I purchased the Texas Instruments Grillo Parlante Più (Super Speak & Spell) for a few euros and fully aware that the contact plates for the batteries due to an acid leak has been destroyed (see photo).
After testing it if actually still worked, i did a good cleaning of the battery compartment, body and display.
I replaced the contact plates for the batteries with similar ones recovered from an old dead and defunct cassette recorder.
The final result is perfect, it looks like the original, even better because i put the battery negative spring in the correct side, the original has the springs all on one side, both for the positive and negative of the battery.
Gallery of work done:
The Intelli-Table is a round, plastic activity table with a blue, removable top that uses three interchangeable play rings to help children learn numbers, music, and games.
The curiosity of this device that was developed by Mattel in cooperation with Microsoft and distributed by Fisher Price in late 90s.
This game are been withdrawn from the market for construction problems, like say the Mattel Bulletin.
from Wikipedia homepage:
The Intellivision is a video game console released by Mattel in 1979. Development of the console began in 1978, less than a year after the introduction of its main competitor, the Atari 2600. The word intellivision is a portmanteau of “intelligent television”. Over 3 million Intellivision units were sold and a total of 125 games were released for the console.
In 2009, video game website IGN named the Intellivision the No. 14 greatest video game console of all time. It became Mattel’s first video game console, though it was their only console until the release of the HyperScan in 2006.
The Intellivision was developed by Mattel Electronics, a subsidiary of Mattel formed expressly for the development of electronic games. The console was test marketed in Fresno, California, in 1979 with a total of four games available, and was released nationwide in 1980 with a price tag of US$299 and a pack-in game: Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack. Though not the first system to challenge Atari, it was the first to pose a serious threat to Atari’s dominance. A series of advertisements featuring George Plimpton were produced, that demonstrated the superiority of the Intellivision’s graphics and sound to those of the Atari 2600, using side-by-side game comparisons.
Mattel Intellivision SECAM Motherboard:
source: wikipedia
Jump here for the commercial RGB mod for the Mattel Intellivision
I have found this RGB mod for the Mattel Intellivision console fom a site, i have searched on the net if anyone has tried this mod, but nothing, so, i have tried to do it myself.
This mod is not easy to do, especially if one has no experience in electronics, however the result at the end is spectacular.
Schematics (click to zoom):

from Elektronite Homepage:
One smart ape has escaped from his cage. Mario, the zookeeper, is in a real fix! The gorilla Darwin has captured a very special lady and made his way onto a construction site and up bewildering, unfinished structures and a veritable King Kong! Leap for your life over bouncing barrels, ride fast-moving platforms to dizzying heights, scurry under runaway springs, and avoid roaming flames and dangerous balls of gas as you make your way up. It will take not only Mario but one of his brothers Toni and Bruno to outsmart the big ape and return the girl to safety.
It’s TWO games in one! The first arcade game, PLUS a second game with five all NEW levels inspired by the arcade hit D2K: Jumpman Returns! 9 Screens in total!
- New graphics and sound effects. Hear DK growl for the first time!
- Separate high scores for Game 1 and Game 2. Perfect for high-scoring competitions!
Video D2K ARCADE review for IntelliVision:
source: elektronite.com
You can found Parts list and Schematics here
from wiki.intellivision.us Homepage:
The Intellivision directly generates composite video using the AY-3-8915 Color Processor and a set of resistors. This video gets fed to the ASTEC UM1285-8 video modulator for conversion to RF for display on a television set. It is possible to tap this composite video directly to avoid the distortion and static associated with RF modulation and demodulation. On older units, the RF modulator can decay rather noticeably, leading to very low quality video.
Typical composite video inputs have an input impedance of 75Ω. In contrast, the composite signal generated by the Intellivision has a very high output impedance. (We estimate the output impedance is around 2KΩ.) Tapping this output and feeding it directly into a typical composite monitor does not work. (It will work if your monitor has a “high impedance” input, but such monitors are atypical.) Thus, an amplifier/impedance matching circuit is necessary.
