
Archive for the ‘Today’ Category

Amstrad CPC 664 Repair Keyboard Membrane

June 6th, 2013 1 comment

I ran the repair of the membrane that had a micro interruption, i have used a micro-drop of vinilic glue mixed with the graphite that i have scraped from the pencil ikea, i made a thin film on the microfracture and now it works.

There were other problems, including: graphite consumed in some keys and the keyboard connector (pcb side) don’t work very well.

Repair & Cleaning a rusty Motherboard of a Commodore CBM 8032

June 2nd, 2013 1 comment
CBM 8032: PCB - Before and After

I have received this motherboard of a CBM 8032 to repair from Rossano T.

The motherboard was devastated by rust, many components are short-circuited due to rust that was abundant on the pins side of the chip. Unfortunately the computer was turned on to test it, causing the total breakdown of more components.

I have installed 40 socket because some components are rusty other are dead, however some traces under the chips are eaten by rust and and i had to rebuild.

The repair and cleaning took me a very long time and a lot of patience, it took me about 10+ hours.

Components Replaced:

  • 1 x 4650 (6845P) CRT Controller
  • 3 x 4116 RAM
  • 2 x 2114 Video RAM
  • 5 x 74LS244
  • 3 x 74LS74
  • 1 x 74LS02
  • 1 x 1uf 100v Capacitor

Phases of the repair:

C64 Game: Trance Sector CE +8HD / MArkanoid +4HD 101% …

May 27th, 2013 No comments

Apple IIe & Apple Monitor /// Cleaning and small Repair

May 25th, 2013 No comments

This gallery shows some stages of cleaning the computer Apple IIe and the Apple Monitor ///.

I have also made minor repairs which i describe below:

  • Fixing the keyboard connector on keyboard side (some keys not working)
  • Adjusting the yoke of the CRT tube (the screen is lightly rotated)
  • Replaced the LED of power-on (CR1) of the Apple IIe (LED was off)
  • Removing the RIFA filter capacitor (the capacitor was exploded)

SID Duzz’ It v2.1.6 by SHAPE

May 19th, 2013 No comments

SID Duzz it, it’s a SID Music Editor by Geir Tjelta of SHAPE.

Download: SID Duzz It v2.1.6 (1009)


Regenerator disassembler v1.3 by n0stalgia

May 16th, 2013 No comments

Regenerator is an interactive disassembler for C64 binaries. Regenerator will load any standard C64 .PRG file (or VICE snapshot) and disassemble it for your convenience.

There are a few options you can choose to change the output and a few tools to make the output look better and more useful to programmers. Regenerator runs under M$ windows and need .net 3.5 (or 4.0) runtime.

New in version 1.3:

  • Added REMOVE command to remove part of the data from dissasembly.
  • Added EDIT BLOCKS window to Edit all the DATA, TEXT and REMOVED blocks manually.
  • Added COPY to Clipboard functionality (insert key) with FULL or CODE only modes.
  • Added possibility to add user-defined COMMENTS to the code. This can be done as a FULL line comment or as a SIDE comment!
  • Added USER LABELS – you can now add a label to any address and it will be used in the disasembly. If there should be an automatic label generated for it then it will be overriden. Also added USER LABELS editor which is part of the old Label Prefixes window. You can add/edit and remove user labels within this screen and have a general overview of the user labels.
  • Added high and low partial references to immediate opcodes. This means that code like LDX #$A0 STX smwhr LDX #$BB STX smwhr+1 will be disasembled as LDX #<pBBA0 STX smwhr LDX #>address STX smwhr+1. This includes loads and stores in different order and with different registers. There is also a context menu command that lets you disable this on a currently selected address (if auto creation fails). NOTE: excluded address in STA opcodes will not be generated like this!
  • Fixed the Add BLANK LINE and Remove BLANK LINE so it actually works as it should.

Download: Regenerator disassembler v1.3 (992)


Commodore 64 Ram Expansion (REU) 1764 Repaired

May 13th, 2013 1 comment
Commodore 64 Ram Expansion (REU) 1764 Repaired

The failure was due to a cold solder on the ram socket and a bent pin on the ic MOS 8276.

