HxC Floppy Emulator: Software updated

May 24th, 2011 No comments

The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.

The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).

There are two differents emulators:

  • A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
  • A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.

Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.8.1:

  • Amiga/UAE Extended ADF file (new format) loader : crash corrected (Bitrate corrected).
  • All Amiga loader (IPF,ADF,DMS…) : Index timing adjusted.
  • Track encoder : Amiga track post gap corrected.
  • … full release notes here

source: hxc2001.free.fr

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

Infiltrator Disassembler v1.0

May 24th, 2011 No comments

Infiltrator Disassembler is a M$ Windows based tool for decompile Commodore 64 programs.

A disassembler is a computer program that translates machine language into assembly language—the inverse operation to that of an assembler. A disassembler differs from a decompiler, which targets a high-level language rather than an assembly language.

Disassembly, the output of a disassembler, is often formatted for human-readability rather than suitability for input to an assembler, making it principally a reverse-engineering tool.

source: noname.c64.org

Preview: Unboxing Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0

May 19th, 2011 No comments
C64SD Infinity v2.0


Preview of the new Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0.

This project is interesting not only because it’s another mass-storage solution but because it combines already existing solutions to a new and fresh product. Damiano has always followed all the Commdore related websites and forums especially concerning the MMC and SD2IEC projects.

That’s when he got the idea to build a solution for which one doesn’t need soldering, wire cutting or the IEC cable. C64SD utilizes the Datasette pass-through connector to power the SD2IEC circuit. An IEC pass-through connector connects right into the IEC port.

The whole module stand vertical along the back of the C64/128 (or VIC20). The module is fitted with two rather large buttons, one reset and one diskswap/multi-function button.

Remember: with a external power supply the C64SD works fine with Commodore 16/Plus4.

C64SD Infinity new Features:

  • TAPE pass-through connector.
  • Reset on User Port.
  • CPU Type ATMEL ATmega 1284P(128k)
  • SD Filesystem for firmware upgrade FAT16/32
  • Standard Commodore 128 IEC Cable.

The interface can be purchased on the Manosoft site.

source: manosoft.it youtube.com

CBM prg Studio v1.0.0 released

May 18th, 2011 No comments

CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 or VIC20 if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.

CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.

It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:

  • Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
  • Tabbed MDI.
  • Syntax highlighting.

What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.

source: ajordison.co.uk

CodeNet Client v0.4

May 18th, 2011 No comments

The CodeNet Client it can be used to transfer PRG files directly into the memory of the C64 and also allows some other actions like filling memory and ofcourse starting a program with RUN or a jump to a defined memory address.

The CodeNet protocol is a very simple protocol to send data and executables to a C64 computer via ethernet. A CodeNet server is normally listening on UDP port 6462.

source: noname.c64.org oxyron.de

HxC mount v1.00 for Atari ST/Falcon

May 18th, 2011 No comments

HxCmount is a piece of software for your Atari ST that transform your HxC Floppy Emulator SD card into a hard disk emulator.

Once loaded, you will be able to use a new disk letter (C: for example) exactly as a hard disk partition, the only thing is that the partition resides on a image file on your SD card.


  • An hardware Atari ST computer.
  • A HxC Floppy Emulator SD card.
  • HxC FE firmware version:

source: hxcmount.atomas.com

HxC Floppy Emulator: Software updated

May 18th, 2011 No comments

The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.

The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).

There are two differents emulators:

  • A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
  • A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.

Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.8.0:

  • New track generator implemented.
  • Use of the new track generator for Most of file loaders.
  • New files Support : *.ADF Amiga/UAE Extended ADF file format (old and new format)
  • New files Support : *.ADF Acorn  file format.
  • New files Support : *.SSD/*.DSD Acorn BBC file format.
  • New files Support : *.ADL Acorn BBC file format.
  • New files Support : *.D77/*.88D/*.D8U/*.2D/*.D68
  • New files Support : *.FDI file format. (Zx Spectrum…)
  • New files Support : *.LDF (CamputersLynx) file format. (Beta)
  • New files Support : *.D81 file format (C64+1581). (Beta)
  • New files Support : *.DMK file format (TRS-80)
  • New files Support : *.vegasdsk file format (“Tavernier” / Vegas 6809)
  • D88 files Support : 1DD format support.
  • … full release notes here

source: hxc2001.free.fr

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

VIC20 Tools: Resolution and Colour transitions

May 16th, 2011 No comments

Simple but useful program for unexpanded VIC 20 to test the quality of the video output of your computer.

source: sleepingelephant.com

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #50

May 16th, 2011 No comments

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #50

Free to download Commodore magazine dedicated to Commodore Computers.

In this issue you can find:
Viva Amiga.
Jim Scabery Commodore Dealer.
ACE 128.
CardSwipe – Original VIC-20 Game.
Snapshoter Updated.
Jose Makes Music with MSSIAH.
CBM PRG Studio Beta Released.
DirMaster v2.2/Style.
CBM-Command V2.0: Updated.
X1000 Nemo Rev. 2 Motherboard.
C64 SID 8580 Basic Sample Pack.
C64 SID Phase Acc And FPGA Tuning.
Arcade Retro Gaming Newsletter.
Interview With Adrian Simpson.
Commodore Amiga Programming.
Sideways SEUCK Compo Entries 2011
Sudoku Game Review.
On the Road – SC3 Arcade Party 2011
Back to the Past – Iss 11, Aug 2007

source: commodorefree.com

Categories: Magazine, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Coins by Avatar

May 15th, 2011 No comments

This is a nice little game for Commodore 64 by Iceout of Avatar.

source: noname.c64.org

Sic!Cart (Super Inexpensive Cart) flash cartridge for Atari

May 14th, 2011 6 comments

The Sic!Cart (Super Inexpensive Cart) is a low price Flash Cartridge System for the Atari 400/800/XL/XE series computers.

source: atariage.com

Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Turbo Chameleon 64 beta firmware v5b released

May 13th, 2011 No comments

Turbo Chameleon 64 is an extremely user-friendly cartridge that can be used without opening the computer. It is just plugged to the expansion port of the C64.

The Turbo Chameleon 64 cartridge can also be operated as a stand-alone unit (since it’s basically an FPGA computer like the C-One or the Minimig in a C64 cartridge case), replacing the computer, the floppy drive and the heavy power supply.

When used as a stand-alone unit, a USB power adapter or active USB hub can be used as a power source.


Beta-5 to Beta-5a:

  • Fix crash when turbo limit is set in menu without activating turbo. (or when disabling active turbo with button while a limit is set)
  • Fix D030 mirror of the turbo bit emulating C128 2Mhz mode with Chameleon turbo.

Beta-5a to Beta-5b:

  • Eliminate spurious resets by masking reset line in standalone mode.
  • Fix keyboard matrix so joysticks are properly emulated (IR, numpad) in standalone mode.
  • Block normal button functions in menu mode (only exception is reboot by pressing 0.7s on right button)

source: syntiac.com

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

Atari Demo: SillyVenture invitro 2011 (Sv2k11)

May 12th, 2011 No comments

This is a Atari 2600 invitro by Noice & Mystic bytes for the SillyVenture Party 2011 (10th-13th November at Gdansk/Poland).

The Sv2k11 is dedicated  to all Atari fans – from Atari 2600 up to the Jaguar, right thrugh to the newest Falcon clones.

source: pouet.net sillyventure.pl

C64 Game: On the Farm 2

May 11th, 2011 No comments

The New Dimension (TND) has released a new game for Commodore 64.

source: noname.64.org lemon64.com

C64 Game: Airborne Ranger +8DIR for EasyFlash cartridge

Nostalgia has released a trained version of Airborne Ranger by Microprose (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.

source: noname.64.org