CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms.
Both the C128 and C64 have their own native version of the application.
source: cbmcommand.codeplex.com
iAN CooG Site has been update with a new version of the Generic C64 prg Unpacker v2.21 (Source included).
2.21 – 2010.03.26-20010.05.03
- better parsing of scanner functions.
- all printf() in scanners moved on a single source, to have a single string pool, thus reducing a bit the final exe size (about 16kb, oh well ;)
source: iancoog.altervista.org
This is an application for organizing and searching digital objects for Commodore 64 digital media. Written in PHP using MySQL database.
- [ Search.....] Filename, Sysline, Label & BAM and organize data via the [edit] function.
- [ Matcher....] Scan your archive for missing releases.
- [ Import.....] Import your collections of Commodore data.
- [ compare....] Compare uniqeness of a new collection against the database.
- [ Publishers.] Add information about publishers to catalog your archive.
- [ Collections] Fast view of your imported collections.
- [ Statistics.] See detailed and statistical information of your collections.
- [ Missing....] View or add missing release information.
- [ Help.......] Help file.
Supported file types:
- Fully : D64, D71, D81, LNX, PRG, Pxx, T64, SPY, LBR.
- Partly: G64, TAP, X64, ARK, ARC & CRT.
source: noname.c64.org
AceDOS for Commodore 128 support standard drives, 64HDD (Professional), IEC-ATA and 1541Ultimate SD-DCA (SD – direct card access).
AceDOS can be used also with standard drives only, but more features will be disabled.
source: mirkosoft homepage
Some new Games & Utility for Commodore VIC-20.
- Go Left. The object of the game is to go left. A player may fail by not going left. Points are scored by correctly going left. Follow the on-screen directions. (This game appears on the white side of the Denial Collection 3)
- Font 1. A replacement font for the VIC 20.
- The Dungeon of Doom – RPG Creator. Funny, colourful, and comprehensive RPG creator, including dungeon and character generators – both with excellent graphics!
source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)
Commodore Free Magazine Issue #39
- Editorial.
- Readers Comments.
- Commodore USA, LLC.
- - New Version: D64Lister 1.7.
- - CCS64 Updated.
- - BASIC Game Competition.
- - Amiga Zorro RAMBoard.
- - Digital Talk 90.
- - TAP Clean.
- - Clear Competition Pro.
- - Commodore Plus/4 Spreadsheet.
- - Datatool.
- - Return Issue 2.
- - VIC20 Twitter Client.
- - New Version of SD2IEC Released.
- - PET Alive!
- - Commodore Free.
- - John Fielden.
- - Peter Badrick.
- - Chris Syntichakis.
- - Commodore Free (2)
- - Shaun Bebbington.
- - Charles J. Gutman.
source: commodorefree.com
CartographPC is a Windows application created to assist in designing tile-based datamaps. This devtool serves as a companion piece to our C64 native Cartograph devtool.
The original purpose of CartographPC was to enable us to take nice screenshots of our datamaps without having to take four or six screenshots of smaller windows and piece them together.
CartographPC has since grown into a full editor with the benefit of being able to load datamaps created on the C64 directly into memory and edit, save, and move them back to C64 without much hassle.
It works by creating datamaps using tilesets created on C64 with the old, but popular, ultrafont editor. Datamaps can have dimensions of 1 to 255 tiles horizontally and 1 to 127 tiles vertically. CartographPC allows the user to create a datamap as small as 40×25 tiles (one screen) and up to 255×127 tiles.
Read more…
C64-Archiv descriptions:
- Scans and stores your C64 – (games) – collection with only a few clicks.
- Easily manages your C64-programs by creating your own categories.
- Starts the C64-programs in different emulators.
- Delivers instructions for the emulators VICE and CCS64.
- Stores the C64-programs from files with the extensions .d64, .d71, .p00, .prg and .t64.
- Stores files by name with the extensions: .tap, .vsf (VICE-snapshot-file) and .c64 (CCS-session-file)
- Stores the C64-programs in files with the extensions: .zip, .7z and .cab.
- Supports multi-language.
Version 3.1 – What’s new?
- NEW: Views “Last started “, “Top 100″ (= Most recently used)
- NEW: Improved Gamebase list with up to 30 columns.
- NEW: Customizing views.
- NEW: Profiles for the emulator Emu64.
- NEW: .CRT, .TXT, .NFO and .DIZ-files can be stored.
- NEW: French translation (Thanks to Max from MCC64.be).
- BUG FIXED: Wrong copy from parameters.
- FIXED: Various minor bugs.
source: Mikes Pages
This minimalistic tool extracts various screen modes from a VICE snapshotfile (.vsf).
Changes since Vice Snapshot Grabber 3.0:
- MultiColor bitmap screens are saved additionally as koala image (.koa). Loadable directly by MultiColor V0.2.1 for example.
- HiRes bitmap screens are saved additionally as interpaint HiRes (.ip64h). Loadable in GIMP with cbmplugs.
source: noname.c64.org
geoLink is a networked GEOS application for the Commodore 64 written by ShadowM using the ip65 network stack.
It was assembled and linked on the ’64 using geoProgrammer (no cross-assemblers!).
source: lyonlabs.org
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
TRSI released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a conversion of the Vectrex classic Spike.
source: noname.c64.org
40-column ASCII text viewer with scrolling screen for VIC-20.
Requirements: VIC-20 with +8K RAM expansion, or more; disc drive.
source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)
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