
Archive for the ‘Today’ Category

FB (FileBrowser) v1.0 for SD2IEC

August 11th, 2011 No comments

FB (FileBrowser) v1.0 for SD2IEC by Sailor of TRIAD.

DownloadFB (FileBrowser) v1.0 (1577)


durexForth v1.1 (Forth language for Commodore 64)

August 9th, 2011 No comments

Forth, the Language.

Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.

It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.

Download: durexForth v1.1 (1023)


VIC20 Game: Realms of Quest II – Anniversary Edition

August 7th, 2011 No comments

The author “Ghislain” write:

This month marks the 20th anniversary of Realms of Quest. It was in the Summer of 1991 that I embarked on making a computer role playing game for the Commodore VIC-20. I was successful in completing the first one, but I had given up in creating a sequel shortly afterwards. I did create about 20 monster portrait graphics pixel by pixel with a simple graphics program, however.

In 2004, I programmed a “mini” version of Realms of Quest II intended for the Minigame Competition; minus the portrait graphics, because to use them would surpass the 4K limit that the competition required.

So twenty years after I had made the original Realms of Quest I, I decided to revamp the first two games. And so I took the portrait graphics I had made in 1992-93 and combined them with the Minigame version of Realms of Quest II. So finally after all these years, there is a fuller and more complete version of the middle of this CRPG series.

Download: Realms of Quest II - Anniversary Edition (1109)


LCP 2011: Official demo party results

August 7th, 2011 No comments

This is the official demo party results from LCP 2011 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the Little Computer People 2011 for more informations.

C64 DEMO competition:

  • 1 1991 by Booze Design.
  • 2 Storebror by Mahoney.
  • 3 Pimp My Snail by Camelot.

C64 Music competition:

  • 1 Metamorphosis.
  • 2 Party Crasher by Magnar Harestad.
  • 3 14 Years Later by Kristian Røstøen.

C64 Graphics competition:

  • 1 Fire by Joe.
  • 2 The Mill by Veto.
  • 3 African Night by Yazoo.

Download: LCP 2011 C64 Compilation (944)


Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Nyaaaah! – 15th Anniversary Edition +

August 6th, 2011 No comments

Excess has released a Trained and Cracked version of the game: Nyaaaah! – 15th Anniversary Edition for Commodore 64.

Download: Nyaaaah! - 15th Anniversary Edition + (1392)


Commodore 64 USB Joystick Adapter

August 6th, 2011 No comments

This project by Frank Buß is a cheap solution to connect a digital joystick to a PC using the USB interface.

The interface uses Freescale microcontroller that will simulate a USB keyboard and translates the joystick signals to keyboard signals.


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C16 Game: Bit Fox

August 6th, 2011 No comments

Roepipi is here again with another cool BASIC game. Small size, quick action, start it up and have some fun!

Download: Bit Fox (922)


C64 Studio v1.5

August 4th, 2011 No comments

C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE written by Georg Rottensteiner. This app supports project based C64 assembly.

The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax. In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers and memory.

Any other emulator can be set up as well if it’s startable via runtime arguments. C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k and 16k). Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset and sprite editor.

Version history:

31.07.2011 – 1.5:

  • Fixed bug in parsing !byte with binary values.
  • Fixed bug in file info storage, sometimes error messages were accredited to the wrong file.
  • Fixed bug where warnings were not displayed (segment overwrite).
  • Added charset/sprite functions as buttons.
  • Changed charset copy/paste to always use clipboard

Download: C64 Studio v1.5 (896)


C64 Game: On the Farm 2 +3 by Goat of Laxity

August 4th, 2011 No comments

Goat of Laxity has released a Trained version of the game: On the Farm 2 for Commodore 64.

Download: On the Farm 2 +3 (1387)


Sidplay64 v0.695 Beta by Grg/Shape

August 4th, 2011 No comments

Unofficial version of the Sidplay64 by GRG/Shape.

This version supports directory browsing and image (d64,d81) for the devices SD2IEC/Netdrive/IDE64. This version is still in a beta stage.

