TRS-80 Model 1 L2 – Lowercase characters Hardware mod
One of the most famous limitations of the TRS-80 Model I was its inability to display lower case characters.
Although the lower case characters were present in the character set, the Model I lacked the extra memory chip needed to store the bit corresponding to lower case.
The significance of this limitation has been exaggerated over time (it is worth noting that at that same time the Apple II also lacked lower case), but it created a real problem for word processors. Many lower case upgrades for the Model I were created to address the omission, ranging from simple to more complex.
The TRS-80 video display uses a dedicated block of 1024 bytes of memory located in memory space at 3C00 Hex. When received from the factory, there are only 7 memory chips installed in this block of memory, providing 128 possible characters for screen display. The stock TRS-80 uses 64 of these combinations for graphics and a second 64 for the upper-case subset of the ASCII character set. Bits 0-5 control the character selection, and the highest bit (bit 7) is used to determine if the character is alpha-numeric or graphic. Bit 6 is missing!
To add lower-case display, bit 6 must be implemented. This may be accomplished by switching the memory chip for bit 7 to bit 6, thereby enabling lower-case letters and eliminating graphics, or by addition of an 8th memory chip. We prefer adding the extra chip. In either case, if you plan to use Level II BASIC, you must include a switch to disable bit 6, or BASIC will place a lot of funny characters on the screen!
Gallery of the hardware mod:
Download: Lowercase characters Hardware mod (1114)
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