Char Pad is a cross-development tools aimed squarely at developing graphics for Commodore 64 games and will hopefully ease and inspire the production of new games software for this immortal and unique platform.
New features:
- Fixed problems with pen selection.
- Added CTM format v4.
- Added Import dialog for data elements.
- Added character select and “Safe Swap” (use right mouse button).
- Added export of complete map as windows bitmap image.
- Added New project options.
- Added “Minimum 256 characters” to compressor options.
- Added “Character attributes locator” to snapshot ripper.
- Removed pixel grid when using cell tools.
- Ripper now always creates 256 chars + 256 tiles.
- Added menu to Snapshot Ripper.
- Added colour values to the pen labels.
- Added showing of current file name in title bar.
- Undo system not reset after ripping. fixed.
- Fixed map resizing bug in ripper.
- Fixed bug in map/tile area copy & paste system.
- Fixed bugs in Export dialog + added size info.
- Fixed problems with pens when changing colouring modes.
Download: Char Pad v1.8 (revision 3) (957)
John64 has released a trained version of Turbo Charge (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.
Download: Turbo Charge +5HD (CRT) (1856)
Download: Turbo Charge +5HD (D81) (1772)
Download: Turbo Charge +5HD (D64) (1757)
source: CSDb
Pyjamarama is an arcade adventure set across several interconnecting rooms. The player takes the role of Wally, who has gone to bed for the night and has to wake up early in the morning for work.
Unfortunately, his alarm clock has not been wound, and thus he will sleep late in the morning, and his boss will fire him. However, in his sleep, Wally’s consciousness travels around his home, and other places, wearing his pyjamas, in search for the key to rewind the alarm clock and wake himself up.
This version include a Trainer/Solution and Documentation. This version of Pyjamarama is released by Hokuto Force.
Download: Pyjamarama +4 (1456)
source: CSDb wikipedia
Regenerator is an interactive disassembler for C64 binaries. Regenerator will load any standard C64 .PRG file (or VICE snapshot) and disassemble it for your convenience.
There are a few options you can choose to change the output and a few tools to make the output look better and more useful to programmers. Regenerator runs under M$ windows and need .net 3.5 (or 4.0) runtime.
New in version 1.2 (compared to 1.0):
- You can turn Auto-Merge of Text/Data blocks that touch each other on/off.
- You can Manually Merge Text/Data blocks that touch each other.
- You can set any true type font as the display font now.
- There is a new default font used for display (hopefully better and more readable)
- Regenerator can prefix ‘~’ to operands which must be compiled as 16 bit even though their higher byte is 0. This feature is supported by 64tass 1.47 that is included in the zip file (it also has other bug fixes done by me).
- A lot of minor bug fixes and annoyances squashed.
Download: Regenerator disassembler v1.2 (1066)
source: CSDb
ACID 64 Player Pro is the sequal of Acid 64 Player and is a cycle based Commodore 64 music player designed for playing SID tunes on sound cards/devices that have a real SID chip (6581/6582/8580) on board like the HardSID cards and HardSID 4U USB device.
ACID 64 emulates the MOS 6510 micro processor, the 6526 CIA chip and partially the 6569 VIC chip to run the code of a SID tune and it controls the SID chip on the device for playing the Commodore 64 music.
What’s new in version v3.1:
- Stereo SID (2SID) support for: HardSID 4U, HardSID Quattro, multiple HardSID ISA/PCI cards.
- JSidDevice v1.1 (beta version is available at JSidplay2 site)
- Emulation improvements.
- SID ID configuration is now embedded and can be overwritten as a preference setting.
- Improved calculation of player speed.
- Improved SID search for some characters, re-index required.
- Made application UAC aware for Vista/Win7.
- Automatic device changes can now be locked via context menu.
- Many small improvements.
Download: ACID 64 Player PRO v3.1 (WIN32) (1582)
Berzerk Redux for Commodore 64 is based on the classic arcade game Bezerk and is a multi-directional shooter video Arcade game from Stern Electronics.
This version include a Trainer and is One-Filed by Onslaught.
Download: Berzerk Redux +4 by Onslaught (1529)
source: CSDb wikipedia
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
Scene World is a C64 magazine on disk dedicated to various activities of both C64 scenes.
“Both” means, that we are supplying information and texts of both scenes; NTSC and PAL.
Download: Scene World #17 (981)
Onslaught / Wrath Designs / Vandalism, bring to you the 57th issue of the Vandalism News.
Download: Vandalism News #57 (1047)
The Macintosh SE/30 is a personal computer that was designed, manufactured and sold by Apple Computer, Inc. from 1989 until 1991. It was the fastest and most expandable of the original black-and-white compact Macintosh series.
The SE/30 is essentially a Macintosh IIx in the same case as the Macintosh SE, with a black-and-white monitor and a single PDS slot (rather than the NuBus slots of the IIx) which supported third-party accelerators, network cards, or a display adapter. Although officially only able to support 32 MB, the SE/30 could expand up to 128 MB of RAM (a ludicrous amount of RAM at the time), and included a 40 or 80 MB hard drive.
It was also the first compact Mac to include a 1.44 MB high density floppy disk drive as standard (late versions of the SE had one, but earlier versions did not). In keeping with Apple’s practice from the Apple II+ until the Power Macintosh G3 was announced, a logic board upgrade was available to convert a regular SE to a SE/30. The SE would then have exactly the same specs as an SE/30, with the difference only in the floppy drive if the SE had a 800k drive. The set included a new front bezel to replace the original SE bezel with that of an SE/30.
source: wikipedia
Macintosh SE/30 Fixing Motherboard Faults.
I spent many months (eight) to repair some of these macintosh SE/30 motherboard, like you can see in the gallery.
The flaws that i could find and repair are:
- Some multiplexers (74F253 or like) burned.
- Some Video Ram burned.
- Very Dirty Motherboard.
- Electrolytic capacitors have to be replaced.
- Reseat the RAM and ROM SIMM.
- Some track of the PCB broken or corroded by the acid.
- Replaced the lithium battery with a new one.
- Cold solder joint on chip: RP4/RP5/RP6 – UI2/UI3/UI4 – UJ2/UJ3/UJ4
The flaw that you see in the first picture and that should be the “Jail Bar Pattern” or “Smile Mac in Jail”, in this case is not been so. For this reason i spent a long time to find the fault.
However, i recovered 3 motherboards and I consider myself quite satisfied.
source: Repair Macintosh SE/30 #1 #2
Welcome to the 20th anniversary edition of the original Realms of Quest I.
Nearly 20 years to the day that the original was completed, here is a very special edition of the inaugural game of the CRPG franchise for the Commodore VIC-20.
There are vast improvements:
- User-friendly instructions.
- A unique name for each of the 36 magic spells.
- Much better interface, display and text.
- Instructions and a “Book of Beasts” (bestiary) can be read from the main game menu.
Download: Realms of Quest I - Anniversary Edition (1102)
A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4.
The changes in this version are:
- Printer job window (for now #4 only)
- Turn off variable length buffering properly when recording media (fixes occasional clicks)
- Not scanning joysticks when unavailable (Message Queue driver slowdown)
- Column width and line feed bug for MPS803 emulation fixed.
- Regression bug in the printer cycle counter ironed out.
- Awkward TED drawing bug patched.
Download: Yape Plus/4 Emulator v1.0.2 (Win32) (1415)
Download: Yape Plus/4 Emulator v1.0.2 (Win64) (1315)
GRG/Shape has released a new version of the SidPlay64 for Commodore 64.
This version include many new features and bug fixes.
SIDPLAY 64 v.07 (25/08/2011):
- Added: Real PAL/NTSC detector.
- Added: “D64″ detector for long filenames (1541u + netdrive.)
- Added: “DIR” sorter for directory displayer.
- Added: Native dir browser and disk image browser (d64,d71 etc.) for netdrive, 1541u, iec, cmd and ide64.
- Added: Long filenames support (Vice and Windows file system)
- BugFixed: RunStop key doesnt stop loading. (Jiffydos will stop)
- Updated: Keyboard scanner – key delays works much better now.
- Added: Keyboard scanner – “Instdel key” goes back a dir level.
- Added: Device selector – device #6 up to #30
- Updated: Alot of things in background code was optimized to save memory.
- Updated: Timer IRQ updated, more available cpu time, its now possible to play Jeff’s 12 speed song.
- Updated: TOD Clock + Shuffle modes moved out of timer irq and into keyboard scanner subroutine.
- BugFixed: RunStop+Restore will not crash when hardware IRQ interrupt is running (0314-0315).
- Updated: “Memory Error” detection: Fixed a bug where SP64 code was relocated when loading a file with not enough relocation pages.
Download: Sidplay64 v0.7 (1559)
source: CSDb
Commodore Free Magazine Issue #52
Free to download Commodore magazine dedicated to Commodore Computers.
In this issue you can find: |
Editorial. NEWS. Regenerator 1.0 Released. AROS AHCI SATA Driver Bounty. Ami-Lineapolis Version 2.9. Snapshoter Updated to v1.5.1. Commodore 128 VDC-IHFLI. Club Info #122 Released.
Vandalism News #56 Released! AmigaOS 4.1 (Update 2). Amiga Mania #1 Magazine Released. FFmpeg. DiscreetFX Project Metropolis. Digital Audio Concepts. Landing in the Village.
BioTerror! HybridSID. Loadrunner Ported To Plus/4. Review: Clone – C16/Plus4 Game. Review: On The Farm. Review: Chang’s Adventure. Review: Deff-Ender. Review: Coins. Commodore Programming – Charts.
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