The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.17 – 31/12/2021
- Change visualization status of the LED for Socket #1 and Socket #2 available on the Olimex Development Board and the SID Player PCB.
- A configuration file (config.ini) for some important settings of the SID Player. The file will be loaded during the boot and must be present in the ROOT of the filesystem of the USB key.If the file is not found, the player will configure itself with the default values. Thanks to Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab) for his lite INI file parser.
Below is an excerpt from the “config.ini” file.
# Select the Sid model for the Tune played by the SID Player on the Socket #1 or Socket #2.
# Specify the socket which you want to play the sid tunes (example for SID_8580_SOCKET write
# the number 2 if you want it to be played with the SID 8580 installed on socket #2)
# This configuration makes the use very dynamic for everyone. – default: socket #1,#1,#2,#2
# Use Armsid with Auto Switching (0:Disabled – 1:Socket #1 – 2:Socket #2) – default: 0
# Note: When you use the auto detection and switching of the SID model with the ARMSID this can be
# used only in one of the two sockets, the other socket is completely ignored and can remain empty.
# Brightness of the OLED. (0 … 255) – default: 127
# Brightness of the OLED in IDLE mode. (0 … 255) – default: 10
# Enable the serial DEBUG. (1 Enable | 0 Disabled) – default: 0

The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) is a freeware hobby project which organises Commodore 64 music (also known as SID music) into an archive for both musicians and fans alike.
The work on the collection is done completely in the Team and contributors’ spare time and is proudly one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.
This update features (all approximates):
- 681 new SIDs
- 26 fixed/better rips
- 1 repeats/bad rips eliminated
- 279 SID credit fixes
- 100 SID model/clock infos
- 12 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified
- 0 tunes from /GAMES/ identified
- 20 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
- 12 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories
After this update, the collection should contain 55,067 SID files!
source: www.hvsc.c64.org

Another cool production by Mr.SID, Sonic the Hedgehog for Commodore 64. This game requires memory expansion (REU).
- Code: Mr. SID of HVSC Crew, Megadesigns Incorporated
- Music: Encore of Kollektivet, Undone
- Graphics: Veto of Oxyron, PriorArt, Tristar & Red Sector Inc.
- Loader: Krill of Plush
- Help: JackAsser of Booze Design
- Test:
- Encore of Kollektivet, Undone
- JackAsser of Booze Design
- Retroluzzer of Excess
- Veto of Oxyron, PriorArt, Tristar & Red Sector Inc.
source: csdb.dk

A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 2.13:
- Further optimization of code speed and size. Also bus operations are faster, finally “paddles” are successfully read on NTSC machines even with the oldest HW versions of ARMSID (with components on top) !
- ARMSID start is also faster. Instead of hundreds of milliseconds, ARMSID is fully functional in less than 15 milliseconds after power-up !
- Added the possibility to “fix” the so-called ADSR bug, i.e. a bug in the envelope generator, which is inherent to the original chips and is reproduced in ARMSID too. This is not needed in the C64 for compatibility reasons, but if you use ARMSID in synthesizers, you might be interested in this feature.
- Slightly modified quality (Q) of filter circuits for even more faithful reproduction of MOS8580.
Download: ARMSiD v2.13 (572)
source: nobomi.cz

