
Archive for the ‘Sinclair’ Category

Anykey V1.6.1

September 28th, 2023 No comments

This program monitors the keyboard and joysticks. It is useful to test hardware or to explore the key bindings of emulators.

It supports the following computers:

  • Commodore 64
  • Commodore 128 (128 mode in 40 columns or 64 mode)
  • Commodore PET (all models with at least 8k RAM)
  • Commodore Plus/4
  • Commodore VIC-20 (at least 8k RAM expansion)
  • MEGA65 (native and 64 mode)
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k+
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 (gray model, made by Sinclair)
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2A (black model, made by Amstrad)
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next
  • N-Go (ZX Spectrum Next clone)

Download: Anykey V1.6.1 (495)


Powerup my Spectrum 128k (RGB Bright MOD) after a long time.

January 22nd, 2013 No comments

Powerup and Testing my Sinclair Spectrum 128k (RGB with Bright MOD) after a long time.


ZXpand Interface for ZX81 and Timex-Sinclair

June 19th, 2011 1 comment

The ZXpand interface is a brand new interface for the Sinclair ZX81, and Timex-Sinclair TS/1000 Home Computers.

The ZXpand interface offers 32K of expanded memory (which is configurable to support various hi-resolution graphics modes), instant file access to .p files stored on SD memory cards and more.

The Sinclair ZX81 ZXpand interface will also allow you to connect an Atari style 9 pin joystick port to play either specially written or specially adapted games.

The ZXpand provides the following facilities:

  • SD Memory Card reader – for instant loading from / saving to .p files (used by ZX81 emulators)
  • 32K of configurable RAM memory, which can then be set up to use the various hi-resolution graphics schemes for the Sinclair ZX81.
  • New keywords are added to the system ROM to allow you to load and save programs, produce a catalogue of files on the memory
    card, configure the ZXpand Interface, and delete files.
  • You can still load programs from cassette as well as using the interface, to allow you to copy files onto the SD memory card.
  • Sub-directories are supported on the memory card.
  • The new ROM can be switched off once a program is loaded, in order to allow access to LPRINT, LLIST and COPY commands.
  • There is a built in reset button to reset the ZX81 without having to pull the power lead.

Download: ZXpand Manual (2472)


Cheril Perils: a new game for ZX Spectrum 48k

July 25th, 2010 No comments

Cheril Perils is a new game from The Mojon Twins for ZX Spectrum.


Categories: News & Rumors, Sinclair, Today