Commodore Amiga 600 + Kick 3.1 + 1Mb Expansion Ram

- Country: Usa
- Most Common: Usa/Europe
- Rarity: Unrare
- Year: 1992
from Wikipedia:
The Amiga 600, also known as the A600 (codenamed “June Bug” after a B-52′s song), was a home computer introduced at the CeBIT show in March 1992.
The A600 was the final model of the original A500-esque line based around the Motorola 68000 CPU and the ECS chipset. A notable aspect of the A600 was its small size. Lacking a numeric keypad, the A600 was 14″ long by 9.5″ deep by 3″ high and weighed approximately 6 pounds. AmigaOS 2.0 was included which was generally considered more user-friendly than AmigaOS 1.3.
source: Wikipedia
1541 Ultimate – Case preview Gallery by Loriano
from 1541 Ultimate Forum:
This a short preview of the 1541U case for the 1541 Ultimate board. These photographs are taken from prototype number 1.
Next week I should get prototype number 2 which should be the final product. This is the revised design based on your needs and requests. Enjoy.
source: Loriano Homepage
Some new Games & Tools for Commodore VIC-20
Some new Games & Tools for VIC-20
- VIC Nuclear Power Plant simulator (Conversion from Commodore PET of a classic Nuclear Power Plant simulator. Play it in the glory of 40 columns!)
- How Many 700 (Enhanced version of How Many)
- Un (original card game, the object is to be the first player to rid yourself of all the cards in your hand before your opponents do so)
- Moon Patrol (BASIC port of Moon Patrol arcade)
- Ouranos! (Weather War – Conversion from Commodore PET of the classic Weather War game. Play it in the glory of 40 columns!)
- VIC-SSS (Software Sprite Stack – A programmer’s API to quickly develop arcade-style video games. Software sprites are rendered using a custom character matrix of sizes ranging from 8×8 to 16×16. Flicker-free video using double-buffering with the option of tear-free video for both NTSC and PAL machines)
- Quikman 8K (Improved arcade version of 2008 release making use of the new VIC Software Sprite Stack video effects and more features making it closely resemble a popular 1980 coin-op arcade game)
C64 Codebase back Online!
From Homepage: There have been some problems with the site (mid february, 2009). Due to some kind of spam robot, the site crashed and was rather badly messed up a few days ago. All content is still intact though, as far as I understand.
It seems that some of the plugins were abused in some way, so I have been forced to remove the discussion plugin from the site. I think there may also be some problems with access rights, so please let me know if you encounter any kind of trouble.
C64 Pixel Art by Digital Sounds System *updated*
MultiColor v0.1.1 (Win32/Linux/OSx) released by Skoe
MultiColor is an image manipulation tool for Commodore 8-bit computers’ graphics formats. It is an old-school painting program for graphicians but not an image converter. Currently VIC-II multicolor bitmap is the only supported image format.
- Written in C++, so it’s quite fast and no special runtime is required.
- Can be compiled for many platforms, because it uses wxWidgets.
- Can load Koala and Amica, file type is detected independently from file name.
- Behaviour when hitting the color-per-cell-limit can be selected.
- Undo/redo.
- Tools with realtime preview (e.g. Line)
- Basic TV emulation.
- Zoom, with grid at higher zoom factors.
SidPlay v2.5 (M$ Windows) by Inge
Thanks to Inge, now the samples waveform of Fanta in Space are working on this one too!
MUCSU-Hires Converter – (C) 2009 Algorithm / Algotech
This program converts images to a new c64 graphic format known as MUCSU Hires (MUltiColor Sprite Underlay Hires). It is merely a hiresolution bitmap image with an X expanded multicolor sprite underlay. The Hires underlay variant of this mode has been created before (known as extended hires).
After reading a few forum posts mentioning that the multicolor version of this mode was unrealistic and would provide too many restrictions, I decided to produce this converter to prove that this is not the case as well as wanting to use this particular format for my own production.
Commodore 1530 (C2N) Datasette (2nd Generation)
- Country: Usa
- Most Common: Usa/Europe
- Rarity: Unrare
- Year: ????
from Wikipedia:
The Commodore 1530 (C2N) Datasette (a portmanteau of data and cassette), was Commodore’s dedicated computer tape recorder.
It provided access to an inexpensive storage medium for Commodore’s 8-bit home/personal computers, notably the PET, VIC-20, and C64. A physically similar model Commodore 1531 was made for the Commodore 16 and Plus/4 series computers.
source: Wikipedia
C64 Pixel Art by Leon/Chorus, Resource, Singular
C64 Pixel Art by Carrion
Timanthes 3.0 beta by Mirage/Focus
Mirage has released a new version of this cool painting program can support C64 graphics mode with file export in (.PRG) format.
This version needs windows 2000 or higher and dotnet 2.0, which you can download from microsoft.
SHO-FLI Converter Update 3 – (C) 2009 Algorithm / Algotech
SHO-FLI (Sprite Hires OVerlay FLI/Sprite OVerlay Hires FLI) is a custom c64 graphic mode which features a hiresolution spriteoverlay in one color over a FLI image.
It works in exactly the same way as the SHFLI mode but the image data is wider due to using 1 sprite overlay (rather than two in SHFLI) – This GFX mode is also known as SHF-XL originally invented by Crossbow/Crest. I created this Application because this gfx mode is rather awkward to paint in. Plus there does not seem to be any converters released.
UPDATE 3 – 17/02/09
- Selective ordered dither implemented – now default Dithers pixels only if they dont fall in the c64 color range.
- White is now displayed as white.
- Ability to select background color (for asthetic purposes only. does not affect the 144×168 image)
Mini Game Compo 2009 – Container 1k C64 Game
Here’s yet another entry for the 1K games category. This time round it is Container for the Commodore C64.
Game Description:
Collect the containers before your energy runs out.
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