Commodore 65 (C64 DX) Prototype on Ebay

December 18th, 2009 No comments

C65 (C64 DX) Commodore on EbayCommodore 65 (C64 DX) Prototype on Ebay.

from Wikipedia:

The Commodore 65 (also known as the C64DX, not to be confused with the Commodore SX-64 portable unit) was a prototype computer created by Fred Bowen and others at Commodore Business Machines (CBM) (part of Commodore International) in 1990–91. The project was cancelled by CEO Irving Gould.

The C65 was an improved version of the Commodore 64, and it was meant to be backwards-compatible with the older computer, while still providing a number of advanced features close to those of the Amiga. When Commodore International was liquidated in 1994, a number of prototypes were sold on the open market, and thus a few people actually own a Commodore 65.

Estimates as to the actual number of machines found on the open market range from 50 to 2000 units. As the C65 project was cancelled, the final 8-bit offering from CBM remained the triple-mode, 1–2 MHz, 128 kB (expandable), C64-compatible Commodore 128 of 1985.

download screenshot: C65 Commodore Ebay Auction 18-12-2009

source: ebay auction wikipedia

Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

(Italian) Sito di Vincenzo Scarpa: Aggiornamento della sezione Biblioteca

December 17th, 2009 No comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Categories: C64/SX64, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.8.3 Released

December 17th, 2009 No comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family. The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64.

Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2009-12-16 – release 0.8.3

  • Bugfix: Really prevent random corruption on FAT32 media.
  • Bugfix: Free buffer after copying files.

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

MMC Replay vs. 1541 Ultimate Videoreview *Link Updated*

December 16th, 2009 No comments

from 1541ultimate Forum:

Videoreview about the comparison of “MMC Replay” (Individual Computers) and “1541 Ultimate” with an detailed tutorial about connecting and using.

Also it shows some very interesting additional features like using a real 1541 drive together with 1541U.

-> Video 1 – Introduction
-> Video 2 – Test: MMC Replay
-> Video 3 – Test: 1541 Ultimate 1/2
-> Video 4 – Test: 1541 Ultimate 2/2 + Fazit

source: 1541ultimate Forum

VIC-20 Low Cost Multi-Cart / Development Cart

December 15th, 2009 No comments

VIC20-Low Cost MultiCartridgesfrom Homepage:

I designed this project after I recently dug my Commodore VIC-20 out of storage.  Some of my game cartridges needed much cleaning, and even after that, some didn’t work anymore.

The Multicart was developed so that multiple games could be played on a single cartridge.  The VIC-20 had many excellent arcade games like Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Frogger, Dig Dug, …ect.

This cartridge combines 32 of the best VIC-20 arcade games on one cartridge.


Commodore 64 Datel EX64 Cartridge Expander

December 14th, 2009 1 comment
Commodore 64 Datel EX64 Multi Cartridges


Datel’s 3 Slot Cartridge Expander for Commodore 64 (works on a 128 in 64 mode only).


  • Accepts 3 Cartridges.
  • Switch in/out any slot.
  • Fully Buffered.
  • Onboard safety fuse.
  • High Grade PCB.
  • Reset Button.

DLH’s Commodore Archive *Updated*

December 11th, 2009 No comments

DLH's Commodore ArchiveDLH’s Commodore Archive latest news:

  • 1084-P Service Manual 314890-01 (1988 July) (39 pages)
  • 1084-D PAL Service Manual (45 pages)
  • Super Snapshot V5.2 (Dutch)
  • Tech Topics Issue 29 1990 Apr-Jun (25 pages)
  • Tech Topics Issue 30 1990 Jul-Sep (12 pages)
  • Tech Topics Issue 31 1990 Oct-Dec (18 pages)

source: DLH Commodore Archive

Released EasyProg v1.4.0 for EasyFlash Cartridge

December 10th, 2009 No comments

EasyProg is a program for the C64. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.


  • Support files split and compressed with EasySplit.
  • Support for xbank format.
  • Sort directory entries case-insensitive.
  • Allow 255 entries in directory dialog.

source: easyflash homepage

CBS ColecoVision Secam alternative RGB pinouts from

December 6th, 2009 No comments

ColecoVision.dkCBS ColecoVision RGB pinouts only for the French (Secam) AV Out version.

Here my first ColecoVision RGB hack.


Cartograph V1.2 by Arkanix Labs

December 5th, 2009 No comments

Cartograph by Arkanix LabsCartograph is a native Commodore 64 application created for designing tile-based maps/levels.

This versatile tool allows you to create maps and levels for your games, matrices and data for demos and tools and much more.


  • New: “Data Types” support has been built in.
  • New: press spacebar to print a space on the screen.
  • New: top window changes color depending on which editing mode you are in.  Gray = regular edit, blue = data edit.
  • Fixed: the z-bug is fixed.  we can now load files with z in the file name.
  • Fixed: menu has been updated to American only spelling and the version # is now located in the bottom right corner (web site removed)
  • Fixed: 40×25 screenshot save was not saving the very last byte.  now it is.
  • Fixed: project loader used to abort if an error was found (ie file not found).  it now continues through and still tries to load all remaining project files.
  • Fixed: when editing in multicolour mode and then going into menu, some text would appear in multicolour instead of hires.


CBMXfer v0.27b (Front-End for CBM4Win/CBMLink)

December 3rd, 2009 No comments

CBMXfer Front-End for CBM4Win/CBMLinkfrom Homepage:

CBMXfer is a GUI, or Front-End, to several command-line utilities. CBMXfer makes using those utilities easy by providing a familiar windows interface that removes the need to learn the commandline syntax of each program.

These commandline utilities are:

  • CBM4WIN – transfers files/images to/from a real CBM drive connected via an ‘X-cable’ on the parallel port.
  • CBMLINK – transfers files/images to/from a real CBM drive connected to a real CBM computer connected to the PC via a serial cable.
  • C1541 – a utility from VICE that works with CBM Image Files (ie: D64/D81 files).

What can I do with it?

  • Transfer files to or from real CBM drives.
  • Create D64 and other images files from real CBM disks.
  • Write D64 and other files back to real CBM disks.
  • Transfer files from WITHIN Image Files.
  • View Commodore BASIC listings for all machine types.
  • Simple file operations like copy, delete, rename.
  • Launch VICE and attach disk images plus autorun.

source: Steve J. Gray Homepage

Xad’s 6581<>8580 Switcher. PCB and HOT Swap made by Arkanoid

December 3rd, 2009 No comments

I’m the creator of the SID 6581<>8580 Switcher (here the original project).

I’m Very happy to see my project on the net. Arkanoid (a user of Lemon64 Forum) has done a very nice PCB with some fixes. Very nice job.

This is not a SId2Sid Clone.


Plus/4 Ftp Archive

December 2nd, 2009 No comments

Plus/4 Ftp ArchiveA new Ftp archive is available with Plus/4 demo’s, documentation, games, magazines, parties and tools.

The archive is will be kept up to date by Luca. All changes are available in the txt file in the main folder.


My 80s year homebrew T-Shirt of Dracula Soft

November 30th, 2009 No comments
Homebrew T-Shirt of Dracula Soft

This is my old T-Shirt of “Dracula Soft” found and photographed. The Dracula Soft logo is made by my brother.

Berzerk Redux v1.8 by Martin Piper

November 29th, 2009 No comments

Berzerk Redux by Martin PiperBerzerk Redux for Commodore 64 is based on the classic arcade game Bezerk and is a multi-directional shooter video Arcade game from Stern Electronics.

source: wikipedia