C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE written by Georg Rottensteiner.
This app supports project based C64 assembly. The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax.
In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers and memory.
Any other emulator can be set up as well if it’s startable via runtime arguments. C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k and 16k).
Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset and sprite editor.
Version history:
02.06.2011 – 1.2b:
- Fixed crash when pushing “Macros” without active document.
- Fixed copy/paste bug in charset editor.
- Added clipboard import for sprites.
- Cleared undo buffer on direct file load.
- Fixed parse bug which allowed LDA/STA (xxx),x
- Added copy/paste for sprites.
24.05.2011 – 1.2a:
- Fixed sprite editor import and export (horribly messed up)
Download: C64 Studio beta (989)
source: lemon64.com
The Hybrid SID is a portable SID Player with a OLED LCD and a USB connector.
The Hybrid SID plays the most common variety of chiptunes, music written for playback on a SID chip. Probably the biggest collection of SID music is the High Voltage SID Collection, which has 36,000 SID tunes, free to download.
This prototype use a real SID chip (6581/8580) for play music and a CUI32 PIC32MX Development Stick for the CPU (6510) Emulation.
A YouTube video is available here.
source: dangerousprototypes.com
A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released. This version only runs on the Ultimate-II! Release for Ultimate-I (MK1) will come very soon.
Major improvement in latest release:
- MAJOR bug fix: Updater caused to unit to fail when “Force update” was selected on the first batch Black boards (with Atmel Flash)…
- Updater updated: Now possible to clear all configuration pages in flash.
- Issue fixed with configuration of objects that did not have a config page yet (write/effectuate decoupled).
- Issue fixed with re-freezing into an empty D64 (or file with headers but no items); caused a blank screen.
- Version number of FPGA increased [to $A6], because REU was fixed. (See previous commit).
- Simulation environment set up for REU.
- REU verify bug fixed. More testcases to be added.
- …/target/simulation/sim/$ make reu_tc_1.gui will start ModelSim with the REU testcase.
- Missing simulation package added.
- SdCard cannot be renamed, of course… fixed…
- Build of MK1 firmware fixed, using the 250E FPGA.
- Makefile changed to output a warning when ISE locations from the project is used, instead of your own.
- Tested on ‘clean’ system with Xilinx ISE 13.1 installed.
- Missing file added: sid_mapper.vhd. Why did nobody notice this? :D
download: 1541ultimate.net
The party is organized by Maciej Grzybek also known as Grzybson/SSG. It is taking place form 27th May (Friday) to 29th May 2011 (Sunday) in Częstochowa.
This is the Official Party Reports.
Game Compo:
- 1. Octopus / Larek, sOnar, Caruso.
- 2. Quad / nosty, sOnar.
- 3. Patrol in the Space / TDC, sOnar, Caruso, Miker.
- 4. Blahblah / Xeen, Piesiu, Ooz, Miker.
- 5. Tajemniczy zamek 2 / Sikor, Miker, Ripek.
- 6. Narciarzyki / Innuendo, Eagle.
Wild Compo:
- 1. River Raid 2k11 / C.Shaw, J.Husak.
- 2. Blondie / Gonzo, Raster, Kozyca.
- 3. Subaru / Gonzo..
Download: Grzybsoniada 2011 stuff + extras (1802)
source: Grzybsoniada homepage
This program converts images to a new c64 graphic format known as MUCSU FLI (MUltiColor Sprite Underlay FLI). It is merely a hiresolution bitmap image with an X expanded multicolor sprite underlay. The Hires underlay variant of this mode has been created before (known as extended hires).
After reading a few forum posts mentioning that the multicolor version of this mode was unrealistic and would provide too many restrictions, I decided to produce this converter to prove that this is not the case as well as wanting to use this particular format for my own production.
Download: MUCSU-FLI Converter (1049)
source: noname.c64.org
This is a quick and secure reset button for Commodore 64. This simple project was made by a Italian guy, a user of Lemon64 forum.
source: lemon64.com
TURGEN SYSTEM is an acronym for “Turbo generating system”. It is a program whose main purpose is conversion of files (with focus on binary files) to various turbo systems used in former Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Output of the program is an electric signal that can be stored in WAVE files or can be sent directly to computer’s audio system. Such electric signal can be then transferred to compact cassettes and read by data recorders equipped with particular turbo system.
TURGEN SYSTEM focuses on conversion of binary files. For such purpose, set of special miniature turbo loaders was developed and integrated to the program. Also a “Wizard for binary files” is available to provide convenience during the conversion preparation.
Download: Turgen System v8.2.8 (full) (1017)
source: turgen homepage
ASAP is a player of 8-bit Atari music for modern computers and mobile devices. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor.
The project was initially based on the routines from the Atari800 emulator, but the current version has a completely new original emulation core.
source: asap.sourceforge.net
The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.
The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).
There are two differents emulators:
- A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
- A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.
Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.8.1:
- Amiga/UAE Extended ADF file (new format) loader : crash corrected (Bitrate corrected).
- All Amiga loader (IPF,ADF,DMS…) : Index timing adjusted.
- Track encoder : Amiga track post gap corrected.
- … full release notes here
source: hxc2001.free.fr
Infiltrator Disassembler is a M$ Windows based tool for decompile Commodore 64 programs.
A disassembler is a computer program that translates machine language into assembly language—the inverse operation to that of an assembler. A disassembler differs from a decompiler, which targets a high-level language rather than an assembly language.
Disassembly, the output of a disassembler, is often formatted for human-readability rather than suitability for input to an assembler, making it principally a reverse-engineering tool.
source: noname.c64.org
Preview of the new Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0.
This project is interesting not only because it’s another mass-storage solution but because it combines already existing solutions to a new and fresh product. Damiano has always followed all the Commdore related websites and forums especially concerning the MMC and SD2IEC projects.
That’s when he got the idea to build a solution for which one doesn’t need soldering, wire cutting or the IEC cable. C64SD utilizes the Datasette pass-through connector to power the SD2IEC circuit. An IEC pass-through connector connects right into the IEC port.
The whole module stand vertical along the back of the C64/128 (or VIC20). The module is fitted with two rather large buttons, one reset and one diskswap/multi-function button.
Remember: with a external power supply the C64SD works fine with Commodore 16/Plus4.
C64SD Infinity new Features:
- TAPE pass-through connector.
- Reset on User Port.
- CPU Type ATMEL ATmega 1284P(128k)
- SD Filesystem for firmware upgrade FAT16/32
- Standard Commodore 128 IEC Cable.
The interface can be purchased on the Manosoft site.
source: manosoft.it youtube.com
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
source: ajordison.co.uk
The CodeNet Client it can be used to transfer PRG files directly into the memory of the C64 and also allows some other actions like filling memory and ofcourse starting a program with RUN or a jump to a defined memory address.
The CodeNet protocol is a very simple protocol to send data and executables to a C64 computer via ethernet. A CodeNet server is normally listening on UDP port 6462.
source: noname.c64.org oxyron.de
HxCmount is a piece of software for your Atari ST that transform your HxC Floppy Emulator SD card into a hard disk emulator.
Once loaded, you will be able to use a new disk letter (C: for example) exactly as a hard disk partition, the only thing is that the partition resides on a image file on your SD card.
- An hardware Atari ST computer.
- A HxC Floppy Emulator SD card.
- HxC FE firmware version:
source: hxcmount.atomas.com
The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.
The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).
There are two differents emulators:
- A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
- A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.
Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.8.0:
- New track generator implemented.
- Use of the new track generator for Most of file loaders.
- New files Support : *.ADF Amiga/UAE Extended ADF file format (old and new format)
- New files Support : *.ADF Acorn file format.
- New files Support : *.SSD/*.DSD Acorn BBC file format.
- New files Support : *.ADL Acorn BBC file format.
- New files Support : *.D77/*.88D/*.D8U/*.2D/*.D68
- New files Support : *.FDI file format. (Zx Spectrum…)
- New files Support : *.LDF (CamputersLynx) file format. (Beta)
- New files Support : *.D81 file format (C64+1581). (Beta)
- New files Support : *.DMK file format (TRS-80)
- New files Support : *.vegasdsk file format (“Tavernier” / Vegas 6809)
- D88 files Support : 1DD format support.
- … full release notes here
source: hxc2001.free.fr
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