
Archive for the ‘News & Rumors’ Category

C64 Game: On the Farm 2 +3 by Goat of Laxity

August 4th, 2011 No comments

Goat of Laxity has released a Trained version of the game: On the Farm 2 for Commodore 64.

Download: On the Farm 2 +3 (1289)


Sidplay64 v0.695 Beta by Grg/Shape

August 4th, 2011 No comments

Unofficial version of the Sidplay64 by GRG/Shape.

This version supports directory browsing and image (d64,d81) for the devices SD2IEC/Netdrive/IDE64. This version is still in a beta stage.

Download: Sidplay64 v0.695 Beta (1473)


C64 Game: M.U.L.E. Onefiled +4 Player adapter by Peiselulli

August 3rd, 2011 1 comment

Peiselulli of Arsenic, Oxyron, Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated has released a Onefiled version of M.U.L.E. for Commodore 64. This version supports the adapter for 4 players.

Download: M.U.L.E. Onefiled + 4 Player adapter (1431)


Unboxing KIT Pocket 1541 Plus Limited Edition 2011

August 3rd, 2011 4 comments
 Pocket 1541 Plus + PocketCard 64


The interface 1541 Pocket Plus is a evolution of the Pocket 1541 released a few years ago. The 1541 Pocket Plus emulates the Commodore 1541 floppy drive with an SD (Secure Digital). The firmware like many Floppy Drive Emulation Interfaces for the C64 is based on the Open Source project SD2IEC and its operation is very simple and transparent, the interface is powered directly from the C64.

What can I do with it? It’s easy to say, with a normal SD (Secure Digital) you can store your favorites games and programs and you can load from the C64 everything directly from your memory card (SD), no more disk drives or datassette.

The differences from previous version, there are many, i’m going to list only the most important.

  • 5VDC Powered from the Cartridge port of the Commodore 64.
  • New CPU ATMega 1284PU (128k) clocked at 8MHz.
  • External 48-pin Expansion slot.
  • Internal expansion slot for future implementations.
  • PocketCard with Bank Switching and 4Mbit flash memory (interchangeable)
  • PocketCard PC 64 software can allows you to create Flash files for the 29F040.
  • External Kernal with addon PocketCard PC 64 (requires PocketPLA 64).
  • PocketPLA 64.

My first impression: I must say that has made a very good impression, the KIT Pocket 1541 Plus consists of several components built in an absolutely accurate and professional. The use of the addon PocketCard 64 at first time may be a bit complex for a beginner, but following the manual (you can find on the seller’s site) the configuration becomes easy and fun.

The Kernal cartridge mode is a very nice features, it overrides the PROM 901227. This feature requires the installation of the PocketPLA 64 and is only compatible with the Commodore 64 first edition (brown) with a PLA 906114.

In the sad case that the PocketPLA 64 can not be installed on your Commodore 64, the PocketCard 64 can be used to speed up the file loading with a TurboDisk Cartridge. The PocketCard 64 supports all types of cartridges (Ultimax or Standard) including games or utility. You can use the software PocketCard-64 to generate the file for the 29F040 flash with your compilations of Programs/Games or Kernal.

I suggest to buying this kit to all Retro Fans of the Commodore including people who want to ‘hack’ and not just play ;-D


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Edge Grinder +2 and Bionik Granny Returns +

August 2nd, 2011 No comments

Some new cracked and trained games from your favorites group’s Onslaught and Excess; Edge Grinder +2 and Bionik Granny Returns for Commodore 64.

Download: Edge Grinder +2 (1352)

Download: Bionik Granny Returns + (1363)


Commodore 128 4k Game Coding Competition 2011

August 1st, 2011 No comments

The web page is organizing a Coding competition.


  • Entries must be original programs.
  • Entries must NOT be larger than 4096 bytes (4kb)
  • The result must be playable on a real 128 and VICE.
  • The competition starts Saturday October 29th 2011 at 5pm EST (Australian, not US)
  • Entries must be submitted on or before April 1st, 2012.
  • Entries must only be for the 128′s 40 or 80 colum modes – CP/M & 64 modes will be ineligible.
  • There will be a competion page at with the submissions & you’ll have the opportunity to vote for your favourite game (which will determine the winners).
  • All entries must be released under GPL & with the source included.


  • Submissions must be made by email to landover (at)
  • Format of submissions to be in either D81, D64 or PRG format & then zipped.


