
Archive for the ‘Handic’ Category

Some Cartridges for Commodore 64

December 21st, 2020 1 comment
Some Cartridges for Commodore 64

Thanks go to my friend Andrea Pierdomenico.

Some Cartridges for Commodore 64.

  • Tele-Data 64 by Handic
  • Cherry by Fruit Hardware System
  • Isepic (Clone)
  • Antiram by S.C.T. 1987 (Freeze Frame Clone)
  • Bandit (The Expert Clone)
  • Sykline S.A. by KAWA (Industria Argentina)
  • Niki II by O.M.Alfred
  • Unknown Cartridge (The Final Cartridge I Clone)
  • Hypra Disk II by Rex (9615)
  • 5531A1 by Koks Gesto BV Computers


Commodore VIC-Switch by Handic

September 6th, 2020 3 comments
Commodore VIC-Switch by Handic

The VIC-Switch allows up to 8 Commodore computers to connect to a single disk drive, printers, plotters etc.

The VIC-Switch keeps track of who is currently using the device and prevents access to all other computers who might be requesting it at the same time.
Once the first computer is done using it, the VIC-Switch will then give access to the next computer.

The peripheral was made in Sweden by Handic and some models carry the Commodore logo but it doesn’t look very Commodore style
and for that reason i think they were branded by Commodore but not manufactured Commodore .


Download: Commodore VIC-Switch by Handic Manual (697)