Javatari v3.30 (Atari 2600 emulator)

May 12th, 2013 No comments

Javatari is a multiplayer Atari 2600 emulator written in pure Java with no external libs.


  • Client-Server multiplayer mode. Runs great in low-latency networks such as LANs.
  • Drag&Drop and Copy&Paste of ROM files or URLs. Very easy to try ROMs from websites!
  • Scanlines and TV screen emulation modes.
  • Real Atari console user interface.


  • Applets can now be detached from the browser window.
  • Once detached, all features are available including Full Screen.
  • Full Screen is now multi-monitor aware.
  • Updated, cleaner looks.

Download: Javatari JAR v3.30 (Needs Java 6) (1011)


Sinclair ZX81 Reverse mod Fix and a working Composite Mod

May 12th, 2013 No comments

I have disabled the mod to make the screen in reverse (white chars on black background), i have also made the composite mod with the right resistor value for the best quality video output.

Replace Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k (heatsink) Keyboard membrane

May 11th, 2013 2 comments
Buy a new Sinclair Spectrum 128k new Keyboard membrane


Simple steps to replace the keyboard Membrane of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k (heatsink).

  • Buy a new Sinclair Spectrum 128k Keyboard membrane.
  • Unscrew the eight screws on the bottom.
  • Kindly disconnect the keyboard from the connectors on the main pcb.
  • Remove the back of the keyboard.
  • Unscrew the block that holds the cable.
  • Remove the old membrane.
  • Clean the keyboard with air-spray and a soft brush.
  • Install the new membrane.
  • Close the back of the keyboard.
  • Very kindly put the block of the flat cable and screw in.
  • The keyboard is ready to be connected.
  • Very kindly insert the flat cable into the connector.
  • Your Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k is like new.


VIC-20 Cartridges: Jupiter Lander (Boxed) & The Sky is Falling (Boxed)

May 10th, 2013 No comments

I thank my dear friend for the donation of the Cartridges for Commodore VIC-20.

Sega SC-3000 Basic Level III B Cartridge

May 10th, 2013 1 comment

I thank my dear friend for the donation of the BASIC cartridge for my Sega SC-3000.

Commodore CBM 8250 & CBM 8296 Motherboards for Spare Parts

May 10th, 2013 No comments

I thank my dear friend for the donation of the motherboards.

  • Commodore Dual Drive Floppy Disk CBM 8250
  • Commodore CBM 8296

C64 Game: Danger Valley +2ED / Ballistix (AMIGA REMIX) +4FGD …

May 10th, 2013 No comments

Some new games (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups:  TRIAD, Hokuto ForceThe Hidden Farts and Laxity.



Some things to repair, test and still other to keep.

May 10th, 2013 No comments

A dear friend sent to me a few things to repair or test, i will see to do my best.

Things to repair/testing:

  • Commodore 64/128 – 1764 Ram Expansion (dead)
  • Commodore 64 Power Supply for the Commodore 1764 Ram Expansion (pcb broken)
  • ZX Spectrum Plus (7805 over burned)
  • Texas Instruments TI-99/A (black screen)
  • Amstrad 464 + (replace case and keyboard)
  • Kung-fu Master Jamma pcb Board (no audio)
  • Arabian Sinclair Spectrum 2+ (dead + tape problem + keyboard problem)
  • Sinclair ZX81 (video problem / testing)
  • Sinclair ZX80 (video problem / testing)
  • Sega SC-3000 (cpu bad socket)

Things for spare parts or to keep:

  • Sinclair ZX80 Original Power Supply.
  • Commodore VIC-20 Boxed cartridges.
  • Sega SC-3000 Basic cartridge.
  • Commodore Dual Floppy Drive 8250 motherboard (spare parts)
  • Commodore CBM 8296 motherboard (spare parts)
  • Sharp CE-510F Dual Floppy Drive for Sharp PC-5000 (Boxed)
  • Chalkboard Powerpad + Expansions (Boxed)
  • Tape Recorder for Commodore (spare parts)