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Keyword: ‘commodore’

Bidding ended to €81.450,00 for the Commodore 65 + Expansion Ram

November 8th, 2017 2 comments

source: wikipedia

Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

Commodore Amiga CDROM A570 Restoration

November 2nd, 2017 5 comments
Commodore Amiga CDROM A570 Restoration

Commodore Amiga A570 Restoration.

I have received two retro things in very bad conditions.

  • 1 x Floppy Drive CD-1411
  • 1 x Commodore Amiga CDROM A570

… but for now we are talking about the Commodore A570.

The Commodore A570 have serious problems that i list below:

  • Outside case is very dirty, yellowed and broken in several parts.
  • The Caddy Guide Tracks has been destroyed.
  • Damaged screws thread.
  • The metal plate under the CDROM is bent on one side.
  • Many rusty parts.
  • Main PCB with traces of water/limestone and rust.

Works that have been made:

  • Fixed the CDROM CADDY holder, it was not easy because all the metal guides are bent, now it works.
  • Main PCB cleaning on both sides with the Kontakt PCC and toothbrush.
  • Cleaned and grease the two rails of the laser head.
  • Cleaned the head lens of the CDROM.
  • Fixed the bent metal plate under the CDROM.
  • Cleaning outer casing.
  • Fixed with the glue the two pins for closing the case with the screws.

Work still to be done:

  • The bottom part of the A570 CDROM is very rusty, i need to sand down gently and at least give a hand of anti rust.

Aesthetically is very bad but at least works.

Gallery of the restoration:


Categories: Projects / Repairs, Today

Commodore Amiga 500 Power Supply Repair

November 2nd, 2017 No comments
Commodore Amiga 500 Power Supply Repair

Commodore Amiga 500 Power Supply Repair.


  • All voltages are unstable.


  • Replaced a Zener Diode 5.6V (ZD2). The Diode was corroded and broken, the cause was not the acid of the capacitors.
  • Replaced a Electrolytic Capacitor 1uF 50v (C9) which under voltage don’t work correctly, thanks to the freeze spray i have find it.

All the other electrolytic capacitors have been removed one by one and tested, they are good.

Gallery of the repair:

Commodore VIC-20 (ASSY 250403) Repair

November 2nd, 2017 No comments
Commodore VIC-20 (ASSY 250403) Repair

Commodore VIC-20 Repair.


  • Black Screen.

Replaced parts:

  • Replaced MOS VIA 6522 (UAB1)
  • Replaced BASIC ROMS 901486-01 (UE11)

Gallery of the repair:

Commodore 64C (ASSY 250469) Repair

November 2nd, 2017 1 comment
Commodore 64C (ASSY 250469) Repair

Commodore 64C (ASSY 250469) Repair


  • Black Screen.

Replaced parts:

  • 2 x NEC D41464D RAM (U10/U11)


  • The two broken RAMs reached 70 degrees.

Gallery of the repair:

Released the latest version of DiagROM v1.0

October 27th, 2017 No comments

What is DiagROM?

DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.

And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.

You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.


  • RTC Test improved with OKI Chipset support (but RTC test still is kind of buggy)
  • Remade the autoconfig handling for much better ZorroIII support etc.
  • Possability to turn on/off cache in manual memortedit (this WILL crach your machine on 68000/68010)
  • Added an experimental “no chipmem” screen to try to figure out biterrors with rasterbars. (dark bar=dead bit, light bar=working bit)
  • Added support for Amiga 1000 with a limited version of DiagROM.
  • Parallel and serialporttests using SysTest compatible loopback adapters.
  • Diskdrivetests.
  • And.. some internal changes and stuff I actually forgotten.


