C64 Game: Some new Cracked & Trained games by Dinasours

November 11th, 2011 No comments

Some new cracked and trained games from your favorites groups Dinasours.


source: noname.c64.org/csdb

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #55

November 7th, 2011 No comments

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #55

Free to download Commodore magazine dedicated to Commodore Computers.

In this issue you can find:
Readers Comments.
Cottonwood BBS Update.
ImageFX Manual and Installer.
Prince of Persia released.
SID Symphony II Cartridges.
Bit Fox For The Commodore Plus/4
NST’s Audio Extension V2.0
Dunjon Battler Released.
Commodore Is Awesome Forum.
Edge Grinder Download.
Red Wizard Island For The Amiga.
Swords Plus/4 Found.
Takeover – VIC20.
Commodore Games Walk-Through.
Micro-SD Card Drive For PET.
Fairy Well Preview Released.
Review: Dunjon Battler.
Review: Swords – C16 / Plus/4 Game.
Interview With Tokra.
Review: Bit-Fox.


source: commodorefree.com

Categories: Magazine, News & Rumors, Today

CBM-Command v2.1 Release Candidate 1

November 7th, 2011 No comments

CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 and Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.

Release Notes – Version 2.1 – 2011-10-28 – Release Candidate 1

This version is intended to replace all prior versions you may have downloaded. Please see release notes for prior versions to get comprehensive list of changes.

New Features:

  • It can detect the formats of Creative Micro Design’s partitions and sd2iec’s disk images.
  • It knows automatically when to create either single-sided (D64) or double-sided (D71) images.
  • CBM 8050 and CBM 8250 (SFD-1001) disk copier.


  • A better help file.
  • Fixed batch delete: it can remove many more files in one pass.
  • After a rename, it shows both the new and old names (you can verify that you changed what you wanted to change).
  • It is better at catching and reporting disk/file errors.
  • It is less likely to be jammed by missing drives.
  • It has improved support for RELative files.
  • It copies all of the data in IDE64 files.
  • The panels show the disks’ format codes.
  • The image creater says which image format it plans to make. Now, it tells you before it asks for a file-name (to remind you about which suffix to use in the name).
  • Cleaner VIC-20 screens.

Known Issues:

  • It can trigger the write-and-replace bug.
  • It can’t create or write back D80 and D82 images.
  • It can’t create or read images with error-blocks or extended tracks.
  • The REL-file copier doesn’t truncate old target files that have the same record size as the new file.
  • It will try to copy DEL files if they are selected.
  • Errors don’t stop batch operations; the file is skipped.

Download: CBM-Command v2.1 Release Candidate 1 (D64) (1560)

Download: CBM-Command v2.1 Release Candidate 1 (D80) (1511)

source: cbmcommand.codeplex.com

C64 Studio v1.8

November 7th, 2011 No comments

C64 Studio is a .NET based IDE written by Georg Rottensteiner. This app supports project based C64 assembly.

The internal assembler is using the ACME syntax. In connection with Vice the IDE allows you to debug through your code and watch variables/memory locations, registers and memory.

Any other emulator can be set up as well if it’s startable via runtime arguments. C64 Studio allows you to compile to raw binary, .prg, .t64 or cartridge format (.bin and .crt for 8k and 16k). Additionally to this C64 Studio comes with a charset and sprite editor.

Version history:

01.11.2011 – 1.8:

  • Fixed a bug in resuming a debug session.
  • Added basic Basic V2 support.

Download: C64 Studio v1.8 (822)

source: lemon64.com

CBM prg Studio v1.6.1 released

November 7th, 2011 No comments

CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.

CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.

It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:

  • Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
  • Tabbed MDI.
  • Syntax highlighting.

What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.

Download: CBM prg Studio v1.6.1 (903)

source: ajordison.co.uk

C64 Game: Prince of Persia +9 (easyflash) [pal/ntsc]

November 5th, 2011 1 comment

Nostalgia has released a trained version of Prince of Persia (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.

Download: Prince of Persia +9 (easyflash) (1454)

source: noname.c64.org/csdb

WAV-PRG v4.0 Alpha2 by Fabrizio Gennari

November 5th, 2011 No comments

WAV-PRG is a program able to create a .TAP file or Commodore 64 tape from a C64 emulator file (.PRG, .P00, .T64), and create emulator files (.PRG, .P00, .T64) from a Commodore 64 tape. The latter can only be done if the tape is in a format supported by an existing plug-in.

Download: WAV-PRG v4.0 Alpha2 (955)

source: wav-prg.sourceforge.net

VIC20 Game: The Last VIC

November 3rd, 2011 No comments

Orion70 has made a new game for the Commodore VIC-20.

Title: The Last VIC.

Short Description: VIC version of R. Adling’s Earth Defender game for C16. It makes use of hi-res 160×192 graphics handled via Mike’s Minigrafik extension (and bootloader creation utility).

Play the role of the last defender in your home planet, aiming at hostile alien bombs. With your Commodore VIC-20′s expansion port (!), you control an adjustable cannon. You must hit 19 bombs each level (12 in the colour version), but they keep coming faster and faster… Don’t let the aliens destroy your city, and beware of limited time!

