(Italian) Nuovo Aggiornamento per l’interfaccia Pocket 1541
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Van Pong tot Playstation 2009 Movie & Pictures retro show
The Movie and Pictures of retro game show Van Pong tot Playstation 2009 are online on site
EasyFlash Game Collection by
That’s an CRT image for the EasyFlash cartridge.
It’s a Compilation with a lot of game, like:
- Badlands.
- Bandits.
- Boulder Dash.
- Centipede
- Frogger.
- Giana Sisters. ..and so on…
source: noname.c64 org
(Italian) Vecchie riviste di Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
C128 System Information v7.1 rev3 by MirkoSoft
Program that detects type of your hardware in Commodore 128.
Also added recognizing 64HDD drives and better detection of MMU and RAM size. Works not correctly in VICE. Optimized for 80 columns mode. Thanks to Christian Johansson.
source: mirkosoft homepage
Yape Plus/4 Emulator v0.84 updated
From the Yape homepage:
Now the summer hiatus is over, a small update to Yape is ready. Mainly tape related fixes/features but let us not forget the simple external assembler that is now added to the monitor and is available via the A (or .) command, just like for the good ole TEDMON.
It could still be improved but for now it’ll suffice I guess. It also supports illegal opcodes, of course.
But here’s the full log of what’s been changed:
- Implemented a simple assembler in the external monitor (yay, at last!)
- Tape head adjust dialog for wave samples.
- Optionally invert tape sample input signal (soundcards may invert the phase while recording WAV’s)
- Tape fast forward and rewind in 15 sec steps.
- TAP’s with non-native encoding now supported (C64, VIC20 frequencies)
- Bugfixes (sound, tape)
Network problems causing downtime on my Server *fixed*
It looks like the problem was actually with a specific VLAN behind one of our core routers and wasn’t actually the switch itself.
One of our senior Network Administrators trying to fix the problem and all services should be restored very soon.
Released EasyProg v1.3 for EasyFlash Cartridge
EasyProg is a program for the C64. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.
- Add flash driver infrastructure EasyAP (Makes it easy to support different flash memory types)
- Add “reset and start crt” and “reset and kill”
- Add BING! sound.
- Show all file types in directory list.
- Show directories first, followed by files.
- Internal directory parser tolerates some malformed directories.
- Still problems with 1541U.
- Show message when directory is too long.
- Torture test is more verbose now.
source: easyflash homepage
1541 Ultimate Firmware v1.7 Beta released
1541 Ultimate Firmware v1.7 Beta Features:
- The freezer has been made more robust. (Needs more testing)
- Minor fixes in the IEC interface. (but not yet satisfactory)
- SID player has been added.
- Epyx Fastloader cartridge has been added.
- Support for custom carts has been added (8K/16K, as well as existing carts)
- Support for (custom) Ocean and System3 cartridges added.
SIDBrowser v2.6.0.5 released
A new version of SIDBrowser has been released.
- New release after a loooong time! – now also use without installing on mobile drive like USB-memorystick / flashdrives – now comes with SID-player and prepared index for HVSC v51.
New C64 DTV Demo – Misery 3 by Tristar & Red Sector Inc
This is a new cool DTV Demo released at the Mainparty 4 in Arles, France last weekend.
Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.5.28
Hoxs64 is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista.
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
2 October 2009 v1.0.5.28
- Bug fix to correct a 32 bit integer overflow bug that causes incorrect emulation behaviour after 1 hour and 13 minutes of continuous use.
MUSC-Hires Converter updated – (C) 2009 Algorithm / Algotech
This program converts images to a new c64 graphic format known as MUCSU Hires (MUltiColor Sprite Underlay Hires). It is merely a hiresolution bitmap image with an X expanded multicolor sprite underlay. The Hires underlay variant of this mode has been created before (known as extended hires).
After reading a few forum posts mentioning that the multicolor version of this mode was unrealistic and would provide too many restrictions, I decided to produce this converter to prove that this is not the case as well as wanting to use this particular format for my own production.
- This is the updated version of the MUCSU converter with a major difference. It now supports different spritecolors every raster line with individual colors for each sprite. Ofcourse the usual mucsu mode is also supported.
1541-III JiffyDos Beta firmware v090914 released
This beta release of the 1541-III firmware holds lot’s and lot’s of new features. But the most important feature of it all also makes it the most useable version of all 1541-III firmware releases. Why, because it supports JiffyDos. JiffyDos consists of a fastloader that makes all disk acces much and much faster. Making the use of your precious commodore much more fun.
For those who are not familiar with the JiffyDos, just google, otherwise, thrust me. It’s really usefull. JiffyDos speeds up ALL your diskacces. Programs or games without a fastloader used to be slow… but suddenly they become as fast as… “greased lightning!!!”. So enough about JiffyDos.
Why is this release a beta release, simply because this release holds a lot of changes made to the 1541-III’s firmware, very crucial changes. Most changes are not noticed by the user, and some are never used. But I won’t go into detail.
This release is usefull for those who want to test JiffyDos on the 1541-III. And it needs to be tested. Because it will contain bugs, therefore we need to have it tested by YOU, so YOU can make a list of programs/files that works/fails. If you can supply it with a decent description it helps us in developing/fixing the bugs. Making it into a stable release.
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