
Archive for the ‘Atari’ Category

Atari ST: Home Cooked C compiler (AHCC) v4.6

June 29th, 2011 No comments

Unboxing IDE Plus 2.0 for ATARI (XE/XL)

June 15th, 2011 1 comment
IDE Plus 2.0 interface


IDE Plus 2.0 is a new IDE host adapter by Simius for Atari (XE/XL) computer.

Some features:

  • Is not much greater than a 2,5-inch IDE disk.
  • Does not require an external power-supply.
  • Contains an XE (CART+ECI) connector, an XL (PBI) connector, a cartridge port, and a connector for a 2,5-inch IDE disk.
  • Contains 96 KB ISP Flash ROM and 32 KB RAM available to the internal PBI BIOS and flashable from the Atari.
  • Contains 512 KB or 1024 KB ISP Flash ROM for SpartaDOS X (or any other cartridge of such type), flashable from the Atari. This ROM can be physically disabled using a dedicated switch. The switch is not installed in the device shown on photos below.
  • Contains a real time clock circuitry to be used with SpartaDOS X. If someone doesn’t want to use it, the module is anyway fully compatible with an external R-Time 8 or internally mounted ARC.
  • A LED flashing during the I/O.



Atari: Grzybsoniada 2011 Official Party Reports

May 30th, 2011 No comments

The party is organized by Maciej Grzybek also known as Grzybson/SSG. It is taking place form 27th May (Friday) to 29th May 2011 (Sunday) in Częstochowa.

This is the Official Party Reports.

Game Compo:

  • 1. Octopus / Larek, sOnar, Caruso.
  • 2. Quad / nosty, sOnar.
  • 3. Patrol in the Space / TDC, sOnar, Caruso, Miker.
  • 4. Blahblah / Xeen, Piesiu, Ooz, Miker.
  • 5. Tajemniczy zamek 2 / Sikor, Miker, Ripek.
  • 6. Narciarzyki / Innuendo, Eagle.

Wild Compo:

  • 1. River Raid 2k11 / C.Shaw, J.Husak.
  • 2. Blondie / Gonzo, Raster, Kozyca.
  • 3. Subaru / Gonzo..

Download: Grzybsoniada 2011 stuff + extras (1789)

source: Grzybsoniada homepage

Sic!Cart (Super Inexpensive Cart) flash cartridge for Atari

May 14th, 2011 6 comments

The Sic!Cart (Super Inexpensive Cart) is a low price Flash Cartridge System for the Atari 400/800/XL/XE series computers.


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Atari Demo: SillyVenture invitro 2011 (Sv2k11)

May 12th, 2011 No comments

This is a Atari 2600 invitro by Noice & Mystic bytes for the SillyVenture Party 2011 (10th-13th November at Gdansk/Poland).

The Sv2k11 is dedicated  to all Atari fans – from Atari 2600 up to the Jaguar, right thrugh to the newest Falcon clones.


Atari Game: Cropky

April 22nd, 2011 No comments

A new game called “Cropky” has been released for the Atari 8 bit machine.


  • Xeen (Code)
  • Piesiu (Graphics)
  • Caruso (Music)
  • Kaz (Concept)


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Atari Utility: xebin v1.1.0

April 22nd, 2011 No comments

Xebin is a small command-line utility for manipulating atari binary (executable) files. It can list contents of binary file, merge several files into a single loadable file, or pack file in a way similar to Piotr Fusik’s FlashPack.

xebin is written in D programming language and tested under Windows and Linux (x86). However, it should be possible to build and run it on any platform, for which D compiler is available. It is designed to be easily embeddable in build scripts.


  • Fixed bug in auto address setting for packed data.
  • Command line options and parameters work according to description.
  • Added support for hexadecimal addresses.
  • Added simple disassembler.
  • Added option to extract block from binary file.
  • Added option to list contents of compressed blocks.
  • xebin pack -v shows some statistics.
  • Build process simplified by incorporating xasm in xebin.


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

FAIL (First Atari Image Library) v1.1.0

April 20th, 2011 No comments

FAIL is a portable viewer of several 8-bit Atari image formats.


  • Fixed decoding of ILC, AP3, RIP, PIC, CPR, HIP and CIN.
  • Added support for MCH, IGE, 256, AP2, JGP, DGP, ESC, PZM, IST and RAW.
  • Created Windows thumbnail provider.
  • Fixed user interface issues in FAILWin.
  • Fixed compilation errors with the new libpng.
  • Updated installation for new ImageMagick.
  • Moved source code from SVN to Git.


Atari Dos: SpartaDOS X v4.43

April 11th, 2011 No comments

SpartaDOS X (or SpartaDOS 4.0) is a disk operating system for the Atari 8-bit family of computers, that closely resembles MS-DOS. It was developed and sold by ICD, Inc. in 1987-93.

