A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 by Gideon is released.
Differences with previous official release V1.18:
- Based on the Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.5
Added features:
- Real time streaming VIC video data over Ethernet
- Real time streaming audio data over Ethernet
- Read more about the streams here: Data Streams documentation
- Added commands on TCP port to enable/disable these streams
- Added commands to enable/disable emulated drives, over UCI
- Added possibility to write to D64 images from the menu (e.g. copy PRG files into it).
- Added DE00 and DF00 ranges as possible options for SID socket decodes
- Printer emulation now supports color!
Improvements to VIC:
- Sprite collision timing solved
- Sprite to background collision problem solved
- Sprite expansion timing corrected, also in combination with multicolor
- Sprite retriggering fixed
- Border color change timing one adjusted by one pixel
- Various improvements to pass emufuxx0r tests. (incl. 50-pixel wide sprites)
- Fixed loading sprite data when VIC is read AEC=1
- Sprite timing fixed for NTSC
Improvements to CPU:
- ANE (B) made to work.
- Implemented SHA, SHS, SHX, SHY and LAX #imm
- CPU PIO register floating inputs fixed.
SID improvements:
- Improvements to ADSR envelope generator (fixes missing notes in e.g. Hawkeye 2018)
- More realistic values for SID filter resonance
- Added volume control for the SID digis
- LowPass boost in sid mixer.
- Improved anti-aliasing on resample filter in PAL mode
- Improvements on SID player
- Built-in SID player now supports MUS files as well (including stereo tunes)
- Music files can be found here: http://www.c64music.co.uk/
- Added support for toggling screen on/off in Sidplayer with S key.
- Added support for song length in SID header.
- Fixed correct SID model selection for SIDFX boards
- Various other bug fixes
Other machine fixes:
Other bug fixes:
- Another bug in the network stack that caused stack corruption and random crash
- Copying a file from a container now restores extension
- Fixed issue of copying file from .t64 files
- Added ‘Enter’ option for .t64 files
- User Interface improvements / fixes
- Fixed telnet connection – removing header upon connect (fixes random copy actions)
- Changed default hostname to match target
Thanks to:
- David Horrocks for very useful input about VIC sprite handling and custom test programs
- Rene Garcia for this addition of color to the printer emulation
- Wilfred Bos for his improvements to the SID (and now MUS) player
- Scott Hutter for added UCI commands
- Martijn Wieland for his U64_Streamer PC application
- Chris Verheijen for his critical ear on UltiSID.
source: ultimate64.com

A new firmware update for the ARM2SiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 3.6:
- Compared to version 3.5, a quick response in stereo mode was added (when using a second socket), the dual-mono mode is activated without timeout when both socket is addressed in the same time.
- Also upper addresses mapping is fixed in the update (sometimes misaligned address detection in the update application).
- The “blind” FW 3.6 update updated without reading the registers during the update (especially useful if you have a problem with ARMSID detection)
If you have wired A5/A8 address lines, you can try 3SID files modified for D400h, D420h, and D500h addresses.
source: dzi.n.cz/8bit/arm2sid

Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
+ many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.1.38.2a -> v3.1.60.5a cumulative changelog:
- GeneralMusic S2/S3 : Undocummented floppy format support added + *.gem file extension support.
- Non-gated interface : Ignore the floppy selection line for the head step + Some fixes.
- Motor-ON signal support to emulate properly the “READY” and “INDEX” signals.
- OLED : SSD1305 2.23″ 128×32 OLED screen support added.
- Internal enhancements. (WIP)
- New direct raw format support : Yamaha QX3 format (*.IMG,*.DSK)
- 7 segments screen menu : Add missing system family entries :
- 15 = Robox RC9400
- 16 = Kawai
- 17 = Yamaha QX3
- 18 = User defined format
- Gotek I/O Lines Diagnostic/Test mode Since this hardware is quite sensitive to ESD and other electrical issues, the floppy lines can be easily damaged.
- This new mode allows you to test/check all Gotek’s Input/Output lines with a simple wire.
- The test must be run with floppy ribbon disconnected from the machine.
- Once enabled/flashed with the diagnostic firmware, all outputs will toggle every 2 seconds.
- All inputs states are displayed on the screen.
- Input lines test method :
- The default input states should be High (1), so to test an input line you have just to connect it to the ground/vss. On the floppy port you just need a jumper to make a contact between the line and the ground.
- Once the jumper is placed between the line pin and the ground/vss pin the corresping input state should turn to Low (0).
- Output lines test method :
- All outputs are toggling every 2 seconds during the test.
- (Note : A 1 ms pulse is sent to the JB output at each toggle to test the buzzer ouput)
- Connect the output line to test to one input line (use a tested input by the above method) with a simple wire.
- If the corresponding input status is toggling with the outputs line, then this means that the output line/driver is working properly.
- LCD / OLED / 7 segments screens output/input status definition :
- LCD/OLED input lines status format : “IN:123456 789AB”
- 1 or Digit-1-segment-a : Floppy Drive Select line (Pin 10 or 12 or 16 -> Depend on the S0/S1/MO jumper !).
- 2 or Digit-1-segment-b : Floppy -Direction In (Pin 18)
- 3 or Digit-1-segment-c : Floppy -Step (Pin 20)
- 4 or Digit-1-segment-d : Floppy -Write Data (Pin 22)
- 5 or Digit-1-segment-e : Floppy -Write Enable (Pin 24)
- 6 or Digit-1-segment-f : Floppy -Head 1 Select (Pin 32)
- 7 or Digit-1-segment-g : Down push button (left)
- 8 or Digit-2-segment-a : Up push button (right)
- 9 or Digit-2-segment-b : Select push button (JA)
- A or Digit-2-segment-c : Rotary CK (J7-2)
- B or Digit-2-segment-d : Rotary DIR (J7-1)
- 7 Segments Digit-3 : ‘h’ when the outputs are high and ‘L’ the outputs are low.
- 7 Segments Digit-2-segments e,f & g : ON when the outputs are high and OFF the outputs are low.
- Floppy connector pinout :
- Pin Signal Pin Signal
- 01 Ground – (O)02 -High Density Select
- 03 Ground – 04 Reserved
- 05 Ground – 06 Reserved
- 07 Ground – (O)08 -Index
- 09 Ground – (I)10 -Drive Select 0 (*)
- 11 Ground - (I)12 -Drive Select 1 (*)
- 13 Ground - 14 Reserved
- 15 Ground - (I)16 -Motor Enable (*)
- 17 Ground - (I)18 -Direction In
- 19 Ground - (I)20 -Step
- 21 Ground - (I)22 -Write Data
- 23 Ground – (I)24 -Write Enable
- 25 Ground – (O)26 -Track 0
- 27 Ground – (O)28 -Write Protect
- 29 Ground – (O)30 -Read Data
- 31 Ground - (I)32 -Head 1 Select
- 33 Ground – (O)34 -Diskette Change/Ready
- (*)Depend on the S0/S1/MO jumper!
- 7 segments screen segments definition :
- // a
- // f b
- // g
- // e c
- // d
- Custom firmware option : Blackberry trackball -> Single and double step support.
- Custom firmware option : Extra up/down buttons or navigation switchs on the rotary connectors.
- Some fixes in the user defined image feature.
- Custom firmware option : Display the current track number on the 7 segment screen.
- Custom firmware option : Debug output on the serial port (115200 8N1).
- Custom firmware option : Read pipeline buffer size.
- New system family support : Kawai.
- Blackberry trackball support.
- Track position display changed to when the screen line size is less than 16 characters.
- Fix some OLED fonts glitches.
- New parameter : OLED line alignment.
- New fonts : 8514oem 10×20, xwindow 8×32, unscii 8×32.
- More customization options :
- 2.42 Inch OLED screen support.
- 100 khz / 400 khz I2C bus selection.
- Indexed mode files naming convention enhanced :
- DSKAXXXX become a prefix : You can now add something after the prefix. e.g : DSKA0000_MyDiskName.IMG, DSKA0001_SaveDisk.HFE…
- The prefix can be changed on the customization page if you don’t like it : https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/
- AUTOBOOT and config files names are now not case sensitive.
- And some more fixes (rotary settings…).
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
The HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware Customization page: https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.1.60.5a (901)
source: hxc2001.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 by Gideon is released.
Differences with previous official release V1.10:
- Based on the Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.4c
- NTSC mode has been fixed, from 262 lines to 263 lines per frame.
- SID autoconfig: If there is just one SID, give it the full address range.
- Speaker volume setting added for U64.
- Various fixes in the VIC sprite generator. This fixes many demos.
- Preparations added for Elite version of the U64 board.
- Adjusted analog colors, thanks to Matt Barszcz.
- Fixed sprite collision register timing.
- Fixed line 137 to 000 rollover. This fixes Lunatico three layer scroller
- Added LED controls for the two Case LEDs
- Fixed tape record to tap file.
- Fixed various CIA issues. This fixed the Expert Cart unfreeze problem. Thanks to David Horrocks
- Refined IRQ timing of the 6502 CPU core.
- Added AC generator to support UserPort cable
- Fixed the order of Flash images, to make SS5 NTSC and TAR NTSC work.
- Fixed RES bit in $D016, should be writable. Thanks to David Horrocks.
Changes to the application, 3.4c, compared to previous 3.4:
- Fixing homedirectory function. Added possibility to use wildcards.
- Fixed file extensions. Makes songlengths load again.
- Significant improvements to the Software IEC module.
- Updates to SID player:
- Implemented pause feature (using space bar)
- Pause will now also mute 2nd and 3rd SID chip.
- Fixed SID version check and SID header relocation.
- Fixed display issue when SID model or clock is unknown.
- Updated version of player and copyright year.
source: ultimate64.com

