Super Cobra (Scramble clone) a new game for Commodore 64
Jörg Heyltjes has released a new game for the Commodore 64.
The game is a clone of the arcade classic Scramble from Konami (Stern)
LCP 2009 Demo & Photo are online
Most of the compo stuff is now up in the archive. You can also find some photos there.
JiffyDOS Kernal Roms & Manual
JiffyDOS is a Disk Operating System (DOS) enhancement which gives your VIC-20, C-16, PLUS/4, C-64, or C-128 the disk access speed it has always needed.
A chip-for-chip replacement for the Kernal ROM in your computer and the DOS ROM in your disk drive(s), JiffyDOS achieves levels of performance and compatibility unmatched by other disk speed-enhancement products.
- JiffyDos Full Roms (39246)
- JiffyDos Manual (12333)
- JiffyDOS Complete (es: VIC-20 PAL) + PDF Manual (10418)
TRY and BUY the original copy.
ROM-el PCB ready to test
from Homepage:
The PCB house shipped the first two ROM-el boards for inspection and testing.
Once they are assembled and testing, I will release the design to production. As one can see, the PCB is a merged set of 4 designs. The tabs between the designs are designed to be broken, separating the individual units after assembly.
Gideon working on a successor of the “1541 Ultimate” cartridge
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
Some of you might have noticed that the order form has been temporarily closed, and many questions and rumours have been going around about the future of the 1541 Ultimate. The reason behind all this, is that behind the screens I have been working on a successor of the “1541 Ultimate”. How this unit will be called has not yet been determined, but it could be something as simple as “1541 Ultimate II” or “Ultimate Cartridge”.
What is it, and why was it designed? Basically, it is a scaled down version of the 1541U. It will provide similar functionality, although some things have been changed. It will no longer support full-size SD-cards, but only MircoSD, or “Transflash”. Also, Ethernet will not be supported until further notice. It will support tape emulation out of the box (without the need for special FPGA images) and it will provide a real-time clock function with battery back up. Audio output has been significantly improved, which might seem useless for just the drive sounds, but this enables the creation of FPGA images that provide additional sound channels of useful quality. The power consumption has been reduced as well. There is one extra cool feature that will not yet be disclosed ;-)
And last but not least… This unit will come with a case! At least, that is the plan; there are some negociations going on with manufacturers for plastic insertion moulding. It seems feasible to have this done, although it’s pricy for low quantities. A prototype is 3D-printed this week; the prototype board is already there and functional.
C128 System Information v6 rev2 by MirkoSoft
Commodore 128(D)(CR) Hardware Informations.
SID Duzz’ It V1
SID Duzz it, it’s a SID Music Editor by Geir Tjelta of SHAPE.
durexForth (Forth for Commodore 64)
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
wikipedia: forth
DiskMagazine – Vandalism News #50
After many months and a lot of work. Onslaught & Wrath Designs bring you the 50th Vandalism News called The Gold Edition. Four disk sides, 12 exclusive SIDs, a bonus disk and two disk covers.
download magazine:
download disk cover:
SD2Browse v0.5 – File Browser for sd2iec
SD2Browse by Hannu Nuotio. Changelog: v.0.5 – 8.11.2008
- bugfix: load end address was ignored.
- using kernal screen clear to save some bytes.
- sd2brwse*.prg – precompiled versions (see “Versions”)
- sd2brwse.a – the main source file
- config.def – configuration file
- Makefile – for easier development
- readme.txt – this file
download: sd2browse05 (1894) - 14.94 kB
The new name for the project is: CBM FileBrowser
source: Petscii Forums
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