C64 Music: Sounds of the Amiga #3
Sounds of the Amiga #3, released by Triad. Another nice pack with SID-covers of your favorite amiga tunes!
Download: Sota #1 (1124) Sota #2 (1000) Sota #3 (1070)
source: noname.c64.org
Sounds of the Amiga #3, released by Triad. Another nice pack with SID-covers of your favorite amiga tunes!
Download: Sota #1 (1124) Sota #2 (1000) Sota #3 (1070)
source: noname.c64.org
Author’s Introduction: Because I wasn’t satisfied with all the available D64 lister programs in several aspects I decided to make my own one. The D64Lister is of course Freeware.
The D64Lister is featured with following abilities and properties:
Download: D64Lister v1.7.1 (944)
source: hardworks.de
Attitude is a disk magazine for the Commodore 64 computer. This edition is written in collaboration with the joint forces of Triad and Oxyron.
We hope you enjoy this issue as much as you did the previous ones!
Download: Attitude Diskmagazine #12 (1037)
source: noname.c64.org attitude.c64.org
Two new cracked and trained games from your favorite group Genesis Project, Yucatan & The Great War – 1914 for Commodore 64.
Download: Yucatan +5 (1462)
Download: The Great War - 1914 (1581)
source: noname.c64.org
Some new Games & Utility for Commodore VIC-20.
Download: MINIGRAFIK batch processing suite (1550)
Download: Vic Wolf (1596)
Download: The Keep (1637)
The Mega SwinSID is a new C64 SID replacement by Swinkels based on 32bit STM32 ARM Cortex M3 MCU and 512KB sample memory.
It runs at 80MHz and it uses integrated 12bit DACs for stereo output.
source: swinkels.tvtom.pl
Two new cracked and trained games from your favorite group Onslaught, Jihad – Raid Over Baghdad & Super-Ski The Downhill Simulator for Commodore 64.
Download: Super-Ski The Downhill Simulator (1496)
Download: Jihad - Raid Over Baghdad (1497)
source: noname.c64.org
John64 has released a trained version of Space Taxi & Jumpman (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.
Download: Space Taxi & Jumpman (crt) (2092)
Download: Space Taxi & Jumpman (d64) (1967)
source: noname.c64.org
This is a custom firmware build for the 1541 Ultimate II by Daniel Kahlin (tlr).
This version of the firmware addresses a few things that needed improvements.
Full History:
Download: 1541 Ultimate II Unofficial firmware v2.3 (tlr) (1408)
source: 1541ultimate.net
A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate is released. This version runs on both version of the Ultimate 1541 cartridge.
Major improvement in latest release:
Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware (1255)
Download: 1541 Ultimate I (Plus) Firmware (1126)
source: 1541ultimate.net
The famous Commodore demo party Arok will be held from 29 to 31 July 2011.
The Party will be held in Ajka-Ajkarendek / Hungary.
source: arok.intro.hu
Rock Paper Scissors Simulator for Commodore 64 which has been made in 2006 has been cracked by Onslaught.
Download: Rock Paper Scissors Simulator (1408)
source: noname.c64.org
EasyProg is a program for the C64/C128. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.
Version 1.5.2 – 20.07.2011:
Download: EasyProg v1.5.2 (1511)
source: easyflash homepage
This is a Trained version of Frantic Freddy, the Trainer was done by Genesis Project.
Frantic Freddy is a very nice conversion of the arcade game Mappy from Namco for Commodore 64.
Download: Frantic Freddy +2 by Genesis Project (1434)
source: noname.c64.org
Kichy of ASN Crew has released Lode Runner for Commodore Plus/4. The game source was downloaded from noname.c64.org which is a modified/enhanced C64 version.
Lode Runner is a 1983 platform game, first published by Brøderbund. It is one of the first games to include a level editor, a feature that allows players to create their own levels for the game.
Download: Lode Runner for Plus/4 (1034)
source: plus4world.powweb.com
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