Requirements: VIC-20 + 8K RAM

Download: The Last Vic (BW + Color version) (976)

source: sleepingelephant.com

HxC Floppy Emulator: Software updated

November 2nd, 2011 No comments

The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.

The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).

There are two differents emulators:

  • A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
  • A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.

Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.11.15:

  • zlib updated : zlib 1.2.5
  • New files Support : Winimage *.IMZ file.
  • New files Support : *.GHK (Ensoniq EPS) file image support.
  • Oric DSK : Deleted address mark support added!
  • TI99/4A TI99PC99 loader : sector search function corrected.
  • TI99 V9T9 format : New disk geometry supported, double sided disk support corrected.
  • … full release notes here

Download: HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.11.15 (1048)

source: hxc2001.free.fr

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

(Italian) Jurassic News numero #38

November 1st, 2011 No comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Categories: Magazine, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Chessmaster 2k – Swap It – Jack the Ripper 100% working

October 31st, 2011 No comments

Some new cracked and trained games from your favorites groups Creators, Laxity and Hokuto Force. Chessmaster 2000 – Swap It +4 and Jack the Ripper (Jewel) 100% fully working with game solutions for Commodore 64.

Download: Chessmaster 2000 (1425)

Download: Swap It (1346)

Download: Jack the Ripper (Jewel) (1419)

source: noname.c64.org/csdb

Cumana Apple II Floppy Disk Drive

October 31st, 2011 1 comment
Cumana Apple II Floppy Disk Drive


Cumana is a low price hardware supplier for Apple, Amiga, Atari, Oric and so on. Here we present two examples of Floppy Drive compatible with the Apple II computers.

ComputerTechnik SK-747 / IBS Space 84 (Apple II Clone)

October 31st, 2011 No comments
ComputerTechnik SK-747 (Apple II Clone)


This is a Apple II clone made by Computertechnik (SK-747 IBS Space 84) around late 70′s. This Apple computer resembles in all respects the original one.

from Wikipedia:

The Apple II is an 8-bit home computer, one of the first highly successful mass-produced microcomputer products, designed primarily by Steve Wozniak, manufactured by Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) and introduced in 1977. It is the first model in a series of computers which were produced until Apple IIe production ceased in November 1993.

The first Apple II computers went on sale on June 5, 1977 with a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz, 4 kB of RAM, an audio cassette interface for loading programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built into the ROMs. The video controller displayed 24 lines by 40 columns of monochrome, upper-case-only (the original character set matches ASCII characters 0×20 to 0x5F) text on the screen, with NTSC composite video output suitable for display on a TV monitor, or on a regular TV set by way of a separate RF modulator.

The original retail price of the computer was 1298 USD (with 4 kB of RAM) and 2638 USD (with the maximum 48 kB of RAM). To reflect the computer’s color graphics capability, the Apple logo on the casing was represented using rainbow stripes, which remained a part of Apple’s corporate logo until early 1998. The earliest Apple II’s were assembled in Silicon Valley, and later in Texas; printed circuit boards were manufactured in Ireland and Singapore.

source: wikipedia

How to Repair my Osborne 1

October 30th, 2011 1 comment

I have recovered a Osborn 1 in pretty nice cosmetic conditions but broken ;-(

List of broken stuff:

  • Startup Garbage screen.
  • Long startup beep.
  • Reset works 1 times out of 20.
  • Modem port desoldered.
  • Powersupply ripple.
  • Some screws missing.

Solutions & Fixes:

  • Powersupply Ripples: Replaced some capacitors.
  • Modem Port de-soldered: Fixed the cold solder.
  • Startup garbage screen/long beep/reset: I have replaced a broken 4116 RAM.
  • Screws missing: Replaced with a new one.

I have to thank Terry ‘Tezza’ of Classic Computers Blog for the piggyback ram guide.

I used an oscilloscope to find the faulty ram cause all ram in my motherboard seemed to work well. In the photo #9 you can see the signal of the pin 2 (data in) of a faulty ram, while in the photo #8 the same signal of a working a ram.

Osborne 1 by Osborne Computer Corporation

October 30th, 2011 2 comments
Osborne 1


from Wikipedia:

The Osborne 1 was the first commercially successful portable microcomputer, released on April 3, 1981 by Osborne Computer Corporation. It weighed 10.7 kg (23.5lb), cost USD$ 1795, and ran the then-popular CP/M 2.2 operating system. The computer shipped with a large bundle of software that was almost equivalent in value to the machine itself, a practice adopted by other CP/M computer vendors.

Its principal deficiencies were a tiny 5 inches (13 cm) display screen and use of single sided, single density floppy disk drives which could not contain sufficient data for practical business applications.

The Osborne’s design was based largely on the Xerox NoteTaker, a prototype developed at Xerox PARC in 1976 by Alan Kay. The Osborne 1 was developed by Adam Osborne and designed by Lee Felsenstein. It was first announced in April, 1981. Adam Osborne, an author of computer books, decided he wanted to break the price of computers.

The computer was designed to be portable, with a rugged ABS plastic case that closed up and a handle. The Osborne 1 was about the size and weight of a sewing machine and was advertised as the only computer that would fit underneath an airline seat. It is now classified as a “luggable” computer when compared to later laptop designs such as the Epson HX-20.

source: wikipedia