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from Wikipedia:
The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries’ second generation home video game console which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered arcade-quality graphics and gaming style, the ability to play Atari 2600 video games, and the means to expand the system’s basic hardware.
Released with a catalog of twelve launch titles, with an additional ten games announced for 1982, approximately 125 titles in total were published as ROM cartridges for the system between 1982 and 1984.
source: wikipedia colecovision faq
This is a really nice project for get a usb in a Suncom TAC-2 JoyStick.
- Country: USA/Europe
- Most Common: Usa
- Rarity: Rare
- Year: 1983
from Wikipedia:
Aquarius is a home computer designed by Radofin and released by Mattel in 1983.
It features a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a rubber chiclet keyboard, 4K of RAM memory, and a subset of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. It connects to a television set and uses a cassette tape recorder for secondary data storage. A limited number of peripherals, such as a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer/plotter, and a 300 baud modem, were released for the unit.
source: Wikipedia
This is an all-black version of the Atari 2600 Jr. There is no silver band, and there is only a small rainbow, and the Atari Fuji and “Atari 2600″ appear in white above the rainbow. We believe this version was only sold in Ireland.
from Wikipedia:
The Atari 2600 is a video game console released in October 1977. It is credited with popularizing the use of microprocessor-based hardware and cartridges containing game code, instead of having non-microprocessor dedicated hardware with all games built in.
The first game console to use this format was the Fairchild Channel F. However the Atari 2600 is credited with making the plug-in concept popular among the game-playing public.
Click here for the others pieces of my Atari console Collections.
source: wikipedia
from ArduinoNut Blog:
A little vulgar I know, but it’s an adequate expression of how I’m feeling right now. The SD2IEC is working beautifully.
Up to this point it was suffering from some syndrome resulting in erratic behaviour at best to a more normal position of outright refusal to work. I could make things work sometimes by shimmying wires around, so this seemed to be the obvious first move.
I stripped all the long wires away and remade the connections. It’s often easier to see where a wire should be routed second time around…
This program can be used to make images or logos for the Plus/4 on a PC (Windows).
V0.64: 2009-06-03
- Preview window added.
- Screen update optimization: faster performance.
- PRG file import and export works better.
- Minor bugfixes.
The improvised sequel to Bally-Midway’s Omega Race.
An arcade-style space shooter making use of the VIC Software Sprite Stack – 4th edition. Includes source and documentation to the story line and game instructions.
The C= Easter egg is also included.
source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)
Loriano’s 1541 Ultimate Case:
Click here to see the final pictures of the new add-on for cartridge mode operation of the 1541 Ultimate Case. For order please email Loriano directly.
Find 108 hits of the Neo Geo on a single cartridge, all type are present. This cartridge uses a on-screen menu that allows you to choose the game you wish to play.
- 108 Games on only one cardridge.
- You can change parameter on each game.
- Just hold the player 1 start button down for 5 seconds to return to the game selection menu.
The Chip with the label erased on Photo #11 is a Atmel AT89S52 datasheet
Original Stickers from SNK.
As announced at the C4 EXPO, I am working with Mark Fellows (Highland IT Solutions) to finalize a licensing agreement for ‘JiffyDOS’ ROM Overlay manufacture and distribution.
In addition to hardware ROM enhancement units, I will also offer image downloads for 1541 Ultimate, C64DTV, and emulator users, as well as an amnesty offering for unlicensed copies.
To minimize manual manufacturing processes inherent in the current EPROM-based JiffyDOS offerings, my goal is to utilize the ROM-el EEPROM/FLASH solution for JiffyDOS hardware offerings.
This beta release of the 1541-III firmware holds lot’s and lot’s of new features. But the most important feature of it all also makes it the most useable version of all 1541-III firmware releases. Why, because it supports JiffyDos. JiffyDos consists of a fastloader that makes all disk acces much and much faster. Making the use of your precious commodore much more fun.
For those who are not familiar with the JiffyDos, just google, otherwise, thrust me. It’s really usefull. JiffyDos speeds up ALL your diskacces. Programs or games without a fastloader used to be slow… but suddenly they become as fast as… “greased lightning!!!”. So enough about JiffyDos.
Why is this release a beta release, simply because this release holds a lot of changes made to the 1541-III’s firmware, very crucial changes. Most changes are not noticed by the user, and some are never used. But I won’t go into detail.
This release is usefull for those who want to test JiffyDos on the 1541-III. And it needs to be tested. Because it will contain bugs, therefore we need to have it tested by YOU, so YOU can make a list of programs/files that works/fails. If you can supply it with a decent description it helps us in developing/fixing the bugs. Making it into a stable release.
SCA – streamed char animation – is an animation (image sequence) with the dimension of 200×160 pixels, converted into the C64 charsets (25×20 chars).
One frame includes two multicolor charsets, the whole animation uses one static video and color RAM. SCA Converter utility (application) creates this kind of animation on Windows platforms.
application screenshot:

Cartridges list:
- Cosmic Avenger by Universal.
- Gorf by Midway.
- Donkey Kong by Nintendo.
- Mr.Do by Universal.
from Wikipedia:
The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries’ second generation home video game console which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered arcade-quality graphics and gaming style, the ability to play Atari 2600 video games, and the means to expand the system’s basic hardware.
Released with a catalog of twelve launch titles, with an additional ten games announced for 1982, approximately 125 titles in total were published as ROM cartridges for the system between 1982 and 1984.
source: wikipedia
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