Commodore Modem 8010 Powersupply pinouts
- PIN 1 = Common (GND)
- PIN 4 = Free
- PIN 2 = 14.6v (AC)
- PIN 5 = Free
- PIN 3 = 14.6v (AC)
Click here for my Commodore Modem 8010.
ZX Spectrum +3 (Issue 1) Sound Fix *updated*
Sound fix diagram here. (pdf)
from Cristian Secară Homepage:
The first release (the +3) has a fatal hardware mistake: the 128K sound output is completely distorted.
- Tech explanation: the analog output of the AY-3-8912 sound chip was intended to be amplified by a one stage common-emitter transistor. In practice, they have forgot to put a resistor to the transistor’s emitter. The result: the transistor works in switch-mode – the sound is converted from analog multi-level amplitude to digitized two-level amplitude, same as the old 48K sound system.
source: ay8912 Demos
CBS ColecoVision Secam RGB connector pinout Hack *updated*
ColecoVision RGB Hack:
Photo from #3 to #6 explain how to hack the RGB output signal inside the console.
ColecoVision RGB connector pinout:
__________________________________ \ o1 o o3 o o5 o o o8 / \ o o o o o13 o o15 / \____________________________/ Pin Signal 1 Red Output 3 Green Output 5 Blue Output 8 Ground 13 Composite Synch 15 Audio Output (very low volume)
Scart RGB pinout:
----------------------------21 _| 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 | | | | 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 | ---------------------------- Pin Signal Signal level 1 Right Audio Out 2 Right Audio In 3 Left Audio In 4 Audio Ground 5 Ground (blue) 6 Left Audio Out 7 Blue input (0.7V, 75ohm) 8 Function select/AV control (9.5-12V = AV mode, >10kohm) 9 Ground (green) 10 Reserved Data
11 Green input (0.7V, 75ohm) 12 Reserved Data
13 Ground (red) 14 RGB Blanking
15 Red input (0.7V, 75ohm) 16 RGB switching control (1-3V = RGB mode on, 75ohm) 17 Ground (sync signal) 18 Ground (RGB switching) 19 Composite Out 20 Composite Input (Synch) (as in 1Vpp video signal, 75ohm) 21 Common ground (shield)
Arcade Supergun MK III Fixed for my SNK MV-2F MVS
- Video Contrast problems: i have bypassed the resistor for RGB. (Photo #6)
- Jamma Connector is too big for my SNK MV-2F MVS: I have used a rasp for reduce the Jamma connector. (Photo #7)
source: wikipedia
Commodore SX 64 with some Fix/Enhancement

- Country: USA
- Most Common: USA/Europe
- Rarity: Very rare
- Year: 1983
- Price: $995
- Added a Fan.
- ASSY fix from Commodore.
- I/O Fastloader fix.
- Userport GND fix.
- Jiffy Kernel (C64/1541).
from Wikipedia:
The Commodore SX-64, also known as the Executive 64, or VIP-64 in Europe, was a portable, briefcase/suitcase-size “luggable” version of the popular Commodore 64 home computer and holds the distinction of being the first full-color portable computer.
The SX-64 featured a built-in five-inch composite monitor and a built-in 1541 floppy drive. It weighed 23 lb (10.5 kg). The machine was carried by its sturdy handle, which doubled as an adjustable stand. It was announced in January 1983 and released a year later, at $995.
source: Wikipedia Oldcomputers
My old LPC Programmer (CheapLPC) for Xbox modchip
The CheapLPC is a flashrom burner for the SST49LF020 chip, The Software can read back, and verify the contents of the chip.
The software is also compatible with any other CheapLPC based programmer, like that used in the Martrix by Xodus, Ozx Prog by OZx Modchips, Neurosys, and a few others.
Download: GreenProg (CheapLPC Programmer) v0.7 (1296)
source: wikipedia
Sid Switcher (6581 <-> 8580)
This is a project for switch from SID 6581 to SID 8580 and vice versa. This is not a SId2Sid Clone. This is a Switcher ;-D
source: 6581-Wiki
Pong from Polistil (1979) with AV output.
Here’s the Pong in a chip from Polistil (1979) with the Famous chip TMS1965 (GI AY-3-8500 pins compatibile) from Texas Instruments.
have added a Composite Video / Audio output intested of VHF antenna output.
wiki: Pong-Wiki
DTV (c64) Yellow Box *updated*
Stay on Photo for a short description.
This is my Dtv (c64) Modded. Missing only one thing, the sd2iec (floppy drive 1541 emulator).
- PS/2 keyboard connector.
- External IEC connector.
- 2 joystick ports with switchable reset line for dtvtrans.
- 5V power regulator.
- Switch for external/internal battery power.
- Switch Power On/Off.
- Shadowolf’s Keyboard Twister.
- Floppy Drive Reset.
- Commodore 64 Reset.
- Spiff Color Fix.
- FlashRom Fix (write enabled)
Homebrew UV Eprom Eraser
My homebrew UV Eprom Eraser. I have spent 8 euros for electrical components and 3 euro for the box.
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