A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 2.9:
- A longer time is required to activate the reset signal (some issue with board 250407 reported where can be short spikes on the bus, now fixed).
- Small fix in noise generator on the lowest bits. Also faster computing.
- Other speed and code size optimization.
Download: ARMSiD v2.9 (936)
source: dzi.n.cz/8bit/armsid

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- Revert S-DD1 bitfile to earlier build which happens to less expose a timing hazard. This will need further examination for a proper fix. Fixes severe glitches with S-DD1
- Fix swapped logic terms in SA-1 and SuperFX RAM write cycles. Fixes severe glitches on SA-1 and SuperFX on Mk.II units; The bug was also present in the Pro firmware but didn’t seem to have much of an effect
- Fix game video mode setting in SuperCIC pair mode.
source: sd2snes.de

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- [Pro] fix wrong data ROM size on uPD96050 core -> F1 ROC II track is shown properly.
- [Pro] fix S-DD1 address mirroring -> Star Ocean works.
- [Pro] correct Cx4 core speed from 96MHz to 80MHz
- [All] apply volume boost after FPGA reconfiguration (fixes MSU1 volume boost on Cx4, OBC1, SuperFX, SA-1, S-DD1)
- [All] fix S-DD1 writes going to the wrong address on concurrent MCU accesses (saving not working in Star Ocean)
- [All] avoid potential data corruption on MCU writes (e.g. SPC loading)
- [All] Workaround for Super Nt not booting when CIC enters pair mode successfully.
source: sd2snes.de

Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
+ many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.1.32.1a -> v3.1.38.2a cumulative changelog:
- More customization options:
- Raw file image/disk format selection.
- You can now define your raw file image/disk format !
- Floppy Interface modes.
- https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/
- More customization options:
- 16 different oled graphic fonts available.
- New oled screen models supported (128×32,128×64, SSD1306, SH1106…).
- Default raw system selection.
- And many more new options: sound volume, auto select delay, …
- New raw formats support: Coat-A-Matic 9400 / Robox RC9400 (*.IMG/*.DSK) (289KB)
- Fix Track 00 issue (v3.1.34.1a regression).
- AutoSwap support enhanced/completed (sub-folders in normal mode supported).
- Internal optimizations.
- Direct access mode : Some fixes for the auto disk swap (“AutoSwap”) support.
- Direct access mode : New functions
- Select mode (0×5):
- Mode 0 – Flash sector access mode (Default)
- Mode 1 – Plain text browser, Entries format : “IIII;T;SSSSSSSS;File name\r\n”
- IIII = Object ID (ASCII HEX Number).
- T = Type -> ‘F’=FILE, ‘D’=DIRECTORY
- SSSSSSSS = File Size (ASCII HEX Number).
- Mode 2 – Slot list mode.
- Change Objects list ID base (0×6) (Plain text browser).
- Select/Enter Object (0×7) (Plain text browser – Image/Directory selection or File tranfert mode).
- Set file base offset (0×8) (File transfer mode).
- Get current selected image (0×9).
- Select file with path (0xA) (Select image with a plain text file path).
- MFM & FM support. (see the customization page : https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/)
- With these new direct access API functions small file selector/browser/swapper/loader can be developed without the need of any FAT32 library on resource-limited machines. The protocol specification document will be updated soon at this address : https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_drive_emulator/SDCard_HxC_Floppy_Emulator_Direct_Access_mode.pdf
- First online-customizable firmware available !
- Fill up the form on the page to https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/ customize the firmware.
- The firmware will be recompiled/rebuilt following your requests and sent to the provided email some minutes later.
- This is a fully automated and free service so don’t hesitate to play with it ! :).
- More and more options will be added on the customization page.
- Fix v3.1.34.1a regression : Disk density selection issues with some raw formats. Please update.
- Files & Folders names starting with ‘.’ are now hidden.
- Firmware memory size reduced once again : More tables size optimizations.
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.1.38.2a (1100)
source: hxc2001.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / U2+ / U2 by Gideon is released.
U64 – Differences with previous official release V1.0B:
- Based on Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.4
- NTSC mode has been added. The switch can be found in the U64 Specific Settings menu
- Added rudimentary support for USB Floppy disks (not completely done yet; as removal of floppy is not yet detected)
- USB problems with low/full speed devices fixed; no more bus hang-ups in these cases. (No full HID support just yet..)
- VIC collision problem fixed.
- Improved 1541 compatibility; weak bit areas and floppy speed zones are now properly supported.
- LED Strip support.
- Various improvements ‘under the hood’

