
Archive for the ‘Great Valley Products (GVP)’ Category

GVP HC+8 Series II for Amiga 2000/3000/4000

January 18th, 2014 No comments
GVP HC+8 Series II for Amiga 2000/3000/4000.


This product is GVP’s flagship SCSI controller.

This controller has room to mount, directly on the card, a 3.5″ SCSI hard drive as well as the capability to hold up to eight (8) megabytes of Fast RAM.

Download: GVP Impact A2000 Manual (2055)


A new donation from Fabio Bovelacci (Frater Sinister)

January 14th, 2014 No comments

I thank Fabio Bovelacci (Frater Sinister) for the donation.

Donated item: