I have also bought a LED spectrum analyzer, very nice and impressive but certainly not suitable for professional use, but who cares!
The technical features are many and not very intuitive to be changed with just two buttons on the back.
However, I’ll summarize them very briefly:
- Automatic detection of Microphone or Audio Input (Jack 3.5).
- Ability to disable the clock.
- 12 display modes.
- 7 color modes.
- 84 display effects can be combined.
- 8 brightness modes.
- Clock adjustment.
- 4 time display modes.
- Alarm clock function.
- Custom RGB colors.
- USB 5v power supply.
Below are some photos of the inside.
The reset button is very curious can cannot be reached from the outside (missing the hole) and also a Micro USB connector unusable from the outside of the case.
I attach the datasheets of the integrated circuits that are used and the manual in English language that was sent to me via email, the one available by scanning the QR Code of the product is only Chinese :-D
source: aliexpress.com
Testing OSSC through the component Video of the TI-99/4A
The ODV-II although it is placed above the OSSC is not used, i could not remove it because it is attached with bioadhesive :D
Below are my presets in binary format of the OSSC with firmware v0.90.
- 0: Amiga RGB
- 1: Amiga Overscan RGB
- 2: Commodore 64 Svideo through ODV-II
- 3: SupaBoy RGB
- 4: TI-99 YPbPr
- 5: Apple II+ Composite through ODV-II
Download: OSSC Binary Presets (280)

Still in beta stage but interesting this software written by SLC that allows you to write and read C64 file formats (D64/G64) using a regular 360k Floppy Drive with the Greaseweazle interface.
To understand how this program works, you should first read the README found in the program archive.
I tried it personally and it works quite well, the only problem is the double sided management of Floppy Disks for Commodore 64, i don’t want to dwell too much on this question but in other words the Floppy Drive PCs do not allow you to turn the floppy disk to use also the other side of the Floppy Disk, the optical sensor is present only on the left side of the reader (the Floppy Drive of the Commodore 64 does not have this sensor).
There are MODs to get around this annoying problem, mods that are not exactly immediate and not for all Floppy Drive.
So let’s say it outspoken, if you want to read and write Floppy Disks for Commodore 64 what i recommend is the software OPENCBM + Hardware XUM (ZoomFloppy) or similar and a native Commodore 64 (1541/1541-II) drive. :-D … and everything is great.

Download: Disc Disk Revolution 64 v0.99B3
I also wanted to try the ODV-II converter to be able to use the OSSC also with CVBS and S-VIDEO inputs (OSSC does not natively support this type of video inputs).
I have chosed this product and not others for three reasons:
- The cost.
- Video quality, absolute perfection wasn’t important.
- Signal output converted to YPbPr.
The result went above expectations, works well, the output of the ODV-II is in component (YPbPr) so the SCART-RGB and VGA inputs remain free on the OSSC, furthermore the ODV-II has a third YPbPr input.
The ODV-II also has the possibility of selecting some Video filters via a small button, filters which i find absolutely embarrassing in fact i have configured it in pass-through mode and another small button to select the video inputs.
Below are the photos of some tests with the Commodore 64 where i have used the S-Video output and also the photos of the PCB because i didn’t find them on the net, i also attach the datasheets of the integrated circuits that are used.
ODV-II PDF Datasheet (337)

I have replaced my cheap SCART RGB to HDMI/DVI converter with the OSSC (Open Source Scan Converter)
I had been wanting to buy this interesting peripheral for some time and given the availability on Amazon with one day shipping with PRIME and the mature firmware and also the developing active, thanks to marqs, i did this crazy thing.
Some aspects of the software can certainly be improved but it already works just fine.
I’m not going to explain what this device does and doesn’t , you can find everything on the net.
Wiki: https://junkerhq.net/xrgb/index.php/OSSC
Firmware: http://www.infocult.com/m/ossc/fw/
Beta Firmware: https://videogameperfection.com/forums/topic/ossc-v1-xx-series-beta-firmware/
GitHub: https://github.com/marqs85/ossc
Some time has passed since the last and useless purchase and like the previous ones there is little to say all the “mini” are practically identical, change the external box, the menu and some chips inside that for the occasion are the latest version (more or less).
I used a very lame HDMI to Composite Video converter to try it with a CRT monitor.