U2+ – Differences with previous official release V3.3a:
- Added rudimentary support for USB Floppy disks (not completely done yet; as removal of floppy is not yet detected)
- USB problems with low/full speed devices fixed; no more bus hang-ups in these cases. (No full HID support just yet..)
- Improved 1541 compatibility; weak bit areas and floppy speed zones are now properly supported.
- Various improvements ‘under the hood’
U2 – Differences with previous official release V3.2:
- The USB2LAN problem is now fixed. This bug took me over 50 hours to find and fix.
- Improved 1541 compatibility; weak bit areas and floppy speed zones are now properly supported.
- All other under the hood fixes that were done for U2+ and U64 that apply for U2 are backported to the U2 as well.
source: ultimate64.com

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
Cumulative Changelog:
- S-DD1 support by Magno! Big thanks to Magno who implemented it and RedGuy who helped integrate the core with the main firmware :)
- Support for sd2snes Mk.III (a.k.a. SD2SNES Pro). This works by adding a new set of support files for the new hardware so the firmware package actually contains two firmwares. This also makes it possible to swap the same card between old and new sd2sneses freely.
- Fixes:
- Fix memory corruption on BS-X loading. (Hopefully – I could not identify a cause and suspect bitstream file corruption. Please let me know if it works again – it does for me)
- S-RTC register state is REALLY reset when the console is reset, and also when loading a game.
- Actually boot on SD2SNES Pro.
- Known issues:
- Firmware seems to ignore Cx4 speed setting (at least since v1.9.0)
- sd2snes Pro menu still has the old design
- Mk.III specific source code changes currently aren’t contained in the GitHub repository. Please bear with me while I figure out a way to integrate them. ;)
source: sd2snes.de

A new firmware update for the fpgaSID has been released by andi6510.
Below the changelog taken directly from the website.
Main changes:
- New 6581 bias setting range and curve. Per default the bias is now tuned to a brighter sound which is the most audible difference to revision 09.
- Some further improvements on the 6581 filters.
New Features:
- LEDs can be switched off now.
- The outputs can be switched to a mix of both SIDs allowing mono setups with a single speaker.
- The firmware flashing procedure has been improved to increase the success rate.
- FPGASID is now compatible to the EasyFlash 3 module.
- Important! Before updating the firmware, please read the documentation on flashing in the ConfiGuru manual.
Download: fpgaSID Firmware ver. 0A (885)
source: fpgasid.de
Nobomi has made a new revision of the ARMSiD PCB which however has the same hardware features as the previous one.
A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has also been released by Nobomi.
Below is the changelog taken directly from the website.
Differences between FW 2.8 and previous version:
- The start and the end of the bus data cycle (reading or writing) is now controlled by signal CS only (it was the same on the beginning of the cycle, but the end was controlled by 02 clock before), it can help with a bus stability in other systems than C64 a C128.
- Internal frequency generators are updated with precision of one 02 clock – about 1us (no audio signal phase changes after frequency retuning) !
- Correct polarity of the bandpass filter.
- Added emulation of internal filter voltage offset.
- Added the “Digi Boost” feature by software – an effect similar to adding 330kOhm resistor between EXTin and GND on the MOS8580.
- Other speed optimization.
Download: ARMSiD v2.8 (17/2/2019) (906)
source: dzi.n.cz/8bit/armsid
This update is only valid for Ultimate 64 boards up to serial number #540, which were shipped with an older version (v1.0) of the CPLD code.
This Update fixes an issue with the handling of key presses. To test if your U64 board is affected, run “Bounty Bob Strikes Back” and try to play/start the game.
Update on your own risk, your warranty is now void. I am not responsible for bricked devices. If you have any concerns, please do some research before updating your CPLD!
source: facebook.com/groups/1541ultimate/