  • 2017-10-01:
    • Long time since last time:
    • Added tests for Parallel and serialporttesting using SysTest compatible loopbackadapters
  • 2017-07-30:
    • Added possability to run on A1000 as bootstraprom. I have removed moduletesting and gfx test-screemn to save space.
    • Some additional bugfixes.
  • 2017-07-06:
    • Fixed a bug, when setting DTR high I accidentally put Dikdrive motor on!
    • when no chipmem is foundand no fastmem, instead of just flashing a green screen, it now checks memaddr $400 and shows in stripes biterrors. bright color=bit working, dark=bit error. evbery 15 frame it flashes and steps +4 bytes of memaddr to check
  • 2017-06-17:
    • Oh! yes long time. Now DiagROM is opensource avaible at
    • Totally rewritten Autoconfig, now handles Z2 and Z3 and should be working. if you get stuck in a loop (autoconfig not working) it
    • will halt after 32 “boards”. Also in ManualEdit mode, I have inlcuded a function to turn on/off cache. to debug cacheissues on CPU Cards.
    • BE CAREFUL! this WILL crash if you run it on a 68000/010
    • Also fixed bug of garbage in menus.

Download: DiagoROM v1.0 Stable (1023)


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Big Game Pack: Lightforce +8HD / Rubicon +4DGHF / X-Out …

October 16th, 2017 No comments

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.


  • C=Rex Offline
  • C=Rex Offline ATL
  • C=Rex Offline +H
  • Vortex Crystals +10D [2017 full version]
  • Vortex Crystals [2017 full version]
  • Street Defender – Game for VR64
  • CCGMS 2017 V6 [easyflash]
  • The Town Dragon
  • Street Defender +4D
  • X-Out +6DH
  • Giana-Sisters 30th Anniversary Preview
  • Tombstones – Retirement Day
  • Assembloids Basic V2.0
  • Rumpelball
  • Lightforce +8HD [easyflash]
  • Assembloids Basic V2.0 [compiled]
  • Lightforce +8HD
  • Kings of the Beach +PD
  • Lunar Lander
  • Giana Sisters 30th Anniversary Preview +9
  • Lunar Lander +1MH
  • Pirate Island
  • Shoot Em Up Destruction Set 2 +2H [seuck]
  • Rubicon +4DGH
  • Crazy Comets & Mega Apocalypse [easyflash]
  • Kobo64 (r221) +4D
  • Doctor Doom’s Revenge [easyflash]
  • Crazy Comets & Mega Apocalypse [easyflash]
  • Bug Splat
  • Rubicon +4DGHF
  • Kobo64 (r221)
  • Cross Chase +2
  • Quod Init Exit V1.8
  • Quod Init Exit V1.8 +2D
  • Kikstart II The Construction Set +HD [Easyflash]
  • Dinosaurs +D
  • Neoclyps +4DG
  • The Fallen Special Edition
  • QWAK 1.3 +
  • QWAK 1.3

Download: All Games in One Archive (4682)



Commodore Joystick

September 28th, 2017 2 comments
Commodore Joystick

A lot of joysticks have been produced between the 80′s and 90′s years, this model made by Commodore was missing in my collection.


Commodore 64C Replacement Case (SX-64 Style)

September 19th, 2017 2 comments
Commodore 64C Replacement Case (SX-64 Style)

Commodore 64C Replacement Case (SX-64 Style)

The Commodore C64C replacement case is very nice like the original one.

There are some imperfections in the plastic and in the painting phase, anyway i don’t look for the perfection. who is perfect ? :D

… so if you are not looking for the absolute perfection, i would recommend it to everyone.



Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.9.4

September 18th, 2017 No comments

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.


  • CIA serial and CNT timing improvements thanks to test programs written by Mariusz.
  • Added VIC-II colour palette user configuration dialog box.
  • Added command line options (see hoxs64.txt) to support the VICE 64 testbench.
  • Changed the colour RAM reset pattern to use bytes $0C and $03 as per the same C64C whose RAM reset pattern is already used.



CBM prg Studio v3.11.0 released

September 18th, 2017 No comments

CBM prg Studio Version 3.11.0 is released. There are a lot of new features in this version. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.

CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 / VIC20 or PET if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.

CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.

It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:

  • Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
  • Tabbed MDI.
  • Syntax highlighting.

What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.

New features in v3.11.0:

  • Assembler:
    • CTRL+Double click on label or variable will take you to its definition.
    • Mouse over a directive to get a tooltip of its usage.
    • Control/screen codes can be embedded in text strings.
  • Debugger:
    • Default watch list.
  • Sprite Editor:
    • Number keys for quick colour change.
  • Screen Editor:
    • Quick colour change.
    • Screen editor can generate data to basic string array.
  • BASIC:
    • Super Expander basic extension for VIC 20 projects.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Assembler:
    • Having ‘*=’ in a comment causes an error
    • Macros weren’t appearing in the macro viewer
    • Multiple macro parameters in the same line were being ignored.
  • BASIC:
    • Incorrect line warning length for VIC20 projects.
  • Screen designer:
    • Crash when exporting C128 screens.
  • Sprite Editor:
    • Fail when importing from listing when the target line number was also in another part of the listing.
  • Character Editor:
    • Fail when importing from listing when the target line number was also in another part of the listing.

See the help for a complete list of new features and fixed bugs.

Note In this version, each target machine can have its own default project directory. If you are upgrading from a previous version (before version 2.5.1) of CBM prg Studio you may be asked to set up your project directories again. Your current projects will not be affected.

Download: CBM prg Studio v3.11.0 (781)


Commodore Amiga 500+ Replace Keyboard Membrane

August 31st, 2017 No comments
Commodore Amiga 500+ Replace Keyboard Membrane

Commodore Amiga 500+ Replace Keyboard Membrane


  • 50% of the keyboard keys are totally dead.

Replaced parts:

  • 1 x Keyboard Membrane.

Gallery of work that was done:

Commodore 16 Repair

August 29th, 2017 No comments
Commodore 16 Repair

Commodore 16 Repair


  • Black Screen / No Voltage.

Replaced parts:

  • Replaced the Power Switch with a “new” original one.

C64 Big Game Pack: Rescuing Orc +5D / Iridis Alpha +6DH …

August 29th, 2017 1 comment

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.


  • Rockit +
  • Pentagram V1.30
  • The Legend of Sinbad +5PDH
  • Rockit +1H
  • Bacillus Preview 2 +3
  • Cross Chase Preview
  • Zatacka
  • Grillieren! Preview
  • Tour de Europe +1T
  • Hyper Blitz +H
  • Give That Dog A Bone Preview +
  • 3D Skramble +2DGH
  • Zatacka +F
  • Beer Belly Bill – Grillieren Prv. +D
  • Zamzara +5HD
  • Jumpin Jack +2DGH
  • FIST – First International Singalong Tournament
  • Adventure of the Bunker [german]
  • Partygames
  • Alpha 5 [german]
  • Trigon +D
  • Wizard of Wor
  • B.C. Bill +3DGH
  • A Change in the Weather – Release 6
  • Alpha 5 +1H
  • Partygames +
  • Shoot Em Up Destruction Set (Edition 2008) +2 [seuck]
  • Iridis Alpha +6DH
  • Beholder +4
  • Beholder
  • Cross Chase (Beta version Aug 2017)
  • Cross Chase Preview 2
  • Escape from New York +3T
  • Cross Chase Preview 2 +3
  • Rescuing Orc V1.0.2
  • Rescuing Orc V1.0.1
  • Beholder II
  • Beholder II +5
  • Rescuing Orc +5D
  • Summer Games I & II +D

Download: All Games in One Archive (4309)


Commodore VIC-1210 (VIC-1000 Series) 3K Ram Pack

August 12th, 2017 No comments
Commodore VIC-1210 (VIC-1000 Series) 3K Ram Pack

Commodore VIC-1210 (VIC-1000 Series) 3K Ram Pack

I must thank to my friend Andrea Pierdomenico (Andry) for this fantastic gift.