  • 1st prize of $AU100
  • 2nd prize of $AU50
  • 3rd prize of $AU25


Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Blood2 & Redrunner and Blok Copy by Onslaught

August 1st, 2011 No comments

Some new cracked and trained games from your favorite group Onslaught. Blood 2 & Redrunner for Commodore 64 and Blok Copy for DTV.

Download: Blood 2 + (1315)

Download: Redrunner +5 (1283)

Download: Blok Copy DTV +3D (1334)


C64 Music: Sounds of the Amiga #3

July 28th, 2011 No comments

Sounds of the Amiga #3, released by Triad. Another nice pack with SID-covers of your favorite amiga tunes!

Download: Sota #1 (1059) Sota #2 (914) Sota #3 (969)


D64Lister v1.7.1

July 28th, 2011 No comments

Author’s Introduction: Because I wasn’t satisfied with all the available D64 lister programs in several aspects I decided to make my own one. The D64Lister is of course Freeware.

The D64Lister is featured with following abilities and properties:

  • Windows based (Win9x, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP, WinVista, Windows7)
  • Multifile support.
  • Extended Recursive OpenDialog with Directory selection.
  • D64 Images as parameter.
  • Images can be drag&dropped.
  • 40 Tracks Support (SpeedDOS, DolphinDOS, PrologicDOS)
  • 99% PETSCII -> ASCII conversion.
  • 99% Original C64/1541 behaviour.
  • ASCII Textfile generation.
  • RichTextFormat file generation.
  • Appending of new Textfiles to existing ones.
  • Upper/Lower -> Upper/Graphics Char switching.
  • Emulated C64Screen.
  • C64Screen is zoom – and scrollable.
  • Comfortable OptionsDialog with *.ini File.
  • GEOS File support.
  • Auto Upper/Lower Char switching for GEOS Files.
  • GEOS File Details.
  • GeoWrite Textviewer with styles, fontsizes, formats and photoscraps.
  • GEOS Font Shower.
  • GeoPaint Viewer.
  • PhotoScrap Viewer.
  • PhotoAlbum Viewer.
  • GeoPaint pictures and PhotoScraps are saveable.
  • Fonts zoom – and saveable (as bitmap)
  • Zoomable display of GEOS icons.
  • Export function for supported GEOS Filetypes
  • Show BAM (with diskerrors like StarCommander)
  • Show BAM entry -> filename, filename -> BAM entries.
  • BlockViewer in hex or char.
  • FileViewer with BASIC Command Detokenize, C64 program export and Hex View.

Download: D64Lister v1.7.1 (920)


Attitude Diskmagazine #12 Summer Edition released

July 28th, 2011 No comments

Attitude is a disk magazine for the Commodore 64 computer. This edition is written in collaboration with the joint forces of Triad and Oxyron.

We hope you enjoy this issue as much as you did the previous ones!

Download: Attitude Diskmagazine #12 (940)


Categories: Magazine, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Yucatan & The Great War – 1914 by Genesis Project

July 28th, 2011 No comments

Two new cracked and trained games from your favorite group Genesis Project, Yucatan & The Great War – 1914 for Commodore 64.

Download: Yucatan +5 (1342)

Download: The Great War - 1914 (1464)


Some new Games and Utility for Commodore VIC-20

July 24th, 2011 No comments

Some new Games & Utility for Commodore VIC-20.

  • MINIGRAFIK batch processing suite. Collection of example and utility programs using MINIGRAFIK.
  • Vic Wolf. Texture mapped raycaster.
  • The Keep. First person dungeon crawler.

Download: MINIGRAFIK batch processing suite (1454)

Download: Vic Wolf (1502)

Download: The Keep (1555)

source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)

Swinkels Mega SwinSID prototype on video

July 24th, 2011 No comments

The Mega SwinSID is a new C64 SID replacement by Swinkels based on 32bit STM32 ARM Cortex M3 MCU and 512KB sample memory.

It runs at 80MHz and it uses integrated 12bit DACs for stereo output.


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Jihad & Super-Ski by Onslaught

July 24th, 2011 No comments

Two new cracked and trained games from your favorite group Onslaught, Jihad – Raid Over Baghdad & Super-Ski The Downhill Simulator for Commodore 64.

Download: Super-Ski The Downhill Simulator (1374)

Download: Jihad - Raid Over Baghdad (1382)


C64 Game: Space Taxi & Jumpman +2HD for EasyFlash cartridge

July 24th, 2011 No comments

John64 has released a trained version of Space Taxi & Jumpman (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.

Download: Space Taxi & Jumpman (crt) (1938)

Download: Space Taxi & Jumpman (d64) (1818)
