SidPlay v2.5 (M$ Windows) by Inge
Thanks to Inge, now the samples waveform of Fanta in Space are working on this one too!
Thanks to Inge, now the samples waveform of Fanta in Space are working on this one too!
This program converts images to a new c64 graphic format known as MUCSU Hires (MUltiColor Sprite Underlay Hires). It is merely a hiresolution bitmap image with an X expanded multicolor sprite underlay. The Hires underlay variant of this mode has been created before (known as extended hires).
After reading a few forum posts mentioning that the multicolor version of this mode was unrealistic and would provide too many restrictions, I decided to produce this converter to prove that this is not the case as well as wanting to use this particular format for my own production.
Mirage has released a new version of this cool painting program can support C64 graphics mode with file export in (.PRG) format.
This version needs windows 2000 or higher and dotnet 2.0, which you can download from microsoft.
SHO-FLI (Sprite Hires OVerlay FLI/Sprite OVerlay Hires FLI) is a custom c64 graphic mode which features a hiresolution spriteoverlay in one color over a FLI image.
It works in exactly the same way as the SHFLI mode but the image data is wider due to using 1 sprite overlay (rather than two in SHFLI) – This GFX mode is also known as SHF-XL originally invented by Crossbow/Crest. I created this Application because this gfx mode is rather awkward to paint in. Plus there does not seem to be any converters released.
UPDATE 3 – 17/02/09
Here’s yet another entry for the 1K games category. This time round it is Container for the Commodore C64.
Game Description:
Collect the containers before your energy runs out.
FAT40 and Orion made a VIC20 version of the game Island of Secrets.
The game itself is simple and the parser limited, but the atmosphere is good, thanks also to the excellent manual, with comic-style drawings and nice descriptions.
source: Denial forum
KoalaLinker released by Scout of Onslaught. Koalalinker is a simple but a very great ShowPic for Koala Pictures.
source: Petscii Forums
from Wikipedia:
The Commodore SX-64, also known as the Executive 64, or VIP-64 in Europe, was a portable, briefcase/suitcase-size “luggable” version of the popular Commodore 64 home computer and holds the distinction of being the first full-color portable computer.
The SX-64 featured a built-in five-inch composite monitor and a built-in 1541 floppy drive. It weighed 23 lb (10.5 kg). The machine was carried by its sturdy handle, which doubled as an adjustable stand. It was announced in January 1983 and released a year later, at $995.
source: Wikipedia Oldcomputers
from: Petscii Forums “PETSCII.COM”
I held off on announcing uIEC/SD availability until I had some stock (impatient folks, you know who you are , but I do now have some stock 90 units).
Since uIEC shares the same firmware (kudos to Ingo Korb, who does not get enough recognition for this fine piece of code) as the recently announced SD2IEC, I’ll spare everyone rehashing the similarities and just note the differences:
source: petscii forums uIEC gallery
SHO-FLI (Sprite Hires OVerlay FLI/Sprite OVerlay Hires FLI) is a custom c64 graphic mode which features a hiresolution spriteoverlay in one color over a FLI image.
It works in exactly the same way as the SHFLI mode but the image data is wider due to using 1 sprite overlay (rather than two in SHFLI) – This GFX mode is also known as SHF-XL originally invented by Crossbow/Crest. I created this Application because this gfx mode is rather awkward to paint in. Plus there does not seem to be any converters released.
UPDATE 2 – 07/02/09
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