Firmware upgrades for THEC64 Mini provide new features and/or correct any technical issues.
We always recommend that you use the latest version of the firmware.
Version 1.2.0 – Changes:
- Adds a complete new game for free to the GAMES CAROUSEL! Galencia for the Mini is licensed from Jay Aldred and is the winner of the Reset64 Magazine 2017 Commodore 64 Game of the Year Award
- Introduces the Virtual Joystick. You can now select all options on THEC64 Mini and even play games just using a USB keyboard. See Virtual Joystick for further information
- Improves the File Loader to allow multiple programs to be configured at once. See Setting a Default Configuration for Multiple Programs for further information
- Remembers the mute state of the CAROUSEL music between reboots
- Improves the general performance of THEC64 Mini screens and menus
Galencia is the winner of the Reset64 Magazine 2017 Commodore 64 Game of the Year Award. It is a colourful, highly polished, Galaga inspired single-screen shoot-em-up.
Jay has worked really hard to produce a special version of Galencia just for THEC64 Mini and its 720p display, and it makes maximum use of the upper and lower borders for graphics, right up to the edge of the screen! Be aware however, that some HD TVs might crop some of these border graphics when displaying the 720p image. This is not a fault with Galencia or the Mini and we recommend that you refer to your TV settings.
Please be aware there is currently a 256 item limit (files and/or folders) to assist improved USB memory stick performance.
Download: TheC64 Mini Firmware v1.2.0 (2466)
source: thec64.com

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- SA-1 support by RedGuy! Big thanks to RedGuy again :) This was a really tight fit for the FPGA so there’s a little catch – MSU1 is not available for SA-1 games.
- Also from RedGuy comes partial SRAM detection for some known games (SuperFX & SA-1). This calculates a ROM CRC and chooses to monitor only specific regions in cartridge RAM for changes. This enables automatic saving without having to resort to periodic saving, reducing wear on the SD card.
- SNES CPU <-> PPU clock phase alignment. This is a long standing issue on a sub-CPU-cycle base inside the SNES. HDMA to certain registers can cause flickering sprite slabs to appear when CPU and PPU are out of phase after a cart-side reset (which does not reset the PPUs). This fixes the notorious flickering of characters with the giant frog attack in Chrono Trigger, sprites in Kirby Super Star, characters behind the text box in Star Ocean, and probably more. See https://github.com/RedGuyyyy/sd2snes/issues/6 for technical details.
- Added an option to always go back to menu on reset, regardless of whether it’s a short or long reset.
- LED brightness setting (16 levels)
- Added an option to choose whether you want to start a game with or without cheats enabled (of those that are marked as enabled in the YAML file). You can enable / disable them later using the L+R+Start+A / L+R+Start+B button combinations if you have in-game buttons enabled.
- Disable Satellaview emulation when a real Satellaview base unit is detected to avoid bus fighting and facilitate Satellaview development.
- System Information now shows the currently effective video mode (50 or 60 Hz).
- Fixes:
- Control signal edges are detected a bit earlier, improving stability on some consoles (Github Issues)
- Fix timing of auto region patching. This should solve cross-issues with Super Scope games because they rely on the same register that is also used to read the console region.
- Fix brightness patching / limiting for games that use HDMA to alter the brightness register. (e.g. Star Fox)
- Fix an occasional imaginary access cycle carried out by the FPGA after reconfiguration. This fixes lockups when loading games with dedicated FPGA files, i.e. SuperFX, SA-1, OBC-1.
- Fix SuperCIC pair mode entry for consoles with ≤ 3.072MHz CIC clock (notably GPM revisions). (Github Issue)
- S-RTC register state is reset when the console is reset.
source: sd2snes.de
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