This is the official demo party results from Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition. See also the CSDB section for more informations and download.
C64 Demo:
- 1 – Submerged by Hoaxers, Wrath Designs
- 2 – SUPER 16 by Triad
- 3 – RAGTAG by Onslaught
- 4 – Sidmachine 3003 by Pretzel Logic
- 5 – Howdy Hackers!
- 6 – Synthmeld by The Solution
- 7 – Merry Christmas 2021 by Lepsi De
- 8 – Autumn Harvest by Atlantis
- 9 – The Geese are Gone by Vintage Computing Carinthia
- 10 – Last Minute All Inclusive +3G (Boosted) by Mayday!
- 11 – Budbrain Megademo Loader Tribute by Hokuto Force
C64 4K Intro:
- 4 – Constant Repetition by Hexhog
C64 Music:
- 1 – Destination: Funktown by Vincenzo
- 2 – Jammar akhbar by Shogoon
- 3 – Lydia on Speed Dial by Mibri
- 4 – Simon & Motherfunkel by Linus
- 5 – Tooting My Own Horn by Mutetus
- 6 – Constellations by Jammer
- 7 – Pirate’s Blade II by Xiny6581
- 8 – Augmented Arguments by Steel
- 9 – Weird Biscuit by Chris Wemyss
- 10 – Chase On by Proton
- 11 – Epic Fail by celticdesign
- 12 – Pointless Patterns by Spider Jerusalem
- 13 – Polonaise of Destruction by Hate Bush
- 14 – Signality by Røly
- 15 – Megaman-X – Storm Eagle by Nordischsound
- 17 – Igelhaarfrisur by Stabile Altbauten
C64 Graphics:
- 1 – Time Out by The Sarge
- 2 – The Passengers by Mikael
- 3 – 338:th day by Joe
- 5 – King of the Forest by Duce
- 6 – Do U Know Where You Are Coming From by Facet
- 7 – Twister by Electric
- 8 – COP26 by Honcho
- 9 – Mask 2 by Katon
- 10 – Conscience by Almighty God
- 11 – Mycoschedel Caves by christwoballs
- 12 – Storm Eagle by Slaxx
- 13 – Voodoo Club by Lobo
- 14 – CatWish by Leon
- 15 – Inferno by Fabs
- 16 – In the City by Soya
- 17 – Racing Skeleton by Lenyn
- 19 – Winter Impression by Pararaum
- ?? – 1st pic by Sarge jr
Mixed Graphics:
- 1 – Ohiru by Atlantis
- 2 – Babes by Extend
- 3 – Atlantis by Atlantis
- 4 – Porco Rosso by Hokuto Force
- 5 – Bollocks by Pretzel Logic
- 6 – Slimers by Logiker
- 7 – Viking Ship by Hokuto Force
- 9 – Winter Abstraction by The 7th Division
Mixed Demo:
- 1 – Fader Mastermind by Artline Designs
- 2 – BASIC Geese Fader by Vintage Computing Carinthia
Productions released outside compos:
- Bad Girl by Genesis Project (Graphics)
Download: Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition Full Party Stuff (759)
source: csdb.dk

Against all trends, a simple photo without unboxing.