Click on the image for the actual size.
Many thanks to Fabs/Hokuto Force, Onslaught for a new Logo for Nightfall Crew. The photo was made using a U64 with RGB video output and a Sony monitor.
Download the Nightfall Logo in PRG format from here

Click on the image for the actual size.
Many thanks to Fabs/Hokuto Force, Onslaught for the Logo. The photo was made using a U64 with RGB video output and a Sony monitor.
Download the Nightfall Logo in PRG format from here

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released
Changelog (v0024):
- added ability to select (TAB) CAR files
- selected files (ATR, CAS, CAR) don’t have to be in the same directory anymore, selection is cleared only after returning to the selector
- ENTER on ATR/CAS/CAR file will replace the selection so SPACE was added to run with selected files, ignoring current file under cursor
- search now allows navigation during searching and editing search string
- CTRL-L disables item shortcuts and allows starting search by typing instead of ‘/’
- ESC stops search, exiting search requires 2x ESC (to prevent accidental exit when search stops at the same time user tries to stop it)
- disable cart was changed to SHIFT-ESC
- short filenames should finally (hopefully) have proper case
- filenames longer than screen width should be (finally) properly sorted
- type 57 (2kB) fixed
- right cart button will disable cart for carts <= 16kB (to make some CS turbo carts work)
New keys:
- SPACE – run selected files (ignores item under cursor)
- CTRL-L – toggle key shortcuts
Changed keys:
- ESC -> SHIFT-ESC (disable cart and reboot)
Changelog (v0023):
- [ECI] Auto-enable cart menu after reset (CTRL-SHIFT-E to enable, CTRL-E to disable)
- [ECI] Patched OS for ATR emulation is forced as ROM, not just loaded into RAM under ROM, increases compatibility
- [ECI+SIO] When emulating ATR, HSIO patched OS with inverted OPTION (BASIC off) is forced
Changelog (v0022):
- [ECI] EXTMEM support up to 512kB (CTRL-SHIFT-M to enable, CTRL-M to disable)
source: atariage.com

Against all trends, a simple photo without unboxing.
The Amiga scene has been dead for me from several years, long life to the Commodore 64.
Taken from a deadly boredom i have decided to do this useless hardware update of one of my Amiga 1200.
I personally updated the A1208 memory expansion with the Clock section because i had the order wrong, old age strikes again.
This is just a small update to my post.
I added another useless thing to this update … unfortunately in this case it is useful because without the 4xIDE Buffered IDE interface
the CF<>IDE adapter inserted in the trapdoor on the right side of the amiga which uses an IDE cable longer than 10-15cm, DOESN’T WORK generating a mix of reading/writing errors from the CF.
Aware of the problem, i still wanted to try, in fact in an old Amiga 1200 i had the IDE-Fix Express with IDE-Express Adapter bought 12 years ago, then sold.
So i confirm it doesn’t work, even if they write exactly the opposite (see ebay announcements)
Gallery of the useless update:
source: amigaisdead.com amigastore.eu amigakit.amiga.store

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0021):
- XEX loader now doesn’t occupy $0800 page
- ATR/ATX emulation fixes (Bruce Lee, Ultima, Flight Sim II)
- Allow IDE emulation together with ATR emulation (SIO)
- Show COM/EXE files in browser
- Increased limit of virtual drives to 8 (SIO)
- Autorun key changed from ‘A’ to ‘N’ due to issues with PS/2 adapters
- Added saving facility (used by FloB)
- Stacking SpartaDOSX with another CAR (CTRL-SHIFT-RETURN)
source: atariage.com
Not completely satisfied of the previous purchase, the Eakins cam with a 100x C-Mount LENS, i wanted to try another model of cam at low-cost always of Eakins with a 150x C-Mount LENS.
I am very satisfied with this latest purchase.
Strengths that are missing in the previous cam:
- 16:9/16:10/4:3 selection (important because i use a 4:3 monitor)
- Also works with monitors with DVI input (HDMI to DVI cable), the previous one don’t work.
- Many more options for image adjustment, including an important one which is the Adjustment of the Reflection of the light, the welds Reflect the light significantly.
- Two standard 1/4″-20 holes for fixing.
- CAM sensor much more sensitive, it could also be used without additional light.
Gallery Eakins 100x Previous cam:
source: aliexpress.com
Gallery Eakins 150x New cam:
source: aliexpress.com
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