made some cleaning and repaired the problems.

DualSID by Tomi Malinen Assembling and Testing

November 28th, 2010 3 comments

DualSID Assembling and Testing

DualSID KIT by Tomi Malinen:

DualSID is a device which allows you to plug in two different SID models to your Commodore 64.

You can set the second SID‘s address to five different memory locations. For more information and price visit the Tomi Malinen homepage

Download: DualSID V3 PCB Scan (593)

Commodore 64C Family Pack (Boxed)

November 13th, 2010 3 comments
Commodore 64C Family Pack


Today i picked up a Commodore 64c Family Pack Edition with Powersupply / Datasette & Joystick in good working condition. The plastics of the Commodore 64c and Datasette are little yellowed but does not affect the right use.