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.16 – 29/11/2021
- Illegal/undocumented opcodes to the CPU Emulator:
- LAE (LAS/LAR) Combinations of STA/TXS and LDA/TSX.
- ANE (XAA) Combination of an immediate and an implied command.
- All 6502/6510 instructions have been implemented.
- Increased the maximum number of files per directory from 512 max to 800 max.
- Improved delay routine for read/write eeprom via I2c bitbang, it should now be compatible with all levels of the XC32 compiler code optimization.
- Replaced and splitted the Splash Screen Logo during the boot. Thanks to Federico di dato for the Retrobit LAB logo.
- The BRK opcode, opcode that will probably will never used in our case.
- Missing +2 Machine Cycle Times for the opcodes: BPL,BMI,BVC,BVS,BCC,BCS,BNE,BEQ due to some previous performance improvment of the 6502/6510 emulator code, i was probably drunk, indeed, i’m sure. %-)
- The clock “|CIA|” was displayed mistakenly when you choose to play a file in DMP format but this is wrong because the DMP file format doesn’t support the information of clock used (VBI/CIA) in the file header.
- The previous and next button did not work if there are only two files (SID or DMP) available to play in the folder.
- Incorrect Machine Cycle Times for the NOP opcode, four times instead of two. %-)
- Sometimes the version number displayed during boot would pop outside from the right side of the oled screen.
- Wrong Machine Cycle Times for the SLO, SRE(LSE), DCP, RLA, ISC(ISB) Illegal/undocumented opcodes with Indexed-indirect addressing of X,Y-Registers.
The mouSTer device allows connecting any USB (not ps/2 protocol type only) mouse/joystick/gamepad to as many old computers and consoles as possible.
At the moment the following retro platforms are fully supported:
- Commodore 64/128/U64 NTSC/PAL
- MEGA65
- Atari ST/STe series
- Atari Falcon
- Atari 65XE/130XE/800XE
- Atari 600XL/800XL
- Atari 5200
- Atari 2600
- Amiga 500/600/1200
- Amiga 1000/2000/3000/4000
- It works with every mouse (also wireless mouse with dongle) and with every USB Gamepads.
- Config via USB flash drive – INI file + default config.
- Config transfer via USB flash drive.
- Firmware upgrade via USB flash drive (takes 3 seconds, of which 2 seconds is the time the bootloader needs to recognize the flash drive)
- USB Flash drives from 32MB to 32GB.
- Mouse emulation mode defaults – Amiga, Atari ST, joystick/gamepad.
- Emulating Amiga CD32 joypad. (default setting are for Sony DS4).
- Sony DS3 (wired) Pad Support.
- Sony DS4 (wired) Pad Support.
- Sony DS5 (wired) Pad Support.
- Xbox360 (wired) Pad Support.
Future support with minor hardware changes for SEGA consoles and possibly XT PC.
Wireless support for gamepads is also work-in-progress but it might take a while.
Also wireless support for dongle pads like Xbox360 and many more. We are also open to suggestions.
source: retrohax.net retrohax.net firmware
The Amiga scene has been dead for me from several years, long life to the Commodore 64.
Taken from a deadly boredom i have decided to do this useless hardware update of one of my Amiga 1200.
I personally updated the A1208 memory expansion with the Clock section because i had the order wrong, old age strikes again.
This is just a small update to my post.
I added another useless thing to this update … unfortunately in this case it is useful because without the 4xIDE Buffered IDE interface
the CF<>IDE adapter inserted in the trapdoor on the right side of the amiga which uses an IDE cable longer than 10-15cm, DOESN’T WORK generating a mix of reading/writing errors from the CF.
Aware of the problem, i still wanted to try, in fact in an old Amiga 1200 i had the IDE-Fix Express with IDE-Express Adapter bought 12 years ago, then sold.
So i confirm it doesn’t work, even if they write exactly the opposite (see ebay announcements)
Gallery of the useless update:
source: amigaisdead.com amigastore.eu amigakit.amiga.store

Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
Sorry for the delay, but it just escaped me to post it here.
Features added:
- [All] USB (usb2snes) support by RedGuy
- [All] save state support (via USB/savestate2snes) by RedGuy
- [All] stand-alone save state features by FURiOUS
- [All] some compatibility improvements and optimizations for stand-alone save states by ikari_01
- Add support for YAML list items for multiple savestate_fixes entries per game
- Add support for simple bitwise operations on savestate_fixes patches
- Add support for verbatim code execution on savestate_fixes patches – notably fixes Star Ocean (decompressed) save states (however the save state hook still needs CPU time optimization to prevent music glitches in Star Ocean.)
- Add IRQ support on top of NMI for the save state hook – this enables save states on Out Of This World and possibly other games that only use IRQ. Also fixes controller input capture on a number of games so the game-specific input hacks could be eliminated.
- Moved save state code outside of the USB hook area to make room for USB hook execution.
- [All] SGB support by Redacted173.
- [All] favorite games list by freelancer42
- [All] Fixed data caching bug in MSU1 data extension which could cause wrong data to be streamed
- [All] Savestates: do not try to capture data that is already in cartridge space anyway (e.g. SRAM). Fixes text distortion in Near’s Bahamut Lagoon translation when loading a state.
- [All] Fixed YAML config parser to support comment signs after list start items
- [All] Fixed SNES open-bus contamination (fixes sprite flickering in Near’s Bahamut Lagoon translation, certain speed runs that rely on open bus behaviour)
- [All] (hopefully) fixed rapid data line toggling sometimes resulting in address line glitches, causing random crashes in extreme cases, and occasional garbled graphics on SMRPG among others
- [All] Fixed data integrity problems when loading BSX games
source: sd2snes.de

