Exhausted and Old but always better than ever the Commodore 64 looks down the newcomer with immense scorn; the Sinclair ZX Spectrum NEXT (Accelerated Version).
Three years have passed since the campaign on Kickstarter was opened and although i’m a Commodore man i have decided to take this bad misstep.
Many things have changed in three years and in that period i did not have money problems to spend for these fucking lame things, now and probably in the future is no longer possible.
I don’t just like collecting but also owning, whether it is a beautiful or ugly, new or old, if attracts me for some obscure reason, it must be mine.
Tests and updates that have been made:
- RAM upgrade from 1Mb to 2Mb
- Added a Piezo Buzzer.
- RGB/VGA Port Lock posts fitted.
- Update to the latest firmware version from GITHUB (downloadable here).
- VGA Video Output Test.
- RGB Video Output (SCART) Test.
- Loading Games/Demos from SD-CARD.
- Loading Games from Cassette Recorder.
- Testing new CORE.
- CP/M OS.
- 8BitDo Wireless Gamepad (Black Edition) Test.
I leave you with some photos of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum NEXT.
If you are interested in more information and photos go to the official support page.
Last minute:
After upgrading the Firmware and OS of the Spectrum Next from GIT (NextZXOS v2.06I / Firmware 1.29C / System/Next 1.3.2) the things are much better now.
Also an update of the piSend, the SID/XM/MOD… Audio Format Player has been released.
Player absolutely necessary and that could not miss going to make up for the bad audio of the AY/YM.
source: specnext.com
A friend of mine left me some ZX Spectrum clones produced in the 90′s in Czechoslovakia and Russia.
As you can see from the photos i have tried to find the right pinout of the RGB video and audio output.
Thanks again Andrea Pierdomenico.
A friend of mine left me some ZX Spectrum clones produced in the 90′s in Czechoslovakia and Russia.
As you can see from the photos i have tried to find the right pinout of the RGB video and audio output.
Thanks again Andrea Pierdomenico.
A friend of mine left me some ZX Spectrum clones produced in the 90′s in Czechoslovakia and Russia.
As you can see from the photos i have tried to find the right pinout of the RGB video and audio output.
Thanks again Andrea Pierdomenico.
A friend of mine left me some ZX Spectrum clones produced in the 90′s in Czechoslovakia and Russia.
As you can see from the photos i have tried to find the right pinout of the RGB video and audio output.
Thanks again Andrea Pierdomenico.
A friend of mine left me some ZX Spectrum clones produced in the 90′s in Czechoslovakia and Russia.
As you can see from the photos i have tried to find the right pinout of the RGB video and audio output.
Thanks again Andrea Pierdomenico.
source: https://k1.spdns.de/Vintage/Sinclair/82/Clones/Russia/LENINGRAD/
How you can see from the gallery i had to remove the scotch tape that has been glued on the keys, the scotch tape with the long time has dried and detached, now the keyboard is perfect.
The Peters WS128 Home Computer is a Russian Clone of a Sinclair Spectrum 128 but with the addition of some features.
- Built-in printer port (centronics).
- The power switch.
- A internal power supply.
- Built-in ROM: Tetris Game, Assembler Monitor, Video Tester, Text Editor.
The Company Peters, then Peters Plus Ltd. is a company of microelectronic and computer founded in the year 1990 in St. Petersburg, known especially for the clone Sprinter.
Download: Spectrumpedia (1427)
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