
Archive for the ‘Various’ Category

Brionvega Radio TS 502 battery door fixed

June 23rd, 2019 1 comment
Brionvega TS 502 battery door fixed

The problem of this radio of the late 60s was due to the lack of foam layer, certainly removed by someone.

The thin layer of foam inside the battery holder is needed to lock the batteries in their position, missing this thin layer of foam the radio turns off if it is bumped or moved.



Atari 2600 PAL Composite Video Mod for my friend Charlie.

June 23rd, 2019 4 comments
Atari 2600 PAL Composite Video Mod

Atari 2600 (4-switch units) PAL Composite Video Mod for my friend Charlie.


Atari 800XL Hardware Enhancements

June 9th, 2019 No comments
Atari 800XL Hardware Enhancements

Atari 800XL Hardware Enhancements.

I have decided to upgrade my Atari 800XL with some hardware interfaces available on the Lotharek website.

Current situation of my Atari 800XL:

  • Ultimate 1MB from Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle) with the latest FJC Bios.
  • VBXE + DIN Connector for RGB/Audio Output (RF Modulator Removed)
  • Simple Stereo + U-Switch + Jack 3.5 Stereo for auxiliary Audio Output.
  • SIDE 2 / AVG Cartridge

New interfaces installed:

  • P-Covox + 3.5 Stereo Jack for Audio Output.
  • SRAM 64Kb.

After installing the SRAM 64Kb module i have removed also this series of IC which are no longer used from the Atari 800XL.

  • 8 X RAM NEC 4164C
  • 2 x SN74LS158N
  • 1 x DM74LS51N
  • 1 x SN74LS375N
  • 1 x Delay Line EP8212 (C060472-D)


Atari 800XL with a missing delay line EP8212 (CO60472) Repair

June 9th, 2019 No comments
Atari 800XL with a missing delay line EP8212 (CO60472) Repair

Atari 800XL with a missing delay line EP8212 (CO60472) Repair.

Thanks to the SRAM 64Kb Module by Lotharek, i have been able to resurrect a Atari 800XL which lacked the EP8212 delay line (CO60472) which is no longer available as spare parts.

More information of the SRAM 64Kb Module visit the lotharek site.


Commodore A501 (REV 6C) Expansion Memory Kissed by luck

June 1st, 2019 No comments
Commodore A501 (REV 6C) Expansion Memory Unit Kissed by luck

Commodore A501 (REV 6C) Expansion Memory Unit Kissed by luck.

Why “lucky”? because the battery used in this Expansion Ram Unit (A501) was not VARTA but GP, these batteries resist slightly to aging and release less acid.


Atari 2600 (4-switch units) Repair

June 1st, 2019 No comments
Atari 2600 (4-switch units) Repair

Atari 2600 (4-switch units) Repair.


  • Black Screen.

Replaced parts:

  • 1 x CPU 6507 (A200)

Gallery of the repair:

Commodore Amiga 500 Plus Kissed by luck + Floppy Drive Repaired

April 17th, 2019 No comments
Commodore Amiga 500 Plus kissed by luck

My name is “jaundice” and my last name is “lucky”.  :-)

Why “lucky”? because the battery used in this Amiga was not VARTA but GP, these batteries resist slightly to aging and release less acid.

The only defect of this Amiga 500 Plus was the Floppy Drive which did not read any Floppy Disk, the motor running slower than normal, it was enough replace a 4.7uF electrolytic capacitor to make it work again.

I thank my friend Igor for the donation.


Amiga 2000 already repaired in April 2016 now Black Screen

March 17th, 2019 No comments
Amiga 2000 already repaired in April 2016 now  Black Screen

This Amiga 2000 is arrived in my lab in very poor condition in April 2016, the computer has been repaired and stored in an antistatic envelope.

Tested after almost 3 years, the computer does not show signs of life.

Having no video output, i have used the Chucky DIAGROM which through a serial connection i was able to identify 2 different problems with the RAM’s.


  • Black Screen


  • Rebuilt track on the 68000 DX side near resistor pack RP900 (previously good)
  • Rebuilt track RAM U529 signal CAS (previously good)
  • Replaced RAM LM 33256 U501 with TMS 4256 (previously working)

Below some random photo of the repair.


SNK Neo Geo MV1a Z80 Error Repair

February 27th, 2019 No comments
SNK Neo Geo MV1a Z80 Error Repair

SNK Neo Geo MV1a Z-80 Error Repair.


  • No Sound (Z-80 Error)


  • Replacement of the Z-80 CPU in PSOP40 format.


  • The error message “Z-80 Error” means everything and nothing, may be faulty the Z-80, SNK MASK-ROM SM1*, SNK NEO-D0 or also the YAMAHA YM2610.

With the Neo Diagnostics bios and with the M1 ROM burned and installed on the CHA Board of any NEO GEO cartridge, the problem can be better identified.

It is said that the error C3/00 that you see in the photos of NEO DIAGNOSTICS (write: C3 but reads: 00) is an almost assured a CPU problem, in fact, in this case it was.