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.15 – 26/9/2021
- Slightly improved the CIA timing, now the SID tune “https://hvsc.csdb.dk/MUSICIANS/P/Page_Jason/25_Hurts.sid” and probably some others they sounds fairly well without “clicking/noise/beeping” in some parts of the song. *
- Slightly improved the VBI timing, now the SID tune “https://hvsc.csdb.dk/MUSICIANS/S/Stinsen/Freeloader.sid” and probably some others they sounds fairly well without “clicking/noise/beeping” in some parts of the song. *
- When the (Auto/Random/Intro) MODE is used the brightness of the oled is restored on each change of music until the default timeout is reached.
* I’ll never stop saying we are far away from my personal feeling of absolute perfection but sound ok for 90% of peoples, luckily there aren’t many SID sound purists :-D
Many people still think that a SID played with a SID emulator on a Mobile Phone or PC sounds absolutely identical to the one played with the SID in the original hardware version :-|

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Wargle! +1
- 2k-Fighter +1
- Detonation +1D
- Torreoscura V1.1 [english/spanish]
- Turbo Ski +1D
- Spray Cam +D
- Frutty Man 64 +
- Paper Route +1D
- Volley Bound +D
- Pie Emporium +1D
- Lernaia
- Archaeologist +DJ
- Table Soccer +D
- Totoro64 +1D
- Totoro64 +2DFJ
- Shock Raid
- C64 Engine Preview +1D
- Unspool
- Shock Raid +3CD
- Panther +1DHMP
- Roundabout Solitaire +2D
- Shock Raid +4D
- Syncro +2DG
- Gates of the Ancient +2D
- Rainfighter +2DFG
- Sterntaler +2DGH
- Unspool +D
- Life +D
- Springer &DGT
- Your Game Preview
- Abrakadabra +2DGJ
- Flag Hunt &D
- Exploding Atoms &DG
- PushPuzzle +D
- Lachmann +2DGT
- Logomix +2D
- Preacher vs. Zombie +2
- Xplore +1D
- Hot Dog Puzzle +1TD
- Musery +1DG
- Cyber-Race
- Xplore Expanded +1D
- Hexed Preview 2 +2
- Uforce +1DG
- The Duell +1DG
- Graviton +1D
- PushPuzzle V1.2
- Graviton +
- Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe Multicolor +7DW
- Keyhole
- Galaga C64 Preview 3.1+
- Galaga C64 Preview 3 +
- Astroblast +3D
- Lady Pac V1.0.5 +2
- Roboform-X 2 +2D [seuck]
- Space Eggs +2D [seuck]
- Droid Rumble +2D [seuck]
- Dawn Patrol +S
- Iunnuh 2 – The Curse from the Past +S
- Crappy Walls +D
- Rolling Coin +
- Pac-Man +1DGHM
- Space Invaders V1.1 +
- Space Invaders V1.1
- Night Knight +2
- Espace Preview +
- Night Knight +5PD
- Dungeon &D
- Night Knight +5HPD
- Spaceball +1D
- Scarabaeus II Preview
- 2K Ishido +D
- The Authentic Tetris +1DF
- Colorix +TD
- Hard’n'Heavy +9
- Night Knight +5HPD
- Gianna Sisters +9H
- Head or Tail Oneliner
- Galaga +1D
- Egg Catcher 4K +2
- Tarkus +3D
- Galaga V1.03 +
- Zak McKracken & Maniac Mansion +1D [german] fix (Easyflash)
Download: All Games in One Archive (4533)
source: csdb.dk
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