AVGCART (Atari SD multicart) v0020 Firmware Update
A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0020):
- Support for optional SIO cable (ATR, ATX, CAS)
- Copy/delete file, template dir
- Autorun redone, added setting shortcuts
- OSXEX renamed to OSXEX2 due to incompatible change (use the one from the update zip)
- Support for playing PDM files (thanks to Xuel)
- Scrolling long filenames (INV)
- Run random file (CTRL-R)
- See manual at
Konami – PC Engine Core Grafx Mini

I’m here with yet another useless purchase (order dating back to 2019).
There is absolutely nothing to say, all the “mini” are practically identical, change the external box, the menu and some chips inside that for the occasion are the latest version (more or less).
Strangely i have tried the “thing” … usually i don’t do that.
I used an HDMI to Composite Video converter to try it with a CRT monitor.
Nightfall Developer KIT for Gameboy (GB/GBC)

After many years i have found in my historical backups the developer kit for Gameboy that i have used to make Demo & Trainer for Gameboy (color) for Nightfall and then Nightfall^Eurasia.
The last time that i have used this compiler was the late 90′s.
I just had to replace the old no$gbm the GB emulator that didn’t run at 64bit and i don’t like the new version of this emulator with the Visualboy Advance and everything started working perfectly, including the compiler.
Recovery some components from a old ELTEC Slot Card
Ultimate 64 Light Strip Mount by COREi64

Two new mounting system for the optional RGB controllable 24 LED light strip for inside the 64c case.
Angled mount version:
This mounting design attaches to the top of the metal shield surrounding the cartridge port. Its angle allows the light of the RGB LEDs to exit through the ventilation slots of the C64c case.
Keyboard mount version:
This mounting design attaches to the back lip of the keyboard through existing factory holes using black oxide screws and heatsets. It is a two piece system with a left and right component.
Like the previous version, the RGB LED light comes out through the ventilation slots of the C64c case.
This version is not fully compatible with my keyboard mount that i’m using on the left side. I had to remove with the hacksaw a piece of plastic to solve the problem. (see photo)
The C64 Mini & Max. There are those who like it and those who don’t

The C64 Mini & Max. There are those who like it and those who don’t.
There are those who like and those who do not like said Totò in the movie “Totò in color“, personally they make me throw up both. I have nothing more to say about these two terrible objects that try to EMULATE the Commodore 64 and the VIC-20 and should remember the 80s.
Why did i buy them ? i bought them because i like to collect beautiful things and ugly things, useless things and even more useless things.
So there is no a real “why”, i can only say that i haven’t even tried them, they are still packaged and will remain packed forever.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Some retro-things received from my friend Gerben

Some retro-things received from my friend Gerben.
- 2 x Commodore 64 Manual
- 1 x Commodore 64 Programmer’s Reference Guide
- 1 x Sony HITBIT MSX-Basic Manual
- 1 x Sony HITBIT MSX-Disk Basic Manual
- 1 x Sony HITBIT Manual
- 1 x Jack Nicklaus Accolade game for Macintosh
- 1 x Commodore 64 Tune-up Book
- 1 x Getting More from your Commodore 64 Book
- 1 x Commodore VIC-1541 Manual
- 2 x Commodore Mouse 1351 Manual
- 3 x Spare Manuals of Coleco Vision Cartridge (Mouse Trap / Turbo / Time Pilot)
- 1 x 16k Memory Module for ATARI 800 (Boxed)
- 1 x Radio Shack TRS-80 Ribbon Daisy Wheel Printer II (Boxed)
- 1 x Donkey Kong Junior Coleco Vision Cartridge (Boxed)
- 1 x Narco Police C64 & C64GS Game Cartridge
- 1 x Simons’ Basic C64 Cartridge
- 1 x Power Cartridge for Commodore 64
- 1 x 16K Expansion Memory for Commodore VIC-20 (RED CASE)
- 1 x Homemade Joystick Interface for ZX-80/81
- 1 x Commodore 64 RS-232 Interface
- 1 x Multi Cartridge for VIC-20
- 1 x Protek Joystick Interface
- 1 x Philips MSX Mouse
- 1 x S.C.N. Modem for Commodore 64
- 1 x Modem House Spectrum VTX 711 for ZX Sepctrum (Boxed)
- 1 x Intel 8087
- 9 x IBM 2164-20 (RAM)
- 1 x Sony HITBIT HB-75P (MSX)
- 1 x Philips 8245 (MSX2)
- 1 x Frankenstein ZX-81 (Homemade wood case for ZX-81 with a ACORN Electron Keyboard) + Expansion Memory Inside. The worst thing i’ve ever seen.
Some RS-232 Gender Changer, Null Modem, RS-232 Tester and unknown cables.
The Frankenstein ZX-81 it works! the keyboard not but is not a problem of the keyboard but of the missing connections of the matrix, maybe an unfinished project ?
Super Mario Bros 64 running flawless on my DTV (C64DTV)

