Commodore 64C in original Box / User manual / Powersupply

Today i picked up a Commodore 64C in original box, it is in perfect condition with no damage at all including the Manual and original Powersupply.
source: wikipedia
Today i picked up a Commodore 64C in original box, it is in perfect condition with no damage at all including the Manual and original Powersupply.
source: wikipedia
CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – 2010-07-27 – Version 1.6
New Features:
Known Issues:
C64-Archiv descriptions:
Version v3.2 – What’s new?
source: Mikes Pages
Commodore Free Magazine Issue #42
In this issue you can find:
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
You can access them through
For those who know how to use SVN, you can do a checkout to create a local working copy by typing:
svn co
in an empty directory. I am working on a short manual, and on access to the tools needed to build the project. This time, the FPGA sources have been released as well. ;-)
Cheril Perils is a new game from The Mojon Twins for ZX Spectrum.
CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
This version encompases many enhancements and improvements of existing functionality, as well as inclusion of new target platforms (VIC 20, Plus 4) and features (D81 support, Configuration Color Picker).
Release Notes – 2010-07-21 – Version 1.5
New Features:
Known Issues:
ASCII <–> PETSCII Converter for Windows (Requires .Net Framework 4).
PETSCII (PET Standard Code of Information Interchange), also known as CBM ASCII, is the variation of the ASCII character set used in Commodore Business Machines (CBM)’s 8-bit home computers.
CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – 2010-07-13 – Version 1.0.3/1.0.4
New Features:
Known Issues:
This is a new game for Atari 2600 console. This game was written by Philsan a user of Atariage forum.
source: atariage forum
Orion Prime is the best adventure game ever made on the Amstrad CPC.
The game is available in 3″ and 3.5″ discs and Free Download.
The Story:
Engine failure… A hyperspace voyage that ends in an asteroid field… Forced to eject, you wander aimlessly in space, until you detect a signal from the Orion Prime.
However, you quickly realise that this gigantic vessel is no longer the jewel of the scientific research fleet that it once was, as you discover that the crew has been decimated by a strange illness…
You must escape as quickly as possible, but to do this, you will have to explore the Orion Prime, understand what has happened on board the vessel, and perhaps even confront it…
This is the last notice for the Ultimate 1541 version 2.
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
Luigi Di Fraia is working on version 3 of his DC2N. The DC2N is a digital replacement for the C2N datassette. With the DC2N you can read cassettes and transfer the data to a memory-card.
It is also possible to save data from a memory-card to a datassette. The DC2N is a stand alone system, what means you can do the transfers without a computer.
The newest version has USB support and uses a graphical screen to show the signal that is recorded. You can watch various videos of the DC2N on youtube.
from atarimuseum Homepage:
The Atari 1050 disk drive was Atari’s replacement to the Atari 810 disk drive. The new Atari 1050 disk drive matched the new high-tech, low profile line of Atari XL home computer systems. The original Atari 810 could hold single density data (88K out of 100K diskettes) which was standard.
The new Atari 1050 disk drives were DUAL-DENSITY disk drives and could use the older Atari 810 diskettes, but could also hold data in a new Enhanced Density mode of 127K. Although the standard for disk drives was 180K, this additional storage was welcomed by Atari users who bought the disk drives. The only downside to the disk drives were their new version of Atari DOS: 3.0 which had compatibility problems with its earlier version: 2.0s Atari would later fix this problem with a very well designed and accepted and one of the most popular Atari versions of DOS: 2.5. Up to 4 Atari disk drives could be “daisy-chained” together.
Using Atari’s unique SIO bus (Serial I/O), each drive would connect to the next, forming a chain in which data was transferred. Although slower then other I/O buses used on other computers, Atari’s SIO bus was a simple and convenient way for the non-computer literate to more easily add components onto their Atari computer systems (other brands of computers required internal cards, ribbon cables, complicated jumper block settings which were geared more towards the computer hobbyist crowd instead of the common individual with little computer knowledge).
The disk drive electronics and its mechanism were done by Tandon, the case design was done by Tom Palecki, formerly of Atari’s Industrial Design group. Tom was also responsible for the design of the Atari 1055 3.5″ disk drive which was never released by Atari, Inc. due to its sales in 1984.
from atarimuseum Homepage:
The Atari 1010 Program Recorder was the replacement to the Atari 400/800 lines Atari 410 Program recorder. The new 1010 was stylish and simplistic to use. Although no faster then any other standard tape recorder/Program Recorder, the Atari 1010 was a reliable little unit and was very popular in European markets where money was tight and the majority of software was available on Tape Cassettes.
What made the Atari Data/Program recorders unique from all other cassette decks used on other home computers was its ability to tie into the Atari Audio Summation Circuitry. The Atari 410, 1010 and the Atari XC11 & XC12 Data/Program recorders all worked through the Atari SIO (Serial I/O) bus, a data communications bus very similar to today’s USB (Universal Serial Bus). The Data/Program recorders could all be controlled by the Atari computer and also channeled their audio into the SIO bus and into the Atari computer where it would be heard through a connected Television or Computer Monitor.
The Data/Program recorders also were Dual Track systems and could load data while also playing audio/music tracks simultaneously. This meant that while another section of a program was loading, the recorder could give the user instructions, information or play a soundtrack to occupy the users time while the program loaded. This system was used extensively in Atari’s unique and unparalleled line of educational software.
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