Ten years later SpartaDOS X considered abandonware has been picked up by its enthusiasts, and developed further. These unofficial revisions, incorporating many of the utilities written since 1992, cleaning many identified problems and including numerous improvements, are: 4.31 (2005), 4.39RC (2006), 4.40 (a leaked-out beta, 2006), 4.41 (Feb. 2008), 4.42 (Dec. 2008), 4.4.3 (Apr.2011).

Changes in SpartaDOS X 4.43:

  • SpartaDOS X should now work on SECAM Ataris (equipped with FGTIA).
  • ARCLOCK.SYS will now reset the clock to 1-Jan-2000 00:00:00 when it discovers that the current setting is invalid (i.e. when the chip is first powered).
  • Fixed buggy ATARIDOS.SYS code that was to be finding end of VTOC on MyDOS disks. Plus the driver will now report to the system the correct value of total sectors on disk (previously it was equal to the initial number of free sectors).
  • DOSKEY has a new parameter: when you pass an /X switch at the end of  the parameter line while loading DOSKEY, a special shortcut will get activated: every empty line (containing EOL character alone) will be translated to a “DIR” command, and executed.
  • COPY /M will now always clear the archived-bit (+A) on moved files.
  • … more info here

source: wikipedia

Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Atari Game (update): CTetris4G-R1 by Hayden Doan

April 9th, 2011 3 comments

CTetris4 is a very Nice Tetяis clone for Atari 8 Bit Computers. The game is developed by Hayden Doan.

What’s new in this version:

  • Fixed .atr file format (instead of .xfd)
  • Fixed sound issue after high score saves.
  • Tested “OK” on Real Atari 800 and popular Atari 800 emulators.
  • On Altirra v1.8 emulator the disk image was mounted as R/O (Read-only) by default. Change it with Alt+Shift+D.

from Wikipedia:

Tetris is a puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov in the Soviet Union. It was released on June 6, 1984, while he was working for the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Academy of Science of the USSR in Moscow.

He derived its name from the Greek numerical prefix tetra- (all of the game’s pieces, known as Tetrominoes, contain four segments) and tennis, Pajitnov’s favorite sport.

source: wikipedia

Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

IDE Plus 2.0 – ATARI (XE/XL) IDE host adapter

April 2nd, 2011 5 comments

I’m waiting several years for a new IDE interface for my Atari (XE/XL) computer, and finally is arrived, compacts, economical and very promising.

some features:

  • Is not much greater than a 2,5-inch IDE disk.
  • Does not require an external power-supply.
  • Contains an XE (CART+ECI) connector, an XL (PBI) connector, a cartridge port, and a connector for a 2,5-inch IDE disk.
  • Contains 96 KB ISP Flash ROM and 32 KB RAM available to the internal PBI BIOS and flashable from the Atari.
  • Contains 512 KB or 1024 KB ISP Flash ROM for SpartaDOS X (or any other cartridge of such type), flashable from the Atari. This ROM can be physically disabled using a dedicated switch. The switch is not installed in the device shown on photos below.
  • Contains a real time clock circuitry to be used with SpartaDOS X. If someone doesn’t want to use it, the module is anyway fully compatible with an external R-Time 8 or internally mounted ARC.
  • A LED flashing during the I/O.


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Atari Głuchołazy 2011 (2K11) party

March 16th, 2011 No comments

The famous Atari demo party “Głuchołazy 2011″ will be held from 29 July 2011.

The Party will be held in the school of Cologne, street Kashubian 2, gymnasium room, Głuchołazy.


Graph2Font v3.9.0.9 (Lite/Full)

March 13th, 2011 2 comments

TomaszTebeBiela has released an update of the program Graph2Font v3.9.0.9.

This project began many years ago as a simple graphics converter for Atari but over the years the features are significantly increased. The converter runs under Windows.


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Dr.Mario v2 for Atari 8 bit

March 11th, 2011 2 comments

This is a slightly modified version of Dr.Mario for Atari 8 bit. In this version you can find some bugs fixed and works very well on NTSC machine.

In game keys:

  • P – Pause.
  • N – Change the music in the game.
  • M – Mute.
  • Q – Exit the game.
  • K – Mute the “clicking” sound.

You can download the game here.


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Exomizer v2.0 released

February 2nd, 2011 No comments

Exomizer is a program that compresses files in a way that tries to be as efficient as possible but still allows them to be decompressed in environments where CPU speed and RAM are limited. For some popular 8-bit computers using 6502 compatible CPUs it can also generate executable files that decompress themselves in memory when run.

  • 2011-01-22: Exomizer v2.0 released

Changes since the 2.0 beta 7 release:

  • Fixed a bug in sfx decruncher setup where data was copied unnecessary.
  • Added the i_line_number symbol to be able to change the default line number of the basic line of the sfx decruncher.
  • Added various improvements and documentation of the desfx command.

A complete changelog is included in the zip file.

source: exomizer