Some Pocket Electronics calculators

November 12th, 2009 No comments
Pocket Electronic Calculator


Short Description:

  • Commodore GL-979D (1975) – 7 Digit green VFD.
  • MD2 888m (1976) – 8 Digit red LED.
  • Texas Instruments TI-30 (1976) – 8 Digit red LED.


CBM FileFinder v0.60 v1.0 Beta

November 11th, 2009 No comments

CBM FileFinderLittle tool useful to find a specific file inside common emulator file formats (such as D64, T64, G64, CRT and so on) or information inside SID files.

You can find, for example, SID from Rob Hubbard, or a specific SEQ file in all your files.

It comes with a complete help file.


Rob Hubbard’s Best Demo by Crypt

November 10th, 2009 No comments

robHubbardThis is a Rob Hubbard’s Demo by Crypt, one of My Favorite Musicians.


(Italian) MC-MicroComputer dal 1981 al 2001 Online!

November 9th, 2009 No comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Free PaperToys based on obscure UK Videogames of the 1980s

November 8th, 2009 No comments

PaperToysYou can download the PDF of:

  • Rick Dangerous
  • Cybersnake (Switchblade)
  • Hiro (Switchblade)

print them out and have fun with them.


Working in progress for the new 1541U-II

November 7th, 2009 No comments

1541 Ultimatefrom 1541 Ultimate homepage:

It is about time to release some news about the 1541U-II. I think some of you must be really curious about the extra features and possibilities that the 1541U-II give, and about the progress on production and firmware. To start off with the 1541U-II features, I can tell you that it differs from the ‘standard’ 1541U Plus/Ethernet that:

  • the board itself is about 30% smaller than the 1541U;
  • it has a MicroSD connector, instead of a full-size SD;
  • it has a real-time-clock function, for correct file time and date;
  • it has a larger FPGA, which enables the implementation of more features;
  • it has a USB Host port, which can be used to connect USB-sticks;
  • it is targeted to have a suitable case for the device.

Some of you have written in the forums, that the MicroSD connector is not much of an improvement. But the rationale behind going to MicroSD is mainly the available space on the board is less, and that with the addition of a USB-A port, the average user will use the usb-stick rather than the SD-card.

So the MicroSD-card does not need to be removed from the cartridge very often. However, because at the moment that I announced the 1541U-II, the USB port was not yet tested, I could not reveal this feature as I did not want to make promises that I can’t keep.

1541U-IIThe USB turns out to be quite a bit of work to get it to work, but I can now announce that I managed to implement enough of a host-controller function to be able to talk to USB devices and send the most basic commands to access a mass-storage device. I am quite close to have implemented the ‘read-block’ and ‘write-block’ functions, which is the interface level that the file system module uses. In other words, I expect to be able to access the (FAT) file-system on the USB stick quite soon!

How will it work for the user? My objective is to have one ‘directory’ level above the current root of the SD-card, where you can select which partition you want to browse. There the USB flash drive becomes visible, as well as the MicroSD card, if present.


Atari 1040 STf TOS Eprom Upgrade v1.04

November 6th, 2009 No comments
Yep, it's works!

Some Screenshots :


EasyFlash Cartridge Tools Collection by

November 6th, 2009 No comments

Easyflash ToolsThat’s an CRT image with some C00L C64 Utility for the EasyFlash cartridge.

source: noname.c64 org

Commodore Vic 20 Games by Jeffrey Daniels

November 2nd, 2009 No comments

VIC<20 Denial LogoWebpage with some Commodore VIC-20 Games written by Jeffrey Daniels.


Categories: I miei preferiti, Today

The shop of the website for8Bits is Open

October 31st, 2009 No comments

for8bits HomepageThis shop offers selected open-source projects in kit form for the classical computers
Commodore C64 and VIC-20.


  • C-64 EasyFlash.
  • VIC-20 Final Expansion.


Commodore 64 DiskMagazine – Vandalism News #52

October 31st, 2009 No comments

Onslaught / Wrath Designs / Vandalism new stuff, bring you the 52th Vandalism News, released at the Syntax DemoParty 2009.


DTV Keyboard Twister: Enhancement and Fix by abraXxl (

October 30th, 2009 No comments

Keyboard Twister by Shadowolf is an ATtiny45-based hardware solution to fix some issues in the DTV’s keyboard emulation.

A user “abraXxl” on has introduced some fix and enhancement of this cool project.

source: (only German language)

Categories: DTV, News & Rumors, Today

Update Hidden Power BBS: FlashTerm client

October 28th, 2009 No comments

Hidden Power with FlashTerm

Hidden Power BBS now use FlashTerm client for telnet via web.

A old website with 328 C64 Games in M2i format

October 27th, 2009 1 comment

M2I C64 GamesClick here to jump to the M2i c64 games website. The file estension M2i is used by the SD2Iec interface.

Categories: Favorite Links, Today

Cartograph V1.1 by Arkanix Labs

October 25th, 2009 1 comment

Cartograph by Arkanix LabsCartograph is a native Commodore 64 application created for designing tile-based maps/levels.

This versatile tool  allows you to create maps and levels for your games, matrices and data for demos and tools and much more.


  • Converter tool is now built directly into editor (export feature) and will convert a map from 256×128 (Cartograph standard) to whichever size is specified in the preset menu.
  • Updated menu screen to include the above converter.
  • Fixed a startup bug where the map size is different than what is specified in the preset menu.
  • Minor color touchups to the filename requestor box in the menu.
  • Centering feature to jump to the very middle of the map in editing mode.


Categories: C64/SX64, News & Rumors, Today