CBM prg Studio Version 2.0.0 Beta released. There are a lot of new features in this version, which is why it has been released as a beta. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.
Note that because it is a beta version it can be ran from its own directory, there’s no need to uninstall your current version of CBM prg Studio.
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Codeprogram in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
NOTE: This is effectively a bug fix for the beta version of 2.0.0 which was released last December, although there are a few new minor features (mostly for the screen designer) and other ‘enhancements’.
Download: CBM prg Studio v2.0.0 Beta Bugfixed (915)
source: ajordison.co.uk
Tomasz “Tebe” Biela has released an update of the program Graph2Font v3.9.4.6.
This project began many years ago as a simple graphics converter for Atari but over the years the features are significantly increased. The converter runs under Windows.
source: g2f.atari8.info
A new version of ZoomFloppy v2.0 (OpenCBM) for Mac is released. More informations and Download (via macports) on lallafa site.
source: lallafa.de
CBM prg Studio Version 2.0.0 Beta released. There are a lot of new features in this version, which is why it has been released as a beta. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.
Note that because it is a beta version it can be ran from its own directory, there’s no need to uninstall your current version of CBM prg Studio.
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Codeprogram in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
Download: CBM prg Studio v2.0.0 Beta (906)
source: ajordison.co.uk
A new version of the program SidPlay for M$ Windows is released by Inge.
Download: SidPlay v2.6 (M$ Windows) (875)
source: noname.c64.org/csdb
Virtual Floppy Drive is a virtual floppy drive for Windows developed by Ken Kato.
Original sourceforge project : http://vfd.sourceforge.net/
This version was modified by Jean-François Del Nero to directly handle HFE files images for the SD HxC Floppy Emulator.
Download: Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1 For SD HxC (1309)
source: hxc2001.free.fr
C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE written by Georg Rottensteiner. This app supports project based C64 assembly.
The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax. In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers and memory.
Any other emulator can be set up as well if it’s startable via runtime arguments. C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k and 16k). Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset and sprite editor.
Version history:
07.12.2011 – 1.9:
- Fixed bug in !bin when more bytes were requested than available in the file.
- Fixed treatment of non document elements (source would not build if floating)
- Added Media Manager to manipulate .T64 and .D64 files.
- Added .d64 export.
- Added tooltips in ASM files (plus debug info)
Download: C64 Studio v1.9 (1002)
source: lemon64.com
ASAP is a player of 8-bit Atari music for modern computers and mobile devices. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor.
The project was initially based on the routines from the Atari800 emulator, but the current version has a completely new original emulation core.
Changelog ASAP 3.1.1 (2011-10-26):
- Converted XEX files may optionally display information.
- Fixed conversion of some TYPE D SAP files (e.g. Saturday_Demo.sap) to XEX.
- Fixed time detection for some FC files.
source: asap.sourceforge.net
C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE written by Georg Rottensteiner. This app supports project based C64 assembly.
The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax. In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers and memory.
Any other emulator can be set up as well if it’s startable via runtime arguments. C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k and 16k). Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset and sprite editor.
Version history:
01.11.2011 – 1.8:
- Fixed a bug in resuming a debug session.
- Added basic Basic V2 support.
Download: C64 Studio v1.8 (854)
source: lemon64.com
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
Download: CBM prg Studio v1.6.1 (935)
source: ajordison.co.uk
WAV-PRG is a program able to create a .TAP file or Commodore 64 tape from a C64 emulator file (.PRG, .P00, .T64), and create emulator files (.PRG, .P00, .T64) from a Commodore 64 tape. The latter can only be done if the tape is in a format supported by an existing plug-in.
Download: WAV-PRG v4.0 Alpha2 (1000)
source: wav-prg.sourceforge.net
Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
- Enabled editing of the CPU registers and the disassembly mnemonics. The mnemonic edit box accepts either 6502 assembly or space delimited numbers.
- Fixed pixel glitch while stepping in the debugger.
- Added up/left soft cursor keys.
- Tweak for demo ‘Bad Copy’ by Emulamer.
Download: Hoxs64 64 bit (1315)
Download: Hoxs64 32 bit (1310)
Download: Hoxs64 Ansi Win98/2K (1309)
source: hoxs64.net
Kick Assembler (written in Java language) is the combination of an assembler for doing 6510 machine code and a high level script language.
8/9-2011 : New beta release (v3.20 & v3.21):
- Made mnemonic extensions to force all addressing modes.
- Corrected bug in error message when forcing an illegal addressing mode.
- Made mnemonic extensions so you can force addressing modes. ‘.z’ and ‘.zp’ forces zeropage, ‘.a’ and ‘.abs’ forces absolute. Eg. lda.abs $0000
- Made .importonce directive to ensure libraries only gets included once.
- Corrected typo in error message. Thanks to Tlr for pointing this out.
Download: Kick Assembler v3.21 (901)
Download: Kick Assembler Manual v3.21 (1471)
source: theweb.dk
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
Download: CBM prg Studio v1.5.0 (915)
source: ajordison.co.uk
ASAP is a player of 8-bit Atari music for modern computers and mobile devices. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor.
The project was initially based on the routines from the Atari800 emulator, but the current version has a completely new original emulation core.
Changelog ASAP 3.1.0 (2011-09-24):
- WASAP/Winamp/Apollo/XMPlay file information window now includes STIL (SAP Tune Information List) and technical data.
- Added Future Composer (*.fc) format (contributed by Jerzy Kut).
- Written specification of the SAP format.
- XMPlay displays STIL, tracker name and RMT instrument names.
- The 64-bit setup package now includes the Windows Media Player plugin (useful for the Vista/7 sidebar WMP gadget).
- Java release now includes asap.jar for WUDSN IDE.
- asapplay in the D programming language has been ported to Linux and 64-bit compilers (by Adrian Matoga).
source: asap.sourceforge.net
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