This is the official demo party results from Gubbdata 2016 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB GUBBDATA 2016 section for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- 1 – Nothing but PETSCII by Genesis Project
- 2 – Classics by Booze Design
- 3 – Monochrome by Triad
C64 Music:
- 1 – Nothing Compares 2 EU by Fegolhuzz
- 2 – Ruins by X-jammer
- 3 – 2 Days by Magnar Harestad
C64 Graphics:
- 1 – Cock Picture by ilesj
- 2 – Korvsatan by Razorback
- 3 – Elsewhere by Mermaid
C64 Mixed Graphics:
- 1 – Glad Gubbe by Genesis Project, Vision
- 2 – Duelling Invaders by Genesis Project
- 3 – Green Falcon by PVM
Download: Gubbdata 2016 Party stuff (1059)
source: gubbdata.se

This is the official demo party results from Revision 2016 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB Revision 2016 section for more informations.
C64 4K Intro:
- 1 – The Best Intro Ever by Razor 1911.
Mixed Graphics:
- 6 – Vote EvilBot by Laxity.
Mixed Music:
- 4 – 8-bitburgers by Panda Design.
- 5 – A Computer in My Backpack by Lft.
- 9 – Remembrance by Genesis Project.
Mixed Demo:
- 1 – We Are Demo by Fairlight, Noice, Offence.
- 6 – Watch My Balls in Action! by Singular.
- 7 – Decrunch 2016 Invite by DreamWeb.
Download: Revision 2016 Party stuff (1017)
source: 2016.revision-party.net
This is what we read on the homepage of the 1541 Ultimate-II:
source: 1541ultimate.net

Available on stock the new version of the V3 C64SD Princess by Manosoft. For more information please visit the Manosoft website.
source: manosoft.it
In this short article (i don’t like to writing long articles that nobody reads) i share with you the three days spent with some dear friends.
Thursday 25th June at 6:45am i took the train to Rome/Termini, the journey is went well without a hitch on the times. I’m arrived in Rome/Termini at 12:20pm where i met Andrea, from Rome/Termini we took another train that took us to Nettuno.
Arrived in Nettuno we went to eat a sandwich, i was starving :-D, then we went to the “den” of Andrea and we immediately put to work, my initial idea with Andrea
it was to repair more computers possible in three days. In the afternoon we heard at the phone Paolo and Ciro. Thursday evening we went to the Andrea house for the dinner where i have known the wife and the daughter.
Friday morning wake up at dawn and we are back to the “den” to continue the repairs and half morning it came Paolo, could not resist one more day to see me ;-D
the appointment for the barbecue together was scheduled for Saturday, the day after. Friday Afternoon came Ciro and we spent the afternoon together to talking and in the meantime we have made repairs and testing of computers turned off for over 30 years, we never stopped to work. Friday evening with Andrea and Ciro we went out to eat, the photos of the three dishes speak for themselves :-D
Saturday morning with Ciro we are moved from Anzio to Nettuno where we have continued to do repairs and talk. Saturday afternoon/evening they arrived Paolo and Carlo, i had never met Carlo in person, but it’s as if i knew him always, we write and hear at the phone often. The evening is ended with a large barbecue where we talked not only of “Retro” until around the midnight. i had to go to sleep, the next day there was the train from Rome/Termini at 8:45am to back home.
I have spent three wonderful days with a friends which sharing the same passion. Thanks again to all.
Below a gallery of the photos taken in these three days.

This is the official demo party results from Revision 2015 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB Revision 2015 section for more informations.
C64 4K Intro:
- 3 – Aura by Fairlight.
- 4 – The Empress Awakens by Lft.
Mixed Graphics:
- 4 – Battle of Ilona by Made.
- 6 – This world is so fucked, let’s end it tonight by Panda Design.
- 7 – Dude – Got Your Dosage? by Elko, Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated.
Mixed Music:
- 4 – Space Cheddar by Genesis Project.
- 5 – New Sids on the Block by Panda Design.
- 7 – Loose Teeth – Crisp Bacon by Darklite.
Mixed Demo:
- 3 – GoatLight by Fairlight, Noice, Offence.
- 5 – $777 by Razor 1911.
- 9 – Timeline by Scandinavian Allstars.
Download: Revision 2015 Party stuff (1509)
source: 2015.revision-party.net