I was very curious what ZeroPaige has written in the description of the Super Mario Bros 64 game, the game on the C64 DTV use the Turbo mode.
I have tried the game on my upgraded C64 DTV and in fact is much more fluid, i would say perfect except for a few graphics glitches.
Below what ZeroPaige writes about the Turbo mode:
Since the NES-processor is clocked (roughly 70%) faster than a stock C64 there can be slowdowns during gameplay. A pixel indicates this on the time-watch graphics in the status bar.
This port will try to detect and use any kind of turbo functionality, such as:
- Commodore 128 (2 MHz in the border)
- C64 DTV
- Schnedler Systems Turbo Master CPU (untested)
- Swisscomp Turbo Processor (untested)
- Rossmoeller Flash 8 (untested)
- CMD SuperCPU Accelerator (untested)
Atari 800 XL (VBXE/U1MB/Stereo Pokey/Side2) my Favourite Games

Atari 800 XL (VBXE-RGB/U1MB/Stereo Pokey/Side2) my Favourite Games
My Atari 800 XL Hardware Configuration:
- VBXE (RGB output)
- Ultimate 1Mb
- Stereo Pokey
- Side2 Cartridge
You can buy this additional hardware from this site:
Favourite Games:
- Bosconian
- Time Pilot
- Scramble
- Popeye
- Bomb Jack
- Ms Pacman
- Pacman
- Pitfall II
- Donkey Kong
- Mario Bros
- International Karate Enhanced Edition
- H.E.R.O.
Download: my Favourite Atari Games (803)
MOS 6502 CPU Fake from China
These CPU MOS 6502 received from China are very interesting.
The production date is really very curious; 43th week of the year 1935. They certainly recycled non-MOS CPUs and sanding the top layer of the chip and have printed a new label.
7 CPU of 10 are working.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Some retro-Trash things received from a friend

Some retro-Trash things received from a friend. Thanks Gerben.
Below the list.
- Philips Computer Monitor 80 (Amber phosphors).
- Commodore Music Maker.
- Philips MSX Data Recorder
- Easy Bob Model 745 – RS232 Serial Analyzer/Tester.
- Data Switch.
- Taxas Instruments T-83.
- 4-to-1 Parallel Auto Switch.
- Zanussi Ping-O-Tronic (MOD. PP 7)
- Lego USB 4 Ports HUB.
- General Electric IFM Interface Module for C64/Atari.
- Some Serial/Parallel/MSX cables and adapters.
- Joystick.
- External CD-ROM.
- Mouse Pad.
- Some Serial/Parallel/MSX cables and adapters.
Pi1541 (Raspberry Pi 3B Commodore 1541 Disk Drive Emulator)
Pi1541 is a real-time, cycle exact, Commodore 1541 disk drive emulator that can run on a Raspberry Pi 3B (or 3B+). The software is free and I have endeavored to make the hardware as simple and inexpensive as possible.
Pi1541 provides you with an SD card solution for using D64, G64, NIB and NBZ Commodore disk images on real Commodore 8 bit computers such as:
- Commodore 64
- Commodore 128
- Commodore Vic20
- Commodore 16
- Commodore Plus4
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