It is also possible to tap the audio the Intellivision generates. The audio output by the Intellivision is nearly directly suitable for feeding line-level inputs on most AV equipment. All that’s required is a coupling capacitor.
The modification should work equally well on all Intellivision variants, including the Intellivision 1, Intellivision 2, the various rebranded units (Sears, Tandy), and the later INTV releases.
source: wiki.intellivision.us
Today a friend has donated to me some nice things. Thanks Damiano (Manosoft).
Things that have been donated:
- Commodore SX64 Manual.
- TV +4 Pong Clone.
- PCB Multi Kernel C64/C64C Switch.
- PCB Universal PLA Adapter.
- Atmel 27C512 PROM 70ns.
- Some DIMM Memory (256mb and 512mb)
- Mattel Intellivision.
- Mattel Intellivision Boxed Games:
- Football.
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
- Skiing.
- Maze-A-Tron.
- Sea Battle.
- Tennis.
- Basketball.
The collection includes:
- Mattel (Radofin) Aquarius Home Computer System (boxed).
- Mattel (Radofin) Aquarius Mini Expander Module (boxed).
- Mattel (Radofin) Aquarius Game Cartridge Night Stalker (boxed).
- Mattel (Radofin) Aquarius 4k Memory Expansion (boxed).
- Mattel (Radofin) Aquarius Data Recorder (boxed).
- Mattel (Radofin) Aquarius Thermal Printer.
from Wikipedia homepage:
Aquarius is a home computer designed by Radofin and released by Mattel in 1983. It features a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a rubber chiclet keyboard, 4K of RAM, and a subset of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. It connects to a television set and uses a cassette tape recorder for secondary data storage. A limited number of peripherals, such as a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer/plotter, and a 300 baud modem, were released for the unit.
Looking to compete in the standalone computer market, Mattel Electronics turned to Radofin, the Hong Kong based manufacturer of their Intellivision consoles. Radofin had designed two computer systems. Internally they were known as “Checkers”, and the more sophisticated “Chess”. Mattel contracted for these to become the Aquarius and Aquarius II, respectively. Aquarius was announced in 1982 and finally released in June 1983, at a price of $160.
Production ceased four months later because of poor sales. Mattel paid Radofin to take back the marketing rights, and four other companies—CEZAR Industries, CRIMAC Inc., New Era Incentives, Inc., and Bentley Industries—also marketed the unit and accessories for it. Bentley Industries (of Los Angeles) and New Era Incentives, Inc. (of St. Paul) are still in business, though they no longer have any affiliation with the Aquarius product line.
source: wikipedia
from Wikpedia:
The Intellivoice Voice Synthesis Module was an adapter for the Intellivision, Mattel’s home gaming console, that utilized a voice synthesizer to generate audible speech.
The Intellivoice was a large, brown cartridge that plugged into the Intellivision’s side-mounted cartridge slot; games specifically designed for the device could then be inserted into a slot provided on the right-hand side of the module.
An International version of the Intellivoice was planned, but never released. The Intellivoice was discontinued in 1983 due to poor sales, with only five titles released with support for the device.
source: wikipedia
- Country: USA/Europe
- Most Common: Usa
- Rarity: Rare
- Year: 1983
from Wikipedia:
Aquarius is a home computer designed by Radofin and released by Mattel in 1983.
It features a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a rubber chiclet keyboard, 4K of RAM memory, and a subset of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. It connects to a television set and uses a cassette tape recorder for secondary data storage. A limited number of peripherals, such as a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer/plotter, and a 300 baud modem, were released for the unit.
source: Wikipedia
from Wikipedia homepage:
The Intellivision was developed by Mattel Electronics, a subsidiary of Mattel formed expressly for the development of electronic games.
The console was test marketed in Fresno, California, in 1979 with a total of four games available, and was released nationwide in 1980 with a price tag of US$299 and a pack-in game: Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack. Though not the first system to challenge Atari, it was the first to pose a serious threat to Atari’s dominance.
A series of ads featuring George Plimpton was produced that mercilessly attacked the Atari 2600′s lesser capabilities with side-by-side game comparisons.
source: wikipedia
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