CBS Coleco Vision Repair (Black/Garbage Screen)
CBS Coleco Vision Repair (Black/Garbage Screen)
- Black Screen and then Garbage Screen.
Components replaced:
- 1 x 2114 Static Ram (U4)
- 2 x 4116 Dynamic Ram (U11/U14)
Gallery of the repair:
CBS Coleco Vision Repair (Black/Garbage Screen)
Components replaced:
Gallery of the repair:
APF Electronics Inc MP-1000 (1978) – Joystick Repair
Gallery of the repair:
I used a product to regenerate the rubber keypad of remote controls to repair the keyboard flat cable of a Home Computer MSX.
I have used this product many times for my work of Retro Computer restoration but never to regenerate the rubber keypad of remote controls :D
Gallery of the repair:
Keyboard #1
Components replaced:
Keyboard #2
Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
Download: All Games in One Archive (3740)
CBM prg Studio Version 3.5.0 is released. There are a lot of new features in this version. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 / VIC20 or PET if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
New features in v3.8.0:
Bugs Fixed:
See the help for a complete list of new features and fixed bugs.
Note In this version, each target machine can have its own default project directory. If you are upgrading from a previous version (before version 2.5.1) of CBM prg Studio you may be asked to set up your project directories again. Your current projects will not be affected.
Download: CBM prg Studio v3.8.0 (978)
Below the description of the repairing of two Processor Technology SOL-20.
Processor Technology SOL-20 #1 Repair
First of ALL!
Components replaced and fixes:
… Some Beers… :-D
Gallery of the repair:
Processor Technology SOL-20 #2 Repair
First of ALL!
Components replaced and fixes:
Gallery of the repair:
TekTronix DS1000G (NTSC version) Television Demodulator
The television demodulator can demodulate M/N standard television signals to baseband video and audio. In addition, the DS1001G provides the capability of recognizinga GCR signal and applying
correction to the baseband video output.
TheDS1001A/DS1001G covers the tuning range of 55.25 to 801.25MHz. The high performance of the conversion guarantees a measurement-quality signal after demodulation.
Download: TekTronix DS1000G Manual (1134)
…from the author website:
Since the end of 2015, it became clear that the “good old” 1541 Ultimate-II was at the end of its life cycle. Xilinx, the manufacturer of the most important chip of the cartridge, had started to increase the prices of the chip. Also the memory chip started to be harder to get and at higher cost. When the news came that the company that made the black plastic cases for the 1541 Ultimate-II had lost the injection mold tool, it became evident that the 1541 Ultimate-II would be no more.
I have given it some thought. What would be the best way to continue with this project? When the feelings of being upset about the lost injection tool had subsided, I realized that this may be the perfect moment for an upgrade. This is when set backs change into opportunity.
Since then, a lot of work, and I really mean A LOT OF WORK has been done to create a successor: the “Ultimate-II+”. Why not “III”, you may ask or think. Well, the foremost reason is the software. The install base of the “1541 Ultimate-II” is rather large (>3000 units), and I do not want to let my customers down that have just purchased a unit. This means that in case of new hardware, the same software should run on both the new board, as well as on the older board. So, the new board will offer similar functionality. You could see it just as an upgrade, not an entirely new product.
Although the “Ultimate-II+” is similar, there are also differences:
A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge (new fpga).
Release notes 3.0 beta 7:
r297 | gideonz | 2016-04-15 21:27:25 +0200 (Fri, 15 Apr 2016)
Some fixes:
r276 | soci | 2016-01-17 07:35:38 +0100 (Sun, 17 Jan 2016)
Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware v3.0 Beta 7 (1329)
Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
Release notes Firmware USB HxCFloppyEmulator v3.0.8.2a
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.0.8.2a (1249)
Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports:
Release notes Firmware USB HxCFloppyEmulator v3.0.8.1a
Release notes Firmware USB HxCFloppyEmulator v3.0.8.0a
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.0.8.1a (1113)
Commodore 64C (ASSY 250469) Repair (1 of 12)
Replaced parts:
Gallery of the repair:
Commodore 64C (ASSY 250469) Repair (2 of 12)
Replaced parts:
Gallery of the repair:
Commodore 64C (ASSY 250469) Repair (3 of 12)
Replaced parts:
Gallery of the repair:
The motherboard conditions are not good, very badly. All capacitors have released acid, some are gone and the same for other components like the transistor Q233 2N3904 SMD amplifying for the video signal BLUE RGB. The Decoder U12 CXA1145 Sony has the pins eaten by the acid of the capacitors.
Poor Amiga …
Work to do:
Gallery of the repair & cleaning:
I start to saying that this type of repair should NOT be made, are not good although the repair can succeed, these damaged motherboards are good for spare parts.
It took me 10 hours to repair and if i ask 15,00 euro per hour like a housekeeper, would be 150,00 euro excluding components and cleaning case … but who pays 150,00+ euro ? no one in the world. :-D
This is one of the reasons because do not exist anymore electronic repairs or there are very few people can do it, nobody is willing to pay.
Works that have been made:
Foreword almost all pcb pads are leaked of the acid, although i have cleaned more times so as not to heat the electrolyte liquid that is worsening the situation, unfortunately the pcb pad could not resist to a new solder and they are broken.
It’s a shit … but it works!
Commodore Amiga 600 Gallery (Before & After):
Yet another Commodore 64 (USA-NTSC) repaired.
Gallery of the repair:
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