LCP 2009 Demo & Photo are online
Most of the compo stuff is now up in the archive. You can also find some photos there.
JiffyDOS Kernal Roms & Manual
JiffyDOS is a Disk Operating System (DOS) enhancement which gives your VIC-20, C-16, PLUS/4, C-64, or C-128 the disk access speed it has always needed.
A chip-for-chip replacement for the Kernal ROM in your computer and the DOS ROM in your disk drive(s), JiffyDOS achieves levels of performance and compatibility unmatched by other disk speed-enhancement products.
- JiffyDos Full Roms (39349)
- JiffyDos Manual (12345)
- JiffyDOS Complete (es: VIC-20 PAL) + PDF Manual (10433)
TRY and BUY the original copy.
Gideon working on a successor of the “1541 Ultimate” cartridge
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
Some of you might have noticed that the order form has been temporarily closed, and many questions and rumours have been going around about the future of the 1541 Ultimate. The reason behind all this, is that behind the screens I have been working on a successor of the “1541 Ultimate”. How this unit will be called has not yet been determined, but it could be something as simple as “1541 Ultimate II” or “Ultimate Cartridge”.
What is it, and why was it designed? Basically, it is a scaled down version of the 1541U. It will provide similar functionality, although some things have been changed. It will no longer support full-size SD-cards, but only MircoSD, or “Transflash”. Also, Ethernet will not be supported until further notice. It will support tape emulation out of the box (without the need for special FPGA images) and it will provide a real-time clock function with battery back up. Audio output has been significantly improved, which might seem useless for just the drive sounds, but this enables the creation of FPGA images that provide additional sound channels of useful quality. The power consumption has been reduced as well. There is one extra cool feature that will not yet be disclosed ;-)
And last but not least… This unit will come with a case! At least, that is the plan; there are some negociations going on with manufacturers for plastic insertion moulding. It seems feasible to have this done, although it’s pricy for low quantities. A prototype is 3D-printed this week; the prototype board is already there and functional.
SVS-Calc 1.0 a spreadsheet for Commodore Plus/4
SVS-Calc 1.0 is a Spreadsheet with intuitive interface, powerful calculation engine, graphics generator, color themes, and much more.
SD2Iec inside a cassette Case
from ArduinoNut Blog:
A little vulgar I know, but it’s an adequate expression of how I’m feeling right now. The SD2IEC is working beautifully.
Up to this point it was suffering from some syndrome resulting in erratic behaviour at best to a more normal position of outright refusal to work. I could make things work sometimes by shimmying wires around, so this seemed to be the obvious first move.
I stripped all the long wires away and remade the connections. It’s often easier to see where a wire should be routed second time around…
Loriano’s 1541 Ultimate Case with add-on for cartridge mode operation.
Loriano’s 1541 Ultimate Case:
Click here to see the final pictures of the new add-on for cartridge mode operation of the 1541 Ultimate Case. For order please email Loriano directly.
Mini Game Compo 2009 Web-Site Updated
This is a game programming competition, not a game playing competition.
The idea of this competition is to write a new game for the MiniGame compo.
Pictures Commodore Show are Online
The 1541U case for the 1541 Ultimate board has been released!
from Loriano Page:
After designing the case for the Minimig, some 1541 Ultimate users asked me to take on the rather difficult project of making a case for Gideon’s 1541 Ultimate board.
There have been a few different production runs of the 1541 ultimate boards. The case has been designed around and tested with batch 2 and batch 3 boards. I have also tested the case with one batch 4 and it fits nicely. Batch 1 is shorter than the more recent batch 2, 3 and 4, and does not fit in the case. A case just for batch 1 is in the works.
A lot of time, effort and money have gone in designing this case. I have tried to accommodate batch 2, batch 3 and batch 4 boards, their very subtle differences, boards with and without the Ethernet port and tried to make it work with both Commodore 64 models (classic and 64C) and at the same time include some of the users’ requests.
source: Loriano Pagni Homepage Order Page
1541 III MMC/SD-Card IEC-Drive
from Project Homepage:
The 1541-III is a PIC microcontroller controlling an FAT16 MMC/SD card with .D64 files. It is connected to a Commodore computer via the standard IEC-bus (the serial bus normally used to connect diskdrives and printers).
The main goal of the circuit is to behave like a 1541 disk drive (therefore the name 1541-III). The MMC/SD card contains D64-files (or normal .PRG files).
source: Project 1541 III
Domed resin 1541U Case Logo
from 1541 Ultimate forum:
This is the domed resin 1541U logo that comes with your case, free to the first 50 orders.
Beachparty 2009 at Melbourne, Victoria (USA)
Compo rules:
There will be three competitions: Music, Graphics, Demo.
Your entry should be prevously unreleased material and your own work.
All entries will be released on under the relevant Creative Commons licence.
A bonus system has been put in place to encourage oldschool & demoscene style productions. The bonuses listed increase the votes for that entry by the specified percentage – ie. +50% means each vote is worth 1.5 for that production, +100% means each vote is worth 2!
1541 Ultimate – Case preview Gallery by Loriano
from 1541 Ultimate Forum:
This a short preview of the 1541U case for the 1541 Ultimate board. These photographs are taken from prototype number 1.
Next week I should get prototype number 2 which should be the final product. This is the revised design based on your needs and requests. Enjoy.
source: Loriano Homepage
uIEC/SD v3.0 Now available!
from: Petscii Forums “PETSCII.COM”
I held off on announcing uIEC/SD availability until I had some stock (impatient folks, you know who you are , but I do now have some stock 90 units).
Since uIEC shares the same firmware (kudos to Ingo Korb, who does not get enough recognition for this fine piece of code) as the recently announced SD2IEC, I’ll spare everyone rehashing the similarities and just note the differences:
- uIEC/SD is currently the smallest known CBM drive (1.5″ x 1.5″ by 0.3″). Perfect for embedding in your favorite machine, drive, or calculator (shout out to Tone007, who stuffed one in a CBM pocket calculator)
- uIEC/SD shares the same 128kB Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller as the rest of the uIEC line. With 51kB used for firmware, there’s plenty of room left for the future.
- uIEC/SD comes complete for use with IEC connector and power supply cassette port connector. VIC/64/C128 users can simply plug the wires in and use. (SX64/+4/C116/C16 users need to source 5V elsewhere, let me know before purchasing if you’d like an alternate connector)
- Although not yet defined for use, uIEC/SD offers an additional switch line and programmatic LED for future use.
- uIEC/SD not only supports SD and SDHC cards, but either SD or SDHC cards can also be used for updating the firmware (new feature, older firmware update software only supports SD cards)
source: petscii forums uIEC gallery
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