
Archive for the ‘OSx/Linux/Win Tools’ Category

Mike has released a new version of the C64-Archiv v4.4

The C64-Archiv is an easy to use file manager for C64-files.

Changelog Version 4.4 (06.05.2023):

  • New: ARC, SDA and SFX files are supported. Please click here for more information. Many thanks to Elwix/Style
  • New: The DENISE emulator is supported by default
  • New: Update of parameters to HOXS64 V. and VICE 3.7
  • New: Faster import of LNX files
  • New: Option: Reminder to compress database
  • New: Option: File check based on upper and lower case letters
  • New: After changing a file name, an already existing file can be overwritten
  • New: Layout and list structure improvements
  • New: “New files” are now selectable in the search area and are marked red in the lists
  • New: Italian language file. Many thanks to xAD/Nightfall
  • New: Polish language file. Many thanks to K. Lotko
  • New: Spanish language file. Many thanks to Juan from Lemon64 forum
  • Fixed: Improved support for partxx.rar files
  • Fixed: After marking a list entry as favorite, it was not always displayed correctly
  • Fixed: Problems with LNX or Z64 files at startup
  • Fixed: Packed LHA and TAR.GZ files were not always recognized
  • Fixed: Starting programs in LHA files
  • Fixed: Crash when unpacking a GZ file if a file has no extension
  • Fixed: Several problems with P00 files
  • Fixed: Error reading empty ZIP files

Download: C64-Archiv v4.4 (544)


U64 Streamer v1.25

July 25th, 2021 No comments

What can I do with this?

With the new Ultimate 64 firmware (>=1.1c) there is an option to receive video frames & audio over a network connection at 50fps.

You can use this tool to capture those frames into an image, audio or video file.

Changelog v1.25 (14/07/2021):

  • ~ Fixed: Double click on maximized window did not reset window to normal.
  • ~ Fixed: FPS calculation was wrong, fixed it.
  • ~ Fixed: Exception raised when window is minimised.
  • ~ Fixed: Various window position/size, save/restore issues.
  • ~ Fixed: some remote function crashed app when u64 is not reachable.
  • ~ Fixed: Menu is not controllable with keys anymore to prevent accidentally stop of stream.
  • ~ Update: .Net FrameWork 4.6.1 to 4.8
  • ~ Update: Optimized scanline simulation, total new processing.
  • + Added: Context menu, to open several function from the output window.
  • + Added: Multi frame capture function, capture xx frames to PNG files. Can be used to capture interlaced images.
  • + Added: Multi Frame Capture viewer, can be opened from the context menu.
  • + Added: CRTL+R function to reload last opened file (via dialog or drag and drop)
  • + Added: Ping stats to diag window.
  • + Added: Handling connection errors, added screens.

Download: U64 Streamer v1.25 (598)

source: u64streamer

U64 Streamer v1.24

March 28th, 2021 No comments

What can I do with this?

With the new Ultimate 64 firmware (>=1.1c) there is an option to receive video frames & audio over a network connection at 50fps.

You can use this tool to capture those frames into an image, audio or video file.

Changelog v1.24 (20/03/2021):

  • ~ Fixed: CTRL+C image capture key, was not working anymore
  • ~ Fixed: F1..F8 key assignment/remap
  • ~ Fixed: NTSC scaling optimalisation
  • ~ Fixed: Video frame processing optimalisation
  • + Added: mouse actions on outputImage. left click=toggle menu, right click=settings
  • + Added: U64 stream will be stopped when hitting “stop stream” button or closing app, if auto start/stop stream is enabled
  • + Added: new image scale algorithms to make output quality better.
  • + Added: screen resize / full screen function (PAL/NTSC), with realtime PAL/NTSC switching
  • + Added: scan line simulation, use with default or scale algorithm, nearest neighbour can create unwanted artifacts (values:Disabled..20%)
  • + Added: audio mute function
  • + Added: audio volume slider
  • + Added: menu position/visiblity optimalisation for different screen sizes/positions
  • + Added: window size and position saving
  • + Added: restore original size on double click on output window

Download: U64 Streamer v1.24 (728)

source: u64streamer

CBM prg Studio v3.14.0 released

June 17th, 2020 No comments

CBM prg Studio Version 3.14.0 is released. There are a lot of new features in this version. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.

CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 / VIC20 or PET if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.

CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.

New features:

  • Git integration.
  • BASIC 7 abbreviations.
  • Connect SID tool to MIDI devices.
  • Screen editor digitiser tool.
  • Sprite editor character import.
  • Resize VIC20 screen designs.
  • Screen compression.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Too many to list here, see the help for a complete list of new features and fixed bugs.

Download: CBM prg Studio v3.14.0 (960)


Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.1.0.3

May 31st, 2020 2 comments

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows (DirectX 11+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.