Download: Sidplay64 v0.695 Beta (1570)


C64 Game: M.U.L.E. Onefiled +4 Player adapter by Peiselulli

August 3rd, 2011 1 comment

Peiselulli of Arsenic, Oxyron, Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated has released a Onefiled version of M.U.L.E. for Commodore 64. This version supports the adapter for 4 players.

Download: M.U.L.E. Onefiled + 4 Player adapter (1484)


Unboxing KIT Pocket 1541 Plus Limited Edition 2011

August 3rd, 2011 4 comments
 Pocket 1541 Plus + PocketCard 64


The interface 1541 Pocket Plus is a evolution of the Pocket 1541 released a few years ago. The 1541 Pocket Plus emulates the Commodore 1541 floppy drive with an SD (Secure Digital). The firmware like many Floppy Drive Emulation Interfaces for the C64 is based on the Open Source project SD2IEC and its operation is very simple and transparent, the interface is powered directly from the C64.

What can I do with it? It’s easy to say, with a normal SD (Secure Digital) you can store your favorites games and programs and you can load from the C64 everything directly from your memory card (SD), no more disk drives or datassette.

The differences from previous version, there are many, i’m going to list only the most important.

  • 5VDC Powered from the Cartridge port of the Commodore 64.
  • New CPU ATMega 1284PU (128k) clocked at 8MHz.
  • External 48-pin Expansion slot.
  • Internal expansion slot for future implementations.
  • PocketCard with Bank Switching and 4Mbit flash memory (interchangeable)
  • PocketCard PC 64 software can allows you to create Flash files for the 29F040.
  • External Kernal with addon PocketCard PC 64 (requires PocketPLA 64).
  • PocketPLA 64.

My first impression: I must say that has made a very good impression, the KIT Pocket 1541 Plus consists of several components built in an absolutely accurate and professional. The use of the addon PocketCard 64 at first time may be a bit complex for a beginner, but following the manual (you can find on the seller’s site) the configuration becomes easy and fun.

The Kernal cartridge mode is a very nice features, it overrides the PROM 901227. This feature requires the installation of the PocketPLA 64 and is only compatible with the Commodore 64 first edition (brown) with a PLA 906114.

In the sad case that the PocketPLA 64 can not be installed on your Commodore 64, the PocketCard 64 can be used to speed up the file loading with a TurboDisk Cartridge. The PocketCard 64 supports all types of cartridges (Ultimax or Standard) including games or utility. You can use the software PocketCard-64 to generate the file for the 29F040 flash with your compilations of Programs/Games or Kernal.

I suggest to buying this kit to all Retro Fans of the Commodore including people who want to ‘hack’ and not just play ;-D


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Edge Grinder +2 and Bionik Granny Returns +

August 2nd, 2011 No comments

Some new cracked and trained games from your favorites group’s Onslaught and Excess; Edge Grinder +2 and Bionik Granny Returns for Commodore 64.

Download: Edge Grinder +2 (1458)

Download: Bionik Granny Returns + (1452)


Commodore 128 4k Game Coding Competition 2011

August 1st, 2011 No comments

The web page is organizing a Coding competition.


  • Entries must be original programs.
  • Entries must NOT be larger than 4096 bytes (4kb)
  • The result must be playable on a real 128 and VICE.
  • The competition starts Saturday October 29th 2011 at 5pm EST (Australian, not US)
  • Entries must be submitted on or before April 1st, 2012.
  • Entries must only be for the 128′s 40 or 80 colum modes – CP/M & 64 modes will be ineligible.
  • There will be a competion page at with the submissions & you’ll have the opportunity to vote for your favourite game (which will determine the winners).
  • All entries must be released under GPL & with the source included.


  • Submissions must be made by email to landover (at)
  • Format of submissions to be in either D81, D64 or PRG format & then zipped.


  • 1st prize of $AU100
  • 2nd prize of $AU50
  • 3rd prize of $AU25


Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Blood2 & Redrunner and Blok Copy by Onslaught

August 1st, 2011 No comments

Some new cracked and trained games from your favorite group Onslaught. Blood 2 & Redrunner for Commodore 64 and Blok Copy for DTV.

Download: Blood 2 + (1400)

Download: Redrunner +5 (1333)

Download: Blok Copy DTV +3D (1405)
