I have received a Commodore Amiga 500 to use as spare parts. I decided to restore because it’s a ASSY 312512 (Revision 3) with key-switch like IBM chiclet keyboards.
The cleaning took me a whole day but with a great satisfaction at the end of the work. The Commodore Amiga 500 works fine, the floppy drive reads very well and i have added a memory expansion (FAST RAM) of 512k.
Gallery of images (before and after cleaning):

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Tomasz “Tebe” Biela has released an update of the program Graph2Font v3.9.9.3 and the Atari Graphics Studio v2.9.9.
This project began many years ago as a simple graphics converter for Atari but over the years the features are significantly increased. The converter runs under Windows.
source: g2f.atari8.info
I thank my dear friend Ciro (www.ti99iuc.it) for giving me the Personal Computer Radio Shack Tandy 4000SX.
Some photo:
Tandy 4000SX uses a intel 80386SX microprocessor at 16 megahertz, 32-bit CPU Offers true Intel 386 processing in a 286 hardware environment.
Tandy designed and engineered with full IBM PC/AT compatibility. Uses hardware and software compatible with the IBM standard for IBM PC/XT/AT computers.
source: radioshack.com

For this donation i thank: Andrea C. from Trieste.
Donated items:
- 1 x Apple Macintosh SE / Keyobard / Mouse / Cables
- 1 x Apple StyleWriter II / Cables
- 1 x Fenner MSX SPC-800
- 1 x Philips Quickdisk VY-0002
- 1 x Commodore 64 / Powersupply
- 1 x Bear Games Autovocabolario di Tedesco (MSX Software / TAPE)
- 1 x Bear Games Piramide Mortale Turbo (MSX Software / TAPE)
- 1 x Bear Games Il Tesoro di Argan Allunaggio (MSX Software / TAPE)
- 1 x Driller Tanks (MSX Software / TAPE)
- 1 x Antart (MSX Software / TAPE)
- 1 x A.M.C. / Dinamic (MSX Software / TAPE)

I received the Texas Instruments Expansion System (PEB) from a dear friend.
The Texas Instruments Expansion System (PEB) although fully functional, needs a restoration, for example; some parts of the top and bottom cover are rusty.
Some photos of the work that i have done:

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Centipede Junior +1J
- Power Pyramids +31D [crazy hack]
- Helicopter Attack Preview +3E [pal/ntsc]
- Wacky Waste +2D
- Eggland +4
- International Karaoke +
- International Karaoke + [Extended Party Disk]
- Mr. Mephisto +5DGM 101%
- Dr Jones [swedish]
- Aviator Arcade Preview +2
- Aviator Arcade Preview +
- 4 Swedish Adventures [swedish]
- Darkland +2
- X-Force +6D [2in1 version]
- Donkey Kong Junior
- Donkey Kong Junior +6D
- Donkey Kong Junior +D
- 3D Roam +2D
- Penetrator Preview +
- Bandana City +22D [crazy hack]
- Donkey Kong Junior +3D [onefiled]
- Gravitrix Preview +2
Download: All Games in One Archive (3204)
I thank my dear friend Ciro (www.ti99iuc.it) for giving me the “Peripheral Expansion System” and for making me discover a whole new world of the Home Computer Texas Instruments TI-99/4A.
The Peripheral Expansion Box (aka P-Box or PEB) is a stable, silver/gray plastic and die-cast metal box containing eight slots for peripheral expansion cards and a compartment for a floppy drive or two drives of half height (“slim-line”, slim as understood in the 70ies and 80ies; today it is the normal height of 5,25″ drives for PCs).
The PEB offers space for 8 expansion cards. All slots are wired in parallel, and the power supply is designed to supply all cards including up to two floppy drives. Floppy drives may be put into the right compartment of the box.
With the appearance of hard disk controller cards, users tried to mount hard drives into the box into the floppy compartment. However, the power supply is not designed to sustain the current required for the hard drives; thus, a separate power supply is recommended.
All peripheral cards are expected to provide their own voltage regulators. Therefore, it is not recommended to replace the power supply by today’s PC switched power supplies, as those already provide regulated power which may cause the regulators on the cards to lower the voltage below the acceptable range.
Zoe playing at Ms.Pac man on the TI-99/4A:
source: ninerpedia.org
Commodore Amiga 600 (Black Screen) Repair
Replaced parts:
- 4 x Electrolytic Capacitor 10uF 35v
- 2 x Electrolytic Capacitor 22uf 35v
The Amiga 600 Motherboard looks in good conditions; no traces of a acid leakage from capacitors, as usually happens on Amiga 600/1200/4000, but all had a too high ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance).

Atari 7800 ProSystem (NTSC) Repair.
- The console doesn’t power on.
Replaced parts:
- Replaced 1 x Push Button. Recovered from a PCB of an Atari 7800 that lying inside the box of the spare parts.

Yamaha AX-200M MSX (Arabic) ROM Dump (click to enlarge)

Download: Yamaha AX-200M MSX (Arabic) ROM-IC321-27256 (1379)

Perfect – Daewoo MSX 2 (Arabic) Rom Dump (click to enlarge)

Download: Perfect - Daewoo MSX 2 (Arabic) Rom Dump (1522)

Spectravideo SVI-728 MSX (Arabic) Rom Dump (click to enlarge)

Download: SVI-728 (Arabic) ROM-ic48 OKI M27128 Prom (1608)
Commodore Educator 64 Repair.
- The video signal was distorted.
- Smoke coming out from the monitor.
- Short circuit in the horizontal video section.
Replaced parts:
- Replaced 1 x Diode MR 854
- Replaced 1 x Electrolytic capacitor 470uF 25v
- Replaced 1 x Resistor 1 Ohm / Tolerance 10%
Working Commodore Educator 64
Commodore Dual Drive Floppy Disk Model 4040 Repair
- Completely dead with all LEDs lit up like a christmas tree.
Replaced parts:
- Replaced 1 x LM340K (7812) Voltage Regulator (VR1)
- Replaced 1 x 7406 Hex Inverter Buffers/Drivers (UJ6)
- Replaced 1 x 6522 (VIA) Versatile Interface Adapter (UM3)
- Replaced 1 x 6504 8-Bit CPU (UH3)
- Replaced 1 x 6502 8-Bit CPU (UN1)
The cause of many problems was the previous repair. It was replaced the voltage regulator LM340K (7812) with a LM338K (Adjustable Regulators). The two components are not compatible and have a different pinout.

CBM prg Studio Version 3.2.0 is released. There are a lot of new features in this version. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 / VIC20 or PET if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
New features:
- PTEXT and NULL directives.
- NULL added to GenerateTo directive.
- Colour printing.
- Source overview.
Bug Fixed:
- Assembler:
- Reformatting code.
- Some arithmetic problems with variables.
- Basic:
- Some screen code fixes.
- Renumbering TRAP keyword (BASIC 3.5 & 7)
- Mixing upper/lower case in DATA statements.
- Wrong load address for some C128 BASIC projects.
- General:
- Better support for Turkish language.
- Wrong toolbar shown after start-up page.
- Case sensitive auto-complete
- Problems with the build events.
Download: CBM prg Studio v3.2.0 (1152)
source: ajordison.co.uk
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