The Z-80 CPU in PSOP40 format has been recovered from a failed SEGA GameGear.


source: neogeo diag

sidSwitcher Enhanced v2.02

February 11th, 2019 No comments
SidSwitcher Enhanced v2.02

Project born in 2017 for my SX-64++

I wanted to improve the schematics and make a PCB, the previous version was made on prototyping board pcb.

I have also added some features that i need when i will install the FPGASID in the SX-64++ and like the previous version the sidSwitcher integrates perfectly with the Overlay-64 & Keyman-64.

This circuit is not for sale. Schematics, Gerber and Atmel hex will be available soon for Download.

P.S: This project can also be used as a simple SPDT of analog audio signals. 2 INPUTS and 1 OUTPUT.


  • Output for Overlay-64 (
  • Input Push Button or Keyman-64 (
  • Bicolor LED (SID1 GREEN / SID2 RED / SID1 + SID2 ORANGE)
  • Possibility to use the mute function.
  • Jumper for configuration.

Schematics: (Prototype and Final):

The following photos are of the first version, second enhanced version, prototype breadboard and pcb.

2 x Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair

December 25th, 2018 No comments
Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair

Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Repair (1 of 2)


  • Black Screen and deafening sound in background.

Replaced parts:

  • 1 x TMS 4732/2532 ROM (U611)

Gallery of the repair:

Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair



Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair

Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Repair (2 of 2)


  • Garbage Screen.

Replaced parts:

  • 1 x TMS4116-20 RAM (U103).

Gallery of the repair:

Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair Texas Instruments TI-99-4A Repair



DownloadTI99 Technical Manual (882)

Commodore Amiga 600 which has seen better dayz

December 16th, 2018 1 comment
Commodore Amiga 600 which has seen better dayz

This Commodore Amiga 600 is arrived in laboratory in immaculate state still with the warranty sticker.

Immediately after the disassembly i have immediately noticed that were are several problems of acid released from the capacitors and dirty that affected this poor Amiga 600 and its Floppy Drive.

A decoupling capacitor it’s exploded with a pit on the PCB side, solved this problem i started to replace all the electrolytic capacitors and to clean the pcb with specific products.

After the replacement of the electrolytic capacitors, i have tried to turn on the amiga that apparently worked, shame about the distorted sound and the floppy drive that read 1 time of 100.

I had to replace the electrolyte capacitor on the Floppy Drive and soon after i looked for the fault of the audio problem that 99% is always the usual LF374.

In this case it was not only LF374 but also a 10ohm resistor that did not let the +12v to the LF374 and a short-circuited ceramic decoupling capacitor.

Components that have been replaced:

  • IC LF374 substituted with a fully compatible TL084C (U15)
  • 10Ohm resistor (R301)
  • 330nF capacitor (C301)
  • 330nF capacitor (C41)

Unfortunately the welding of the LF374 did not come very well how i like to do it but the pad are destroyed and corroded by the acid and they were about to detach, indeed the pad of the pin 2 of the LF374 was really detached, that’s why the pin 1 and 2 of the IC LF374 are connected together, they were connected via the pad.

I leave you to the photos and the video.



Commodore SX-64 Keyboard Repair & Cleaning

December 16th, 2018 1 comment
Commodore SX-64 Keyboard Repair & Cleaning

The Commodore-SX64 keyboard after some time isnt’t responding anymore (all or some keys). In this case, the keyboard needs some cleaning and repair.

First of all you have to disassembly the keyboard housing, pay particular attention to the screws, this plastic is very old and not of a good quality, it breaks only if you look it.

Gently remove the membrane and clean with alcohol all the metal contacts on the keyboard pcb and also clean all the contact pads on the membrane without alcohol.

Next i took some graphite in cream (Keypad Fix) to reconstruct the pads on the membrane by simply applying a very fine layer of graphite on the contacts.


Philips Monitor VS0080 without Audio Repair

December 16th, 2018 No comments
Philips Monitor VS0080 without Audio Repair

This monitor although fully functional in the video section, was missing audio. The integrated circuit of amplifying sound (TDA 2611A) was not powered.

The problem was a broken pcb track (see photo), solved this problem the sound is back.


Video Intercom (Terraneo Bticino MT10) vintage monitor recycled

December 16th, 2018 1 comment
Video Intercom vintage monitor recycled

I received this small Black and White CRT monitor from a friend, Ciro Barile of TI-99 Italian User Club, this monitor was used as a video intercom and i didn’t know the power supply voltage, the pinout but especially if it worked.

Found the pinout and the power supply voltage i saw the image turned upside down, this because the monitor could be hooked both from top and from bottom, nothing could be easier it was enough to change the deflection yoke connector on the motherboard to flip the image.

I drilled two holes on the back of the case to facilitate access to the composite video input and power supply (12v 2A).


  • RED (Video)
  • GREEN (Ground)
  • BLACK (Positive)
  • BROWN (Ground)
