
Archive for the ‘Today’ Category

64Copy v4.43 Released

December 29th, 2009 No comments

64COPY is an all-purpose DOS and C64 emulator file manager, modelled after Norton Commander, and runs fine under the Windows XP/2000 DOS VDM, or in real DOS.

64COPY will run in a Windows Vista 32-bit VDM, but Vista 64-bit has no VDM support at all. It specializes in converting and manipulating emulator files between various formats. 64COPY does not do any communication to the 1541/71/81 floppy drives to read disks. If that is what you need, download Star Commander for that task.

Some of what 64COPY does includes:

  • File conversion between D64 (all types, including the F64 variant), D71, D81, D80, D82, DNP, D2M, T64, G64, ZipCode (all types), PC64 (Pxx, Sxx, Uxx, Rxx), LNX, DOS binaries, ARC, CRT, SDA, X64, LBR, ARK, SPY and CPK files.
  • A very powerful 6502 Disassembler.
  • TEXT, HEX and D64 HEX editors.
  • FILE viewer.
  • BASIC unlister.
  • D64, D71, D81, D80 & D82 directory customizer.
  • Check disks and T64, ZipCode, G64, F64 and CRT files for errors.
  • A whole lot more!

source: 64Copy homepage

Bidding ended to € 6,060.00 for the Commodore 65 on Ebay

December 28th, 2009 3 comments
Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

High Voltage SID Collection Update #52

December 26th, 2009 No comments

High Voltage SID CollectionAfter this update, the collection should contain 37,081 SID files!

Thanks to all the people who have helped to make HVSC the collection that it is today, without your help it would be a much tougher task.

This update features (all approximates):

  • 874 new SIDs.
  • 65 fixed/better rips.


Categories: C64/SX64, News & Rumors, Today

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

December 24th, 2009 No comments

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

A new version of Vice v2.2 is released

December 22nd, 2009 No comments

A new version of Vice is released, the famous C64 emulator comes to the version v2.2.

Click here for the Changelog.


D64 Editor v0.029

December 20th, 2009 No comments

D64 Editorfrom Homepage:

This program is not completely finished, not all of the features that I’d like are included yet. There may also be bugs that I have not found, but I’ve fixed all of the bugs I’ve found so far.

Here some features:

  • Read D64 files, display the directory, move files around the directory, rename files.
  • Export files from the D64 into PRG files.
  • Import files into the D64 with autodetection for P00 files.
  • View/Edit the BAM.
  • View the block chain of files on the D64.
  • Create new blank D64 files, clean existing D64′s.
  • View and modify blocks on the disk in hex.
  • Automatic check for crosslinked files on the D64.
  • View the directory using the native c64 font.
  • SEQ File Viewer using the c64 font with PETASCII->ASCII conversion option.
  • Drag and Drop functionality. Drag D64′s onto the main screen to load them, drag other files to import them.
  • Preliminary support for importing T64′s.
  • A filename builder to enable easy use of the C64 Characterset in filenames.


Released the latest version of C64-Archiv v3.0

December 20th, 2009 No comments

C64-ArchivC64-Archiv descriptions:

  • Scans and stores your C64 – (games) – collection with only a few clicks.
  • Easily manages your C64-programs by creating your own categories.
  • Starts the C64-programs in different emulators.
  • Delivers instructions for the emulators VICE and CCS64.
  • Stores the C64-programs from files with the extensions .d64, .d71, .p00, .prg and .t64.
  • Stores files by name with the extensions: .tap, .vsf (VICE-snapshot-file) and .c64 (CCS-session-file)
  • Stores the C64-programs in files with the extensions: .zip, .7z and .cab.
  • Supports multi-language.

Version 3.0 – What’s new?

  • NEW: Gamebase64 frontend with the possibility to download games.
  • NEW: Simplified editing of profils.
  • NEW: Profils for HOXS64.
  • NEW: Startup Wizard.
  • NEW: In the main window you can hide the tree.

source: Mikes Pages

Commodore 65 (C64 DX) Prototype on Ebay

December 18th, 2009 No comments

C65 (C64 DX) Commodore on EbayCommodore 65 (C64 DX) Prototype on Ebay.

from Wikipedia:

The Commodore 65 (also known as the C64DX, not to be confused with the Commodore SX-64 portable unit) was a prototype computer created by Fred Bowen and others at Commodore Business Machines (CBM) (part of Commodore International) in 1990–91. The project was cancelled by CEO Irving Gould.

The C65 was an improved version of the Commodore 64, and it was meant to be backwards-compatible with the older computer, while still providing a number of advanced features close to those of the Amiga. When Commodore International was liquidated in 1994, a number of prototypes were sold on the open market, and thus a few people actually own a Commodore 65.

Estimates as to the actual number of machines found on the open market range from 50 to 2000 units. As the C65 project was cancelled, the final 8-bit offering from CBM remained the triple-mode, 1–2 MHz, 128 kB (expandable), C64-compatible Commodore 128 of 1985.

download screenshot: C65 Commodore Ebay Auction 18-12-2009

source: ebay auction wikipedia

Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

(Italian) Sito di Vincenzo Scarpa: Aggiornamento della sezione Biblioteca

December 17th, 2009 No comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Categories: C64/SX64, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.8.3 Released

December 17th, 2009 No comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family. The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64.

Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2009-12-16 – release 0.8.3

  • Bugfix: Really prevent random corruption on FAT32 media.
  • Bugfix: Free buffer after copying files.

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

MMC Replay vs. 1541 Ultimate Videoreview *Link Updated*

December 16th, 2009 No comments

from 1541ultimate Forum:

Videoreview about the comparison of “MMC Replay” (Individual Computers) and “1541 Ultimate” with an detailed tutorial about connecting and using.

Also it shows some very interesting additional features like using a real 1541 drive together with 1541U.

-> Video 1 – Introduction
-> Video 2 – Test: MMC Replay
-> Video 3 – Test: 1541 Ultimate 1/2
-> Video 4 – Test: 1541 Ultimate 2/2 + Fazit

source: 1541ultimate Forum

VIC-20 Low Cost Multi-Cart / Development Cart

December 15th, 2009 No comments

VIC20-Low Cost MultiCartridgesfrom Homepage:

I designed this project after I recently dug my Commodore VIC-20 out of storage.  Some of my game cartridges needed much cleaning, and even after that, some didn’t work anymore.

The Multicart was developed so that multiple games could be played on a single cartridge.  The VIC-20 had many excellent arcade games like Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Frogger, Dig Dug, …ect.

This cartridge combines 32 of the best VIC-20 arcade games on one cartridge.


DLH’s Commodore Archive *Updated*

December 11th, 2009 No comments

DLH's Commodore ArchiveDLH’s Commodore Archive latest news:

  • 1084-P Service Manual 314890-01 (1988 July) (39 pages)
  • 1084-D PAL Service Manual (45 pages)
  • Super Snapshot V5.2 (Dutch)
  • Tech Topics Issue 29 1990 Apr-Jun (25 pages)
  • Tech Topics Issue 30 1990 Jul-Sep (12 pages)
  • Tech Topics Issue 31 1990 Oct-Dec (18 pages)

source: DLH Commodore Archive

Released EasyProg v1.4.0 for EasyFlash Cartridge

December 10th, 2009 No comments

EasyProg is a program for the C64. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.


  • Support files split and compressed with EasySplit.
  • Support for xbank format.
  • Sort directory entries case-insensitive.
  • Allow 255 entries in directory dialog.

source: easyflash homepage

CBS ColecoVision Secam alternative RGB pinouts from

December 6th, 2009 No comments

ColecoVision.dkCBS ColecoVision RGB pinouts only for the French (Secam) AV Out version.

Here my first ColecoVision RGB hack.