This is the official demo party results from Gubbdata 2015 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB GUBBDATA 2015 section for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- 1 – Requiem by Vision.
- 2 – Stereophonik [2sid] by Mahoney.
- 3 – The Butterfly Effect by Offence.
C64 Music:
- 1 – Amen, Bigbeat Brother! by Jammer.
- 2 – Northern Star by Dane.
- 3 – Obsession by Flex.
C64 Graphics:
- 1 – Disconnect by Joe.
- 2 – Dragonslayer by Mermaid.
- 3 – Beetlephant by redcrab.
Download: Gubbdata 2015 Party stuff (1454)
source: gubbdata.se

This is the official demo party results from Forever 2015 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB FOREVER 2015 section for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- 1 - Rainy Days by Singular.
- 2 - Shadows of the Cyberspace [party version] by Nah-Kolor.
- 3 - GXAdvert by Atlantis, Fantastic 4 Cracking Group.
C64 Music:
- 1 - Hexadragon by Factor6.
- 2 - Preludium by Sad.
- 3 - 2xperiment by Gaetano Chiummo.
C64 Graphics:
- 1 - Fish & Wish by Leon.
- 2 - Walking on the Moon by Mermaid.
- 3 - Voima Laulaa by Reekol.
C64 1K Intro:
- 1 - Rotzom01 by Busy, Noro.
- 2 - Last Place by Coine.
- 3 - 1k Forever by Atlantis, Fantastic 4 Cracking Group.
Download: Forever 2015 Party stuff (1452)
source: forever-party.net party photo #1 party photo #2

This is the official demo party results from BCC Party #9 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB BCC Party #9 section for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- Pagan’s Mind by Dream
- We Fly High by Rabenauge
- Upshift! by TRIAD
C64 Music:
- Quest for Peace by celticdesign
- RykSkiDanceWithChrisAndRob by TheRyk
- Destiny by G-Fellow
C64 Graphics:
- The Seeker – Tormented Echoes by Slayer Grafix
- Flappie the Ghost by JSL
- Automatic Gentleman by ilesj
- Twist It by Virtual Dimension (Game)
- Claculate It II by Brainstorm (Basic Demo)
- Longer II by Brainstorm (Game)
Download: BCC Party #9 Party stuff (1449)
source: csdb.dk

This a special edition of the Commodore C64, celebrating the 1.000.000th sale of the C64 in Germany. This is one of the most desirable Commodore items. There are about 300 golden Commodore C64 produced. The numbers from 1.000.000 until 1.000.100 were for the staff of the Commodore factory Braunschweig.
The rest was given to hard- en software companies, magazine-publishers and distributors. The C64 is a computer system with a keyboard, external power-supply and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find a MOS 6510 processor, RAM / ROM memory, MOS 6569 VIC-II video chip, MOS 6581 SID sound chip and twice a MOS 6526 CIA. PAL version.
source: ebay.de richardlagendijk.nl

This is the official demo party results from X-2014 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB X2014 section for more informations and downloads.
C64 Demo Competition:
- Comaland / Censor & Oxyron
- The Booze Demo / Booze Design
- RGB / Fairlight & Offence & Prosonix
C64 Graphics Competition:
- Duck It / PAL / Offence
- Tentacles / Redcrab / G*P
- Fakers Home Boobs Palace / Yazoo / Oxyron / Censor
C64 Music Competition:
- 64 Forever / Linus / Viruz
- Featuring Daft Punk / Randall / MSL
- Title Needed / GRG / Shape
source: csdb.dk

The 12th X party will be held from October 24th until October 26rd 2014. The party will be at the location: De Hoof 18, Someren – the Netherlands. Competitions: C64 Demo, C64 Music and C64 Graphics.
source: x-2014 homepage

This is a screenshot from the Talk, a demonstration made by a Friend to explain how they worked the BBS. On the photo “Hidden Power / Nightfall WHQ’
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