
Archive for the ‘C64 Modding’ Category

September 30th, 2012 Comments off

May 7th, 2011 5 comments

April 5th, 2011 2 comments

March 4th, 2011 4 comments

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October 20th, 2010 2 comments

September 30th, 2010 2 comments

Xad’s 6581<>8580 Switcher. PCB and HOT Swap made by Arkanoid

December 3rd, 2009 No comments

I’m the creator of the SID 6581<>8580 Switcher (here the original project).

I’m Very happy to see my project on the net. Arkanoid (a user of Lemon64 Forum) has done a very nice PCB with some fixes. Very nice job.

This is not a SId2Sid Clone.


Xilinx CPLD XC9536 replacement PLA for Commodore 64

November 18th, 2009 17 comments
Replacement PLA for Commodore 64


The PLA chip (906114-01) used in the Commodore C64 is a generic 82S100 gate array with custom programming.

Its logic functions were dumped and reverse engineered by the community and are available from a variety of sources. This PLA uses the Xilinx CPLD XC9536 to emulate perfectly the PLA of the Commodore 64.

Download: Xilinx CPLD XC9536 JED C64 PLA + Eagle (2286)


Commodore SX 64 with some Fix/Enhancement

February 15th, 2009 29 comments



  • Country: USA
  • Most Common: USA/Europe
  • Rarity: Very rare
  • Year: 1983
  • Price: $995


  • Added a Fan.
  • ASSY fix from Commodore.
  • I/O Fastloader fix.
  • Userport GND  fix.
  • Jiffy Kernel (C64/1541).

from Wikipedia:

The Commodore SX-64, also known as the Executive 64, or VIP-64 in Europe, was a portable, briefcase/suitcase-size “luggable” version of the popular Commodore 64 home computer and holds the distinction of being the first full-color portable computer.

The SX-64 featured a built-in five-inch composite monitor and a built-in 1541 floppy drive. It weighed 23 lb (10.5 kg). The machine was carried by its sturdy handle, which doubled as an adjustable stand. It was announced in January 1983 and released a year later, at $995.

source: Wikipedia Oldcomputers

Sid Switcher (6581 <-> 8580)

November 15th, 2008 No comments

This is a project for switch from SID 6581 to SID 8580 and vice versa. This is not a SId2Sid Clone. This is a Switcher ;-D

source: 6581-Wiki

xAD’s Commodore 64 Modding

September 23rd, 2008 2 comments

This is my latest Commodore 64 Modding

Stay on Photo for a short description.