This a special edition of the Commodore C64, celebrating the 1.000.000th sale of the C64 in Germany. This is one of the most desirable Commodore items. There are about 300 golden Commodore C64 produced. The numbers from 1.000.000 until 1.000.100 were for the staff of the Commodore factory Braunschweig.
The rest was given to hard- en software companies, magazine-publishers and distributors. The C64 is a computer system with a keyboard, external power-supply and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find a MOS 6510 processor, RAM / ROM memory, MOS 6569 VIC-II video chip, MOS 6581 SID sound chip and twice a MOS 6526 CIA. PAL version.
source: ebay.de richardlagendijk.nl

CBM prg Studio Version 3.0.0 is released. There are a lot of new features in this version. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.
CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 / VIC20 or PET if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.
CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.
It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:
- Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
- Tabbed MDI.
- Syntax highlighting.
What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.
New features:
- 65816 assembler/debugger.
- Partial support for the VICE debugger.
- Bitmap import/export for character editor.
- Binary file import to Assembly source.
- Line and rectangle drawing tools for the screen designer.
- TASM support added to Source Converter tool.
Bug Fixed:
- Assembler:
- Using arithmetic with cheap labels would fail.
- Slow incbin performance for large binary files.
- Wrong SYScall generation for C128 projects.
- incbin with screen data imported all screens.
- Assembling past the end of memory not detected properly.
- Invalid branch not detected properly.
- Arithmetic on WORDs not carried out.
- Multiple characters in single quotes in BYTE sequences not assembled properly.
- GenerateTo only created .prg files.
- Save File As… would only save .bas files.
- Comment tool would not comment out already commented code.
- Incbin reporting ‘file too large’ error by mistake.
- Screen Designer:
- Binary file export
- Colour selection for C16 projects didn’t work.
- Wrong screen size saving C128 screens.
- Character set selection corrected.
- General:
- Some code reformatting issues.
Download: CBM prg Studio v3.0.0 (1218)
source: ajordison.co.uk
Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
- Resizable main window for windowed mode.
- Fix Ultimax VIC fetch.
source: hoxs64.net

Relaunch64 is an IDE (text-editor) for C64 assembler-coding on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Relaunch64 has a clean and intuitive user interface, yet it offers many features that make coding faster and easier.
Java 7 or higher is required to run Relaunch64. The program is licensed under the GNU GPL 3 (or higher) and free for private and professional use.
This editor works together with common cross assemblers like Kick Assembler, ACME, or 64tass. Other assemblers might work as well, but syntax highlighting may not be 100% correct.
Download: Relaunch64 V3.0 (1019)
source: popelganda.de

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Monstics Mystery II Preview &D +Pic
- Cosmos V1.2 +7MD
- Quadron +1ED
- Speed Ball
- D-2000 IFR-Trainer – Germany 2 +EFD [pal/ntsc]
- Stronghold +3D
- Roll – final version
- Vermeer +1ED [english]
- 2048
- Immensity Preview 2
- Waterman +5E
- Voidrunner HS
- Nuclear Reaction 2100
- Slinky 101% +7MHD
- Slurpy +++-hi
- One On One +2GD
- Xain’d Sleena Preview +
- The Last Hope
Download: All Games in One Archive (3396)
source: csdb.dk
Commodore 64 ASSY 250407 Empty PCB + some Working components.
The horizontal measuring was made calculating the ledge at the base of the monitor.
Unfortunately, this monitor suffers from a serious problem of image quality.
The monitor become very hot and the adjustment resistance (trimmer) of the Focus controls that is inside the flyback loses its original value.
After nearly an hour of operation, the image becomes blurred and we must adjust the trimmer of the focus located inside the monitor, that’s why i have made this modification to the external case of the monitor.
The flyback is NOT longer exists as a spare parts.
Datanetics Apple Keyboard Fix.
After a few cold solder joints redone the keyboard works almost perfectly.
- The “V” key is totally dead.
- The keys are a bit tired, don’t return always in the original position.
Overall is fine.
Datanetics Apple Keyboard *update*
I found a temporary solution for the tired keys they don’t return always in the original position. I have put a small spring (see the picture). Now the keys works correctly.
About the “V” key completely dead, i have desoldered it and i have tried to spray a air into the slots without having any results, so i have tried a extreme thing, i have used the key switch like a whistle. ;-D I have blown inside several times, the result is the key switch now are working again. I have made the same thing for the “right arrow”.
Macintosh Plus repair.
- Mac sad face with error code not readable.
Replaced parts:
- 2 x ROM (342-0341-B / 342-0342-A) replaced with two EPROM 27C512 (pinout compatible)
All roms that i have found on the net or sent by friends are not working.
I had to do a dump of the Rom of my Macintosh Plus and at this point everything has worked immediately.
Download: Macintosh Plus ROM (27C512 Splitted) (1481)
Apple IIe STK Asic Clone (Maybe Orange) repair.
- Short-circuit on all voltages.
- Black/Garbage screen.
Replaced parts:
- 10 x Tantalum Capacitor 4.7uf (replaced with Electrolytic Capacitors)
- 3 x RAM OKI M3764A-15 in Short-circuit.
- 1 x ROM 1 (EPROM 27128)
I have to thank immensely my friend Alessandro Polito for providing me the dump of the ROM 1 of the Orange (Apple IIe Asic Clone)
Commodore 64 ASSY 250425 Empty PCB + some Working components.
Example of replacing exhausted Electrolytic Capacitors.
My advice is always to replace all capacitors although at first view does not seem exhausted with acid leakage.

This is the official demo party results (C64 Only) from Revision 2014. See also the official homepage for more informations.
C64 4K Intro:
- 3 – Back in the Saddle by Razor 1911.
C64 Game:
- 2 – Immensity – Revision 2014 Edition by Dév.
WiLD Demo:
- 1 – 10 Orbyte by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated.
Mixed Graphics:
- 4 – Lost in the Forest of Owls by Chorus, Resource, Singular.
- 5 – Party Train Incoming – Mind the GAP by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated.
- 6 – Social Net by Arsenic, Oxyron.
- 8 – Devil or Angel? by Resource.
Mixed Music:
- 2 – Dekadance by Darklite.
- 4 – Spiral Silicon Towers by Panda Design.
- 5 – Specular Highlight by Lft.
- 9 – Fuzzy Brawl by Edge of Panic.
Mixed Demo:
- 3 – Redefinition by Fairlight, Offence.
- 6 – Panopticon by Brainstorm, Traction.
Download: Revision 2014 Party stuff (1596)
source: noname.c64.org 2014.revision-party.net
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
Download: durexForth v1.3 + Manual (1033)
source: noname.c64.org
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