Changelog (v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.3):

  • Fix broken command line relative path handling.
  • Improved performance of quickspeed from the 100Hz mode.
  • Remove possibly uncommon VIC bug such that a sprite with x-position 0×163 gets drawn at 0×164. Some but not all real C64s have this bug.
  • Use the new DirectX flip model if using Windows 10.
  • Fix null pointer access start up crash on Windows 7.
  • Automatically position the ImgUI popup when out of bounds.
  • Automatic mini-dump file creation with the application folder for application crashes.



Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.1.0.1

May 16th, 2020 No comments

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows (DirectX 11+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.

Changelog (v1.0.23.1 -> v1.1.0.1):

  • Fix missing XInput1_4.dll error on Windows 7.
  • New DirectX 11.1 graphics implementation to replace the old DirectX 9 implementation. Requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime installation.
  • Fix CPU DMA timing bug with SHA SHX SHY.
  • CIA shift register timing fixes to accommodate Vice testprogs:
    • cia-sdr-icr-new.prg
    • cia-sdr-icr-old.prg
    • cia-sdr-load.prg
  • New ImgGui based file selector for full screen mode with option to opt out of windowed mode use.
  • Added 100Hz full screen frame rate doubler option to help prevent IPS LCD pixel burn in when using G-Sync.
  • Improved G-Sync performance with the host CPU aggressive mode.
  • Fix joystick settings dialog configuration fault.
  • Added aspect ratio resizing option to windowed mode.
  • Added 6th key to the joystick assignment key map.
  • Fix configuration save / load of joystick fire 2.



U64 Streamer v1.23

What can I do with this?

With the new Ultimate 64 firmware (>=1.1c) there is an option to receive video frames & audio over a network connection at 50fps.

You can use this tool to capture those frames into an image, audio or video file.

Changelog v1.23 (07/05/2020):

  • ~ Fixed: D64 & PRG should not be loadable if remote start is disabled
  • ~ Fixed: D64 & PRG with capitals not working
  • + Added: Import function to import Vice Palette File (VPL)
  • + Added: Audio output device (DirectSound, Wasapi, waveOut) setting
  • - On some systems changing output device can lower latency

Download: U64 Streamer v1.23 (676)

source: u64streamer

U64 Streamer v1.22

April 10th, 2020 No comments

What can I do with this?

With the new Ultimate 64 firmware (>=1.1c) there is an option to receive video frames & audio over a network connection at 50fps.

You can use this tool to capture those frames into an image, audio or video file.

Changelog v1.22 (09/04/2020):

  • ~ Added FQDN support to start U64 stream, so IP & FQDN addresses are now both accepted.
  • + video & audio listen port added to settings.
  • ~ changed ip/fqdn tester timeout to 500ms.
  • + Added NTSC support.
  • + PAL/NTSC auto switcher.
  • ~ Changed (capture) image size field to zoom factor in the setting window.
  • + Added image capture diaglog, option to capture to file, clipboard or both.
  • + Added CTRL+C to do a quick capture to clipboard.
  • ~ Moved FPS / video mode text to statistics window. Changing title bar will prevent OBS form finding right window.
  • + Added filedialog to open PRG or D64 with the stream tool.
  • + Drag and Drop PRG & D64 images, Drag and drop on video window to mount & run them.   To only do a mount of a D64 file, drag and drop while holding CTRL pressed
  • + Added U64 Reset command
  • + Basic keyboard input. The input will be put into the u64 keyboard buffer, not into the matrix buffer.
  • So it will work with basic and kernal based prg’s, so it doesn’t work everywhere.
  • + Custom colour palette can be defined in the settings window, for the purists.
  • + Import and export function to save and share your purist palettes.

Download: U64 Streamer v1.22 (703)

source: u64streamer

DirMaster v3.1.5 / Style

March 23rd, 2020 No comments

DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI application designed to help Commodore enthusiasts explore and manage their disk image collections.

DirMaster supports common (and uncommon) emulator disk image formats (such as .d64, .d81, .d2m, etc), almost every native Commodore archival format (such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc), and many native graphic formats (such as koala, doodle, amica, etc).

