Selcom/Jen Lemon II with Floppy Disk Drive and Monitor

The computer Lemon II is a “perfect” clone of the Apple ][+ (Apple Europlus) produced in Italy by different companies, Selcom, Jen, Belton and Lemon Italy.
The mainboard was a copy almost identical of the Apple ][+, differ from the original for a few details, such the use of EPROM instead of ROM.
The contents of the ROM was slightly modified to remove any reference to Apple. So the boot screen that show “Apple II” are replaced with “Lemon II”. The Lemon II was therefore not only a computer “compatible” like the original, but a real clone.
The computer won the fame of 100% software compatibility, feature that will determine the commercial success.
This text was taken from the homepage of and translated in English language.
Playing at Montezuma’s Revenge:
Lemon II at work in a school laboratory:
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