
Archive for the ‘DTV’ Category

Blok Copy – C64 DTV (8 BIT per Pixels Graphics)

March 29th, 2009 1 comment

Blok CopyThe mission objective for Blok Copy is simple; the playfield contains seven distinct designs of tile arranged into columns of five and, at the start of each level, those tiles are shuffled around; the operator must then reorganise those tiles to resemble their starting order to unlock the stage and progress to the next until all ten levels have been re-synchronised.

The joystick directions move the four cursors placed at the edges of the play area and holding the fire button down and moving simultaneously will shuffle the highlighted row or column.


Categories: DTV, News & Rumors, Today

DotBASIC Plus for the Commodore 64

March 29th, 2009 No comments

DotBASIC PlusIf you are interested in BASIC programming for the C-64, then you have probably used a BASIC Extension at some point.  Most of us are familiar with Commodore’s  Simons’ BASIC cartridge.   Unfortunately, most of these extensions aren’t very useful.  Simons’ BASIC, for example, has a pretty lousy set of commands.

Many of them are basically (pun) useless.  It’s also a very confusing set of commands — there are no consistent conventions used, making it necessary to constantly refer to the manual.

Further, a program written with Simons’ BASIC can only be run on a C-64 with a Simons’ BASIC cartridge.  Pretty limiting.

DotBASIC Plus is similar to other extensions in one way: you get a lot of new commands (or DotCommands, of course) — over 100 so far.  But that’s where the similarities end.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game – UXB – The Unexploded Bomb

March 28th, 2009 No comments

UXBThis game is a Manic Miners style game with extra sub-games. It is programmed by Jason Fox and Adam Gilmore did the graphics and music. The game is actually more than 20 years old but was never released.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

1541 III MMC/SD-Card IEC-Drive

March 25th, 2009 2 comments


from Project Homepage:

The 1541-III is a PIC microcontroller controlling an FAT16 MMC/SD card with .D64 files. It is connected to a Commodore computer  via the standard IEC-bus (the serial bus normally used to connect diskdrives and printers).

The main goal of the circuit is to behave like a 1541 disk drive (therefore the name 1541-III). The MMC/SD card contains D64-files (or normal .PRG files).

source: Project 1541 III

Domed resin 1541U Case Logo

March 13th, 2009 No comments

1541ulogofrom 1541 Ultimate forum:

This is the domed resin 1541U logo that comes with your case, free to the first 50 orders.


Beachparty 2009 at Melbourne, Victoria (USA)

March 11th, 2009 No comments

beachpartyCompo rules:

There will be three competitions: Music, Graphics, Demo.

Your entry should be prevously unreleased material and your own work.

All entries will be released on under the relevant Creative Commons licence.

A bonus system has been put in place to encourage oldschool & demoscene style productions. The bonuses listed increase the votes for that entry by the specified percentage – ie. +50% means each vote is worth 1.5 for that production, +100% means each vote is worth 2!


C64 Pixel Art by d0c

March 10th, 2009 No comments

Vampyre Cross by d0c.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Pixel Art by Carrion

March 6th, 2009 No comments

Molly – the cyberpunk girl by Carrion.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

Industrial Dawn Pixel Art Demo for C64 by Artstate

March 4th, 2009 No comments

A new Pixel Art Demo from Artstate with a Very nice Picture.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

Speak Up! a DTV Pixel Art by ptoing of Crest / Prollcoder, Red Brand

March 2nd, 2009 No comments

Speak Up! a DTV Pixel Art by ptoing of Crest / Prollcoder, Red Brand


Categories: DTV, News & Rumors, Today

1541 Ultimate – Case preview Gallery by Loriano

March 1st, 2009 No comments

from 1541 Ultimate Forum:

This a short preview of the 1541U case for the 1541 Ultimate board. These photographs are taken from prototype number 1.

Next week I should get prototype number 2 which should be the final product. This is the revised design based on your needs and requests. Enjoy.

source: Loriano Homepage

C64 Codebase back Online!

February 27th, 2009 No comments

c64codebase1From Homepage: There have been some problems with the site (mid february, 2009). Due to some kind of spam robot, the site crashed and was rather badly messed up a few days ago.  All content is still intact though, as far as I understand.

It seems that some of the plugins were abused in some way, so I have been forced to remove the discussion plugin from the site. I think there may also be some problems with access rights, so please let me know if you encounter any kind of trouble.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Pixel Art by Digital Sounds System *updated*

February 27th, 2009 1 comment

C64 Pixel Art by Digital Sounds System


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Pixel Art by Leon/Chorus, Resource, Singular

February 22nd, 2009 No comments

C64 Pixel Art by Leon/Chorus, Resource, Singular


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Pixel Art by Carrion

February 20th, 2009 No comments

C64 Pixel Art by Carrion.


Categories: C64/SX64, DTV, News & Rumors, Today