DirMaster was designed to give users a perfect blend of familiar appearance (e.g. natural looking disk image contents using the PETSCII character set) and modern GUI functionality (e.g. drag and drop, opening multiple disk images at once). The first version of DirMaster was released in 2006

Issues reported by users that were resolved in v3.1.5:

  • BAM can display a file chain for an offset file depending on Show Deleted Files toggle [0200] (M. Huth)
  • allow VIC-20 BASIC files to be viewed [0201] (S. Houdek)

Issues resolved due to user interest in v3.1.5:

DirMaster has supported 40 track disks since v3 in a limited read-only manner. Some users (most recently, hedning/G*P) expressed interest in better support for 40 track .d64; in response, v3.1.5 resolves these issues, with more features likely in a future version:

  • PrologicDOS diskname and id are read from the wrong location [0176]
  • improve detection of PrologicDOS, DolphinDOS and SpeedDOS [0208]
  • blocks free doesn’t account for tracks 36-40 when an extended track DOS format is detected [0209]
  • enable writing files to tracks 36-40 on extended DOS format d64 [0210]
  • extending a disk from 35 to 40 tracks should initialize the extra BAM for a default extended DOS (default = DolphinDOS) [0211]

Thanks to all who made an effort to submit bug reports and feedback. If you sent a bug report and don’t see it addressed here, don’t worry, it’s in the queue.

Other issues resolved in v3.1.5:

  • Can’t set a sector error to 29 [0202]
  • a .cvt file that contained a .cvt file would unarchive back to the containing .cvt [0203]

Download: DirMaster v3.1.5 (723)


DirMaster v3.1.4 / Style

February 24th, 2020 No comments

DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI application designed to help Commodore enthusiasts explore and manage their disk image collections.

DirMaster supports common (and uncommon) emulator disk image formats (such as .d64, .d81, .d2m, etc), almost every native Commodore archival format (such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc), and many native graphic formats (such as koala, doodle, amica, etc).

DirMaster was designed to give users a perfect blend of familiar appearance (e.g. natural looking disk image contents using the PETSCII character set) and modern GUI functionality (e.g. drag and drop, opening multiple disk images at once). The first version of DirMaster was released in 2006

Issues reported by users that were resolved in v3.1.4:

  • On a d81, we cannot navigate into a subdirectory created inside a subdirectory [0193] (scott.hutter)
  • A large (32 blocks) GEOS VLIR file that cannot be copied between disks [0188] (user provided test file, thank you! birt_j)
  • When exiting DirMaster, saving all modified disk images by clicking “Yes to all” fails silently [0183] (stephan-andres)
  • Exported .cvt files don’t conform with .cvt format’s magic string [0184] (wweicht)
  • Certain small GEOS files are not exportable or copy-able between disks [0187] (user provided test files, thank you! wweicht)

Thanks to all who made an effort to submit bug reports. If you sent a bug report and don’t see it addressed here, don’t worry, it’s in the queue.

Other issues resolved in v3.1.4:

  • High CPU usage when BAM view is open [0198]
  • Editing a GEOS date stamp in File Properties has no effect [0192]
  • File Property modified indicator (bold text) isn’t reset when selecting a new file [0195]
  • File Properties GEOS description field ‘help text’ is not updated when selecting a different file [0197]
  • Application crash when no file is selected and certain GEOS properties are changed in File Properties dialog [0194]
  • GEOS file properties date reports a day and month 1 step larger than actual GEOS [0191]
  • cvt files use the global fill byte setting to pad records, but shouldn’t [0189]
  • GEOS description field in file properties dialog sometimes displays garbage [0190]

Download: DirMaster v3.1.4 (617)


Graph2Font v4.0.2.8 (Lite/Full) & Atari Graphics Studio v3.5.4

December 23rd, 2019 No comments

TomaszTebeBiela has released an update of the program Graph2Font v4.0.2.8 and the Atari Graphics Studio v3.5.4.

This project began many years ago as a simple graphics converter for Atari but over the years the features are significantly increased. The converter runs under Windows.



Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.23

October 1st, 2019 1 comment

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.

Changelog (v1.0.23):

  • Allow PC joystick to control up to 5 C64 keys.
  • Monitor refresh option added to emulation video settings.



Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.21.2

August 20th, 2019 No comments

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.

Changelog (v1.0.21.2):

  • Changed command line option -autoload “hostfilename.d64″ “:c64filename” such that c64filename will have the case flipped.
  • Added command line option “@” to index a directory with no file type filter.



Grundy Newbrain writing Floppy Disk with 22Disk & TeleDisk

July 26th, 2019 No comments
Grundy Newbrain writing Floppy Disk with 22Disk & TeleDisk

I used the 22Disk & TeleDisk software for writing the Floppy Disks for the Grundy Newbrain.

The Floppy disk writing software & the Grundy Newbrain software can be downloaded here:


U64 Streamer v1.2

July 22nd, 2019 No comments

What can I do with this?

With the new Ultimate 64 firmware (>=1.1c) there is an option to receive video frames & audio over a network connection at 50fps.

You can use this tool to capture those frames into an image, audio or video file.

Changelog v1.1a (21/07/2019):

  • Added audio capture

Download: U64 Streamer v1.2 (804)

source: u64streamer