64COPY is an all-purpose DOS and C64 emulator file manager, modelled after Norton Commander, and runs fine under the Windows XP/2000 DOS VDM, or in real DOS.
64COPY will run in a Windows Vista 32-bit VDM, but Vista 64-bit has no VDM support at all. It specializes in converting and manipulating emulator files between various formats. 64COPY does not do any communication to the 1541/71/81 floppy drives to read disks. If that is what you need, download Star Commander for that task.
Some of what 64COPY does includes:
- File conversion between D64 (all types, including the F64 variant), D71, D81, D80, D82, DNP, D2M, T64, G64, ZipCode (all types), PC64 (Pxx, Sxx, Uxx, Rxx), LNX, DOS binaries, ARC, CRT, SDA, X64, LBR, ARK, SPY and CPK files.
- A very powerful 6502 Disassembler.
- TEXT, HEX and D64 HEX editors.
- FILE viewer.
- BASIC unlister.
- D64, D71, D81, D80 & D82 directory customizer.
- Check disks and T64, ZipCode, G64, F64 and CRT files for errors.
- A whole lot more!
source: 64Copy homepage
After this update, the collection should contain 37,081 SID files!
Thanks to all the people who have helped to make HVSC the collection that it is today, without your help it would be a much tougher task.
This update features (all approximates):
- 874 new SIDs.
- 65 fixed/better rips.
source: hvsc.c64.org
from Datamath:
This educational toy for youngsters replaced the Math Marvel. The Math Star is preprogrammed to teach the basic four mathematic functions through different games. This educational toy was rated by Texas Instruments for childrens aged between 6 and 11 years.
The Math Star shared the housing with the Spelling B teaching word games. In the United Kingdom the game was sold as Maths Star, in Germany as Mathe-Star, in Italian it was labelled Pitagora and France knows the Les Nombres Magiques.
source: datamath.org
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Special thanks to a friend. He donated this console for spare parts.
A new version of Vice is released, the famous C64 emulator comes to the version v2.2.
Click here for the Changelog.
source: vice-emu.sourceforge.net
from Homepage:
This program is not completely finished, not all of the features that I’d like are included yet. There may also be bugs that I have not found, but I’ve fixed all of the bugs I’ve found so far.
Here some features:
- Read D64 files, display the directory, move files around the directory, rename files.
- Export files from the D64 into PRG files.
- Import files into the D64 with autodetection for P00 files.
- View/Edit the BAM.
- View the block chain of files on the D64.
- Create new blank D64 files, clean existing D64′s.
- View and modify blocks on the disk in hex.
- Automatic check for crosslinked files on the D64.
- View the directory using the native c64 font.
- SEQ File Viewer using the c64 font with PETASCII->ASCII conversion option.
- Drag and Drop functionality. Drag D64′s onto the main screen to load them, drag other files to import them.
- Preliminary support for importing T64′s.
- A filename builder to enable easy use of the C64 Characterset in filenames.
source: d64editor.com
C64-Archiv descriptions:
- Scans and stores your C64 – (games) – collection with only a few clicks.
- Easily manages your C64-programs by creating your own categories.
- Starts the C64-programs in different emulators.
- Delivers instructions for the emulators VICE and CCS64.
- Stores the C64-programs from files with the extensions .d64, .d71, .p00, .prg and .t64.
- Stores files by name with the extensions: .tap, .vsf (VICE-snapshot-file) and .c64 (CCS-session-file)
- Stores the C64-programs in files with the extensions: .zip, .7z and .cab.
- Supports multi-language.
Version 3.0 – What’s new?
- NEW: Gamebase64 frontend with the possibility to download games.
- NEW: Simplified editing of profils.
- NEW: Profils for HOXS64.
- NEW: Startup Wizard.
- NEW: In the main window you can hide the tree.
source: Mikes Pages
Many thanks to a friend for the Apple SCSI terminator.
Hints: Macintosh Plus can boot from Cartridges.
from Wikipedia:
SyQuest Technology, Inc., now known as SYQT, Inc., was an early entrant into the removable hard disk market for personal computers. The company was started in 1982 by Syed Iftikar; it was named partially after himself because of a company meeting wherein it was decided that “SyQuest” ought to be a shortened name for “Sy’s Quest”.
Its earliest products were 3.9″ (100mm) removable hard drives, and 3.9″ (100mm) ruggedized hard drives for IBM XT compatibles and military applications. Some of their early fixed drives appear to be rebranded Seagate drives, especially when one compares the drive lists on this data recovery site with this product table. For many years SyQuest held the market, particularly as a method of transferring large desktop publisher documents to printers.
SyQuest aim their products to give personal computer users “endless” hard drive space for data-intensive applications like desktop publishing, Internet information management, pre-press, multimedia, audio, video, digital photography, fast backup, data exchange, archiving, confidential data security and easy portability for the road.
source: wikipedia
from Wikipedia:
The Expansion Module #2 is a driving controller expansion that consists of a steering wheel, gas pedal and the pack-in game Turbo. The driving controller is also compatible with the games Destructor and Dukes Of Hazzard.
source: wikipedia
from Wikipedia:
The Speak & Math was published in 1980 with a shape identical to both the Speak & Spell and the Speak & Read but with a completely different keyboard layout, different game features, and a different color scheme. Where the American Speak & Spell had been colored red with yellow and orange accents, the American Speak & Math was gray with blue and orange highlights. The Speak & Math was designed to focus on mathematics in children of ages 6–12 with a library of over 100,000 random and preprogrammed problems.
It was regarded as the spiritual successor to TI’s earlier DataMan series[81], with the difference mainly relating to the addition of speech synthesizing software and the visual display. The Speak & Math was only released to American and British markets.
In 1982, a compact version of the Speak & Math was developed contemporaneously with the Speak & Spell Compact. This version was only released in French as Les Maths Magique (lit. The Magical Math). A redesigned version was developed in 1985 for British markets under the name of Maths marvel. This was later released in Italian as Dotto Conta-Parla, in French as le Calcul magique (lit. Magical Calculator), and in German as Mathe-Fix.
The Speak & Math was very minutely redesigned in 1986, under the same name, with the new version representing nothing more substantial than a redesign of the faceplate graphics. In 1990 the Super Speak & Math was released as a major redesign similar to the first version of the Super Speak & Spell. As with the Super Speak & Spell, the display screen of the Super Speak & Math was changed to an LCD screen instead of the former VFD screen.
The keyboard was also expanded and given more functions. The general structure of the console was also altered similarly to the Super Speak & Spell such that the handle which had come at the top of the screen in prior Speak & Math units was now found on the bottom of the toy and ergonomic features were added to the shape.
source: wikipedia
Memory expansion boards add random access memory (RAM) to your computer system, often increasing the speed, storage, and power of your machine.
Cartridges list:
- Donkey Kong by Nintendo.
- Cosmic Avenger by Universal.
- The Official Turbo by Sega.
- Smurf by Peyo.
click here for the CBS